Product safety data sheet is a document included in the technical documentation for chemical products. The passport contains information about the properties, hazards of the substance and the main risks associated with its use. The safety data sheet is issued and registered before the goods are delivered to the market. /p>
The safety data sheet is indefinite and is not subject to registration. The text of the passport is drawn up in the official language of the country in which the chemical products are handled, but can be translated into any language if necessary./p>
Until 2017, the name (Material) Safety Data Sheet was used, now it is read obsolete. Currently, the abbreviation is used in regulatory documents of various countries, including the USAstrong>SSDS/a> (Safety Data Sheet). /strong>
The availability of a safety data sheet is one of the requirements for the supply of chemical products to most countries of the world. In terms of format and content, the SDS must comply with the legislative requirements of the country/region where deliveries are planned. SDS is required for cargo transportation, customs border crossing and obtaining licenses/certificates for chemical products./p>
The safety data sheet is registered for three or five years, depending on the hazard class of the product. Products belonging to classes 3 and 4 are registered for 5 years, for classes 1 and 2 – for 3 years./p>