Phytosanitary requirements for soybeans, corn, aspic rice and rapeseed imported from the Russian Federation

In accordance with the "PRC Law on Quarantine of Animals and Plants Imported and Exported across the Border", "Regulations on the Application of the PRC Law on Quarantine of Animals and Plants Imported and Exported across the Border", "PRC Law on Food Safety", "Regulations on the Application of the PRC Law on Food Safety", "The Law of the People's Republic of China on the Inspection of Import and Export Goods", "Regulations on the Application of the Law of the People's Republic of China on the Inspection of Import and Export Goods", "Regulations of the People's Republic of China on the Management of GMO Safety in Agriculture", "Protocol between the Federal Service for Veterinary and Phytosanitary Surveillance of the Russian Federation and the Main State Administration for Quality Control, Inspection and Quarantine of the Chinese of the People's Republic of China on phytosanitary requirements for soybeans, corn, aspic rice and rapeseed imported into the People's Republic of China"

Allowed soybeans, corn, aspic rice and rapeseed intended for processing and not intended for cultivation are to be imported.

The production areas from which the export of soybeans, corn and aspic rice to China is allowed are limited to the Khabarovsk Territory, Primorsky Territory, Trans-Baikal Territory, Amur Region and the Jewish Autonomous Region. The territory of rapeseed production for export to China is limited to the lands of Siberia and the Far East.

List of harmful organisms of quarantine significance

 For soy  For corn  For aspic rice  For rapeseed
Diaporthephaseolorum var. caulivora Maize dwarf mosaic virus   Trogodermagranarium Everts Leptosphaeriamaculans(Desm.) De Not. 
Verticilliumalbo-dark Sitophilus granaries  Sitophilus granaries Verticilliumdahliaekekleb.
Verticilliumdahliae  Acanthoscelidesobtectus  Macrophominaphaseolina Pseudomonas syringaepv. maculicola (McCulloch) Young et al.
Curtobacteriumflaccumfacienspv. flaccumfaciens Trogodermagranarium Everts  Acanthospermumhispidum Heteroderaschachtii Schmidt
Pseudomonas savastanoipv. phaseolicola Acanthospermumhispidum  Cenchrusincertu Trogoderma spp. (non-Chinese)
Arabis mosaic virus Ambrosiaartemisiifolia  Sorghum halepense (L. ) Bruchus spp.(non-Chinese)
Southern bean mosaic virus Ambrosiatrifida   Sitophilus granaries (L.)
Tobacco ringspot virus Ambrosiatrifida   AvenaludovicianaDurien
Tobacco streak virus Cenchrusincertus   Centaurearepens L.
Tomato ringspot virus Centaruearepens L   Centaureadiffusa Lamarck
Acanthoscelidesobtectus (Say) EuphorbiadentataMichx   Cuscuta spp.
Callosobruchusmaculatus Sorghum halepense (L. )   Loliumtemulentum L.
Acanthospermumhispidum Xanthiumspinosum   Sorghumhalepense (L.) Pers. (Johnsongrass and its cross breeds)
Ambrosia artemisiifolia     Ambrosia spp
Ambrosia trifida     SolanumrostratumDunal
Ambrosia ailostachya     Solanumcarolinense L.
Anodacristata     Orobanche spp.
Cuscuta spp      
Euphorbia dentataMichx      
Solanum triflorum      
Sorghum halepense      


Requirements prior to shipment and transportation

The Russian side must:

  • To monitor harmful organisms of quarantine significance for the PRC in the production sites of soybeans, corn, aspic rice and rapeseed onexport, guided by the relevant standardsIPPC, as well as leave monitoring records.
  • Implement comprehensive preventive measures, reduce the degree of occurrence of harmful organisms of quarantine significance for the PRC, as well as monitor the production sector of soybeans, corn, aspic rice and rapeseed.
  • In accordance with the requirements of the Chinese side to provide the Chinese side with information on the above-mentioned monitoring results and preventive measures.
  • To register exporting enterprises and storages of soybeans, corn, aspic rice and rapeseed, to ensure compliance with appropriate preventive measures and cleaning, as well as to provide the Chinese side with a list of registered exporters and storages before exporting registered enterprises to China. The list of registered enterprises is updated in real time on the website of the Department of Animals and Plants of the Main Directorate. Chinese enterprises engaged in the cultivation and storage of grain crops in Russia must submit an application for registration to the competent authorities of Russia in the field of phytosanitary and meet the above requirements for inspection and quarantine supervision. Enterprises that have not yet been officially registered are subject to interim measures, under the conditions of compliance with the above-mentioned relevant regulatory legal acts of the Main Directorate and Inspection and Quarantine Offices of the Inner Mongolia Autonomous Republic, Heilongjiang and Jilin provinces, enterprises that meet the conditions and are registered can import.
  • To carry out quarantine supervision in the process of processing, storage and transportation of soybeans, corn, rice and rapeseed, to take measures to reduce the risk, to prevent the penetration of harmful organisms of quarantine significance for the PRC contained in transported grain crops. The content of live insects, specially added grain impurities or other foreign impurities is prohibited. Soybeans, corn, rice and rapeseed imported to China must undergo appropriate screening and cleaning in order to effectively eliminate soil, plant residues and weed seeds. During processing, storage and transportation, the above products should not be stored together with products originating from regions not listed above. Soybeans, corn, rice and rapeseed imported into China must be transported in a package or in a special grain carrier in order to avoid spillage and leakage of grain during transportation.Vehiclesthey must comply with sanitary and anti-epidemic requirements.

Pre-export requirements

Before exporting soybeans, corn, rice and rapeseed to China, the Chinese side sends phytosanitary specialists to Russia to carry out a preliminary inspection of production sites, reviews and evaluates the effectiveness of the system of cultivation, transportation and export of soybeans, corn, rice and rapeseed; the Russian side assists the Chinese side in conducting a preliminary inspection, guarantees compliance with phytosanitary import requirements of imported in China, soybeans, corn, rice and rapeseed. If necessary, both sides can negotiate and jointly send technical specialists for on-site research. Before export, the Russian side quarantines soybeans, corn, rice and rapeseed imported into China. If the protocol requirements are met , the Russian side issuesphytosanitary certificatebased on the relevant IPPC standards, and also indicates in the attached declaration: "This batch of corn/rice/soy/rapeseed meets the phytosanitary requirements of the protocol (dated December 17, 2015) for corn/rice/soy/rapeseed imported from Russia." The Russian side provides the Chinese side with a sample of the phytosanitary certificate in advance for its identification and accounting verification.

Imported soybeans must comply with the requirements of the "Law of the People's Republic of China on Quarantine of Animals and Plants Imported and Exported across the Border" and its provisions on application, "The Law of the People's Republic of China on Food Safety" and its provisions on application, "The Law of the People's Republic of China on Inspection of Imported and Exported Goods" and its provisions on application, "The Regulations of the People's Republic of China on GMO safety management in agriculture" and other regulatory legal acts, relevant standards and regulations.

According to and .3 Protocols on requirements for Corn, Rice, Soybeans, Rapeseed, the Russian Side ensures state control during the transportation of corn, rice, soybeans, rapeseed for export until the time of shipment, taking all possible measures to reduce the likelihood of the development of quarantine pests for the PRC and to exclude the presence of grain and other foreign impurities.

In accordance with paragraph 4 of the Protocol on requirements for Corn, Rice, Soy, rapeseed, the Russian Side in the process of storage, transportation of corn, rice, soy, rapeseed before shipment for export takes measures to clean the grain of these crops in order to remove soil, residues of plant parts, seeds of dangerous weeds and other foreign impurities.

According to paragraph 3 of the Protocol on Requirements for Meal, cake products must be free of harmful organisms of quarantine significance for the PRC, other living harmful organisms, animal excrement or remains, bird feathers, soil, as well as genetically modified components that are not officially registered in accordance with the national legislation of the PRC.

According to the International Standard on Phytosanitary Measures No. 7 "Export Certification System" (Rome, 1997), export cargoes certified in accordance with the export certification system must meet the current phyto-sanitary requirements of the importing country.

In accordance with paragraph 4 of the International Standard on Phytosanitary Measures No. 12 "Guide to Phytosanitary Certificates" (Rome, 2011), phytosanitary certificates should be issued only if it is confirmed that the import phytosanitary requirements are met.

By virtue of paragraph 7 of the Rules on Quarantine Supervision and Control at the Border during the Import and Export of Grain crops, approved by the Order of the Main State Administration of the People's Republic of China for Quality Control, Inspection and Quarantine dated 20.01.2016 No. 177 (posted on the, the addition of impurities to grain imported to China is prohibited.

In this regard, phytosanitary certification of grain products, as well as cake and meal in China is possible only if the above requirements are met.

Thus, in the presence of foreign impurities in batches of grain, meal and cake intended for export to China, the Rosselkhoznadzor Administration for Primorsky Krai and Sakhalin Oblast will refuse to issue a phytosanitary certificate due to non-compliance of the batch of quarantined products with the phytosanitary requirements of the importing country according to paragraph 14 of the Procedure for issuing a phytosanitary certificate, re-export phytosanitary certificate, quarantine certificate approved by the order of the Ministry of Agriculture of Russia dated 13.07.2016 No. 293.

Quarantine review and approval

Before importing soybeans, corn, rice and rapeseed, the cargo owner or his representative must submit an application to the General Directorate for obtaining a "Quarantine permit for the import of plants and animals". The import of soybeans, corn, rice and rapeseed is carried out from established checkpoints that meet the relevant requirements, the production and processing of grain is carried out at enterprises that have satisfactorily passed the inspection and quarantine department.  Soy, corn, rice and rapeseed are being checked for the presence of a "Quarantine permit for the import of plants and animals" issued by the General Directorate. The cargo declaring GM products is being checked for the presence of an accompanying "Safety Certificate of agricultural GMOs".

With respect to imported soybeans, corn, rice and rapeseed, it is necessary to carry out inspection and quarantine and pay special attention to the quarantine-related harmful organisms specified in paragraph 4 of these Requirements, based on the "Control Rules for inspection and quarantine of imported and exported grain crops and feed" (Decree of the General Directorate No. 7), "Working Manual on inspection and quarantine of plants", the relevant provisions of the "Working Regulations on Field Inspections and Quarantine of Imported Grain crops transported in containers" (draft) (Main Directorate [2007], No. 7) and other relevant legal acts. After import, soybeans, corn, rice and rapeseed are used for processing, direct admission of these crops to the market is prohibited, use for cultivation is prohibited. Inspection and quarantine departments should carry out quarantine supervision to prevent spillage and leakage of imported crops during transportation, as well as compliance with phytosanitary anti-epidemic requirements of the PRC of transportation, loading and unloading processes. Inspection and quarantine departments should monitor weeds contained in soybeans, corn, rice and rapeseed imported from Russia, and other foreign epidemic situations in accordance with the Guidelines of the General Directorate for Monitoring Harmful Organisms. In cases of non-compliance with the requirements for the interception of quarantine pests, the following measures are applied: the consignment is subject to effective pest control treatment and then allowed for import. In the absence of effective pest control treatmentcargosubject to return or destruction. The corresponding costs are paidAN EXPORTER.

Under serious circumstances, the import of grain from the relevant Russian exporters, storage facilities and exporting regions is temporarily suspended until effective corrective measures are taken to improve the situation. If other harmful organisms of quarantine significance are found that are not specified in the requirements, it is necessary to take appropriate measures in accordance with the "Law of the People's Republic of China on Quarantine of Animals and Plants Imported and Exported across the Border" and its provisions on application. Other inspection and quarantine requirements In accordance with the "Law of the People's Republic of China on Food Safety" and its provisions on application, "Law of the People's Republic of China on Inspection of Import and Export Goods" and its provisions on application, "Regulation of the People's Republic of China on the Management of GMO Safety in Agriculture" and other relevant regulations safety and sanitation of imported grain, GMOs and other characteristics must comply with PRC standards. In case of detection of cases of non-compliance according to the law, it is necessary to take appropriate measures for inspection and quarantine.

All information about grain exports to China is available on the Rosselkhoznadzor website.

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