Regulation of wood packaging material in international trade - Annex 2 of ISPM 15/h2>

Marking and its application/h3>

Example of labeling

Marking/a>,, indicating that the wood packaging material has been subjected to approved phytosanitary treatment in accordance with this standard, includes the following required components:/p>

    div id="Символ" class="su-super-tabs-panes">

The design of the spikelet symbol (which can be registered as part of procedures at the national, regional or international level, either as a trademark or as a certification, collective or warranty mark) should be as similar as possible to the symbol shown in the examples below and should be located to the left of other elements./p>

Country code/span>
" >IISO_3166/a>)) (indicated in the examples as "XX"). It should be separated by a hyphen from the code of the material manufacturer or the processing manufacturer./p>

       div id="Код-обработки" class="su-super-tabs-panes">
Processing code/span>

& /p>


The size, font types used and marking placement may vary, but its size should be sufficient to be noticeable and legible for inspectors without the use of visual aids. This marking should have a rectangular or square shape and be located within a frame with a vertical line separating the symbol from the code elements. To facilitate the use of the stencil, small gaps in the frame, vertical line and other places among the marking elements may be allowed./p>

No other information should be contained inside the marked frame. If, in order to protect the use of marking at the national level, it is advisable to apply additional marking (for example, the manufacturer's trademarks, the logo of the authorized body), then such information may be located nearby, but outside the boundaries of the marking./p>

The marking must:/strong>

  • be picky;/span>
  • be durable and do not allow its transfer;/span>
  • to be located in a place visible when using wooden containers, preferably on at least two opposite sides of a unit of wood packaging material./span>

The marking should not be applied by />It is necessary to avoid the use of red and orange colors, as they are used for marking dangerous goods./p>

If a unit of wood packaging material consists of several elements, then for labeling purposes the resulting composite unit should be considered as a separate unit. On a composite unit of wood packaging material consisting of both processed wood and recycled wood material (if the element from the recycled material does not require processing), it seems appropriate to mark the elements from the recycled wood material to ensure that this marking is located in a prominent place and has a sufficiently large size. This approach to labeling applies only to composite integral units, and not to temporary prefabricated structures made of wood packaging material./p>

It may be necessary to pay special attention to the application of legible markings on the fastening wood, since the final pruning of the treated wood intended for use as fasteners can only be carried out when the vehicle is loaded. It is important that shippers ensure that all fastening wood used to secure or support goods is processed and marked as described in this Annex, and that this marking is clear and legible./p>

Small pieces of wood that do not have all the required marking elements should not be used as fasteners. Marking of the fastening wood can be done as follows:/p>

The following are examples of acceptable options for the location of the required marking elements used to certify that the wood packaging material bearing such a marking has been subjected to approved processing. No changes to the symbol should be accepted. Marking arrangements should be accepted provided that they comply with the requirements set out in this annex./p>

& Example 1./p>

Marking indicating that the wood packaging material has been subjected to approved phytosanitary treatment in accordance with ISPM 15 example 1

& Example 2./p>

Marking indicating that the wood packaging material has been subjected to approved phytosanitary treatment in accordance with ISPM 15 example 2

& Example 3./p>

Marking indicating that the wood packaging material has been subjected to approved phytosanitary treatment in accordance with ISPM 15 example 3

Example 4/p>

& img alt="Marking indicating that the wood packaging material has been subjected to approved phytosanitary treatment in accordance with ISPM 15 example 4" src="/images/Articles/MSFN/ispm_15_s4_vin.jpg" height="255" width="888" />

& Example 5/p>

Marking indicating that the wood packaging material has been subjected to approved phytosanitary treatment in accordance with ISPM 15 example 5

Example 6/p>

Marking indicating that the wood packaging material has been subjected to approved phytosanitary treatment in accordance with ISPM 15 example 6& /p>

& /p>