Customs inspection of premises and territories/strong>

  1. Customs inspection/a> premises and territories - a form of customs control consisting in conducting a visual inspection of premises and territories, as well as goods and (or) documents located in the specified places./li>
  2. Customs inspection of premises and territories is carried out for the purpose of checking the presence or absence of goods and (or) documents that are objects of customs control in the inspected premises or territories, as well as for the purpose of checking and (or) obtaining information about such goods and (or) documents and checking the presence on goods, vehicles and their cargo premises (compartments) of customs seals, seals and other means of identification./li>
  3. Customs inspection of premises and territories may be carried out by customs authorities in order to verify the conformity of structures, premises (parts of premises) and (or) open areas (parts of open areas) intended for use or used as temporary storage warehouses, customs warehouses, free warehouses, duty-free shops, as well as intended or used for temporary storage storage of goods by authorized economic operators, the requirements and conditions established in accordance with paragraph 4 of Article 411, paragraph 5 of Article 416, paragraph 4 of Article 421, paragraph 4 of Article 426 and subparagraph 4 of paragraph 3 of Article 433span class="mytool">The EAEU TC/a>../li>
  4. Customs inspection of premises and territories in residential premises is allowed if it is provided for by the legislation of the Member States./li>
  5. Customs inspection of premises and territories is carried out upon presentation of an order for conducting a customs inspection of premises and territories and an official certificate of a customs />The form of an order to conduct a customs inspection of premises and territories is established by the legislation of the Member States on customs />The presentation of the documents specified in the first paragraph of this paragraph is not required when conducting a customs inspection of premises and territories of persons in respect of whom an on-site customs inspection is carried out./li>
  6. In case of refusal of access to the premises and to the territory, customs officials have the right to enter the premises and to the territory with the suppression of resistance and (or) with the opening of locked premises in accordance with the legislation of the Member States./li>
  7. If the legislation of a Member State provides for a special procedure for access to individual facilities, such access is carried out in accordance with the procedure established by the legislation of that Member State./li>
  8. Customs inspection of premises and territories must be carried out as soon as possible, necessary for its conduct, and may not last more than 1 working day, unless another period is established by the legislation of the Member States on customs regulation./li>
  9. The results of the customs inspection of premises and territories are drawn up by drawing up an act of customs inspection of premises and territories, the form of which is determined by the Commission./li>
  10. The act of customs inspection of premises and territories is drawn up in 2 copies, one of which is subject to delivery (direction) to the person whose premises and (or) territories were inspected, if this person is identified./li>