Risk profileit includes the following elements:

  1. A description of the risk area, a risk characteristic containing a description of risk indicators, risk indicator indicators, the name of customs procedures, a list of subjectsForeign economic activity, the names of customs procedures and the list of vehicles carrying goods in respect of which therisk profile, a list of customs authorities in which the risk profile is applied, as well as exceptions to the risk profile;
  2. The list of direct measures to minimize risks indicates the description and code of measures to minimize risks, the main characteristics of customs inspection, as well as the code in accordance with the table of indicators necessary for the formation of the type of customs inspection:X X X X XX X XX
  3. Contact information this column contains the name of the division of customs authorities for monitoring the action of the risk profile, as well as the contact person of this division.

The explanatory note to the draft risk profile should contain the following information:

  • sources of information based on the analysis of which the draft risk profile was developed;
  • description of the logical and computational operations used in identifying the risk (If the risk is identified using the target risk identification methodology approved by the Federal Customs Service of Russia, only the calculation is given without describing the logical and computational operations);
  • assessment of the risk level with a description of the potential negative consequences of the risk;
  • the proposed period of validity of the risk profile and the estimated number of batches of goods in respect of which will be appliedmeasures to minimize risksaccording to the risk profile.

Paper copies of the draft risk profile and an explanatory note to it, formed using a special software tool, are signed by the head of the structural unit of the customs authority that identified the risk. The documents are coordinated with the head of the coordinating unit and the first deputy head of the customs authority for customs control in terms of determining risk indicators, the list and the procedure for applying risk minimization measures.

In case of attribution of the identified risk situation, which served as the basis for the publication of the draft risk profile, draft urgent risk profile or orientation project to the competence of another structural subdivision of the customs authority (the use of risk indicators and measures to minimize risks attributed to the competence of another structural subdivision), such draft risk profiles, urgent risk profiles or orientations together with explanatory notes to them are coordinated with the relevant structural subdivision of the customs authority.

The electronic communication of information about the risk profile providesGNIVCThe Federal Customs Service of Russia as part of the electronic directory. In paper form, the risk profile is brought to the customs authorities by a legal act of the Federal Customs Service of Russia.

After signing and approving the draft risk profile and an explanatory note to it, the authorized official of the coordinating unit of the customs authority registers the draft risk profile in the registration log and assigns a registration number in the format00 / TTTTT / DDMMGGGG / XXXXXX, the numbering of risk profile projects is end-to-end and is not reset at the beginning of the calendar year.

A risk profile is considered to be a draft risk profile (not valid) until it is assigned a registration number in accordance with the decision (positive resolution) of an authorized official of the FCS of Russia on a memo from a coordinating or structural subdivision of the FCS of Russia (on the direction of automatic and/or automated risk profiles) or such a person signs a letter from the FCS of Russia (on the direction of an informal risk profile).

If the head of the department of the Federal Customs Service of Russia responsible for the coordination and application of RMS determines that the draft risk profile under consideration has been developed in the direction of the activities of several structural divisions of the Federal Customs Service of Russia, then the project is considered by authorized officials of such divisions of the Federal Customs Service of Russia at a joint working meeting convened in the coordinating division of the Federal Customs Service of Russia, within 10 days of consideration of the project risk profile.

Based on the results of the joint workshop, the expediency of developing a risk profile is determined, as well as the structural unit of the Federal Customs Service of Russia responsible for its further development. The coordinating unit of the Federal Customs Service of Russia records the results of the workshop in the minutes and makes the necessary entries in the appropriate fields of the journal.

There are several possible types of resolutions on the memo:

Appropriate (based on the draft risk profile, a risk profile will be developed)

If the contractor, based on the results of reviewing the draft risk profile in agreement with the direct head of the department of the coordinating or structural division of the FCS of Russia, recognizes it as appropriate. The contractor prepares, using a special software tool, a draft risk profile and an explanatory note to it within 2 working days from the date of assigning the "Appropriate" status to the risk profile project.

The contractor, within 2 working days from the date of assigning the "Expedient" status to the risk profile project, prepares a draft risk profile and an explanatory note to it using a special software tool.

Inappropriate (risk profile will not be developed)

The contractor indicates the rationale for the inexpediency of the risk profile project.

Collecting information (additional information is required to review the draft risk profile)

If, in order to review the draft risk profile and make a decision on its appropriateness, a structural subdivision of the Federal Customs Service of Russia requires additional information from other public authorities, institutions or organizations. A risk profile project can have the status "Information Collection" for no more than 60 working days from the date of its assignment.

Revision of the FCS of Russia (the draft risk profile requires revision in the FCS of Russia)

If the contractor needs additional time to analyze information related to the content of the risk profile project. The draft risk profile must be finalized within 10 working days from the date of assigning it the status of "Revision of the FCS of Russia".

Revision of the RTU or customs (the draft risk profile is aimed at revision in the RTU)

If the project has a risk profile accordinglyMOUTHThe customs code contains significant shortcomings, to eliminate which it needs to be finalized by the customs authority that developed it and sent it to the FCS of Russia. The contractor indicates information about the requirements for finalizing the draft risk profile in the corresponding field of the journal.

The draft risk profile must be finalized by the RTU (customs) within 10 working days from the date of entering information in the journal about the need for its revision. After finalizing the draft risk profile, the coordinating unit of the customs authority re-sends it to the Federal Customs Service of Russia in the same manner as the procedure for sending draft risk profiles. At the same time, a new version number is assigned to the electronic copy of the risk profile project using a special software tool (while maintaining the previous registration number of the risk profile).

Request of the RTU (the conclusion of the RTU on the draft risk profile is required)

If it is required to obtain the conclusion of the relevant structural subdivision of the RTU, in the region of activity of which the customs that developed the draft risk profile is located, on the feasibility of developing a risk profile. The request in the RTU is sent by making a record of the content of the requested information in the appropriate field of the log and specifying the addressee of the request - the RTU division, in the field of activity of which the risk profile project has been developed. The draft risk profile of the customs is considered by the specified division of the RTU and the coordinating division of the RTU within 10 working days from the date of receipt of the request.

Based on the results of the RTU's review of the risk profile project, the official in whose line of activity the risk profile project has been developed enters information about the conclusion of the risk profile project in the journal, indicates his surname, initials and, after coordination with the coordinating unit of the RTU, sends information to the FCS of Russia.

Taking into account the results obtained, the executor of the risk profile project in the Federal Customs Service of Russia, within 5 working days from the date of receipt of the conclusion of the RTU, assigns an electronic copy of the risk profile project one of the four above statuses ("Expedient", "Inappropriate", "Revision of the Federal Customs Service of Russia", "Collection of information").

After approval of the draft risk profile and explanatory note with the relevant structural units of the FCS of Russia and making the necessary changes to it (availability of appropriate visas on the draft letter of the FCS of Russia or draft memo to the authorized official of the FCS of Russia), the contractor prints an electronic copy of the risk profile generated using a special software tool and signs it, as well as It is submitted for signature to the head of the structural unit of the Federal Customs Service of Russia or to the person replacing him, regardless of the territorial scope of the risk profile.

The executor of the risk profile project attaches the signed and agreed risk profile to the draft letter of the FCS of Russia (for sending non-formalized risk profiles) or a memo to an authorized official of the FCS of Russia. 

A letter or a memo containing a risk profile, depending on the territorial area of its operation, signs:
  • the head of the Federal Customs Service of Russia for all-Russian risk profiles or;
  • Deputy Head of the Federal Customs Service of Russia, supervising the structural subdivision of the Federal Customs Service of Russia, in the field of activity of which the risk for regional risk profiles has been identified, or either;
  • the head of the structural division of the Federal Customs Service of Russia, in the field of activity of which the risk for zonal risk profiles has been identified.

As a justification for the approval of the risk profile, a draft risk profile and an explanatory note of the structural subdivision of the Federal Customs Service of Russia, as well as printouts of electronic copies of the draft risk profile and explanatory notes of the RTU or customs, the conclusion of the RTU on the draft risk profile of customs (if requested) are attached to it.

After the imposition of a positive resolution on a memo or letter containing a profile of agreement with the direction of the risk profile incustoms authorities, an official of a structural or coordinating unit of the Federal Customs Service of Russia that has prepared a risk profile, within one working day from the date of receipt of a signed letter or memo with a positive resolution:

  1. Gets the registration number of the risk profile in the divisionGUOTOiTK, responsible for the coordination and application of the RMS.
  2. Registers a letter from the Federal Customs Service of Russia containing a risk profile in the Department of Affairs of the Federal Customs Service of Russia
  3. Informs the coordinating unit of the Federal Customs Service of Russia of the details of the letter of the Federal Customs Service of Russia containing the risk profile (or a memo containing the risk profile and having a positive resolution of consent with the direction of the risk profile to the customs authorities).

The coordinating unit of the Federal Customs Service of Russia, within an hour of receiving the information, assigns an electronic copy of the risk profile using a special software tool, a registration number in the format XX / XXXXXX / DDMMGGGG / XXXXXX, the numbering of risk profiles is end-to-end and is not reset at the beginning of the calendar year.