Chemical Safety Data Sheet (Material Safety Data Sheet)MSDSthis an international document that is a mandatory part of the technical documentation for chemical products (substance, mixture, material, industrial waste) and is intended to provide consumers with reliable information on the safety of industrial use, storage, transportation and disposal of chemical products, as well as its use for domestic purposes. The MSDS name was used until 2017, but is currently considered obsolete. Currently, the abbreviation is used in regulatory documents of various countries, including the USASDS(Safety Data Sheet).

The safety data sheet is developed for products used in everyday life or industry and necessarily contains information that is necessary to ensure the safety of people's lives and the safety of health, property and the environment.

The presence of the document is necessary for cargo transportation, customs clearance and when obtaining other permits.

The safety data sheet of chemical products contains information:

  • about physical characteristics (melting point, boiling point, ignition temperature, etc.);
  • about toxicity;
  • about the impact on health;
  • about first aid methods;
  • about chemical activity;
  • about storage conditions;
  • about processing conditions;
  • about the use of protective equipment and special means;
  • about the methods of neutralization.

The production of a safety data sheet is the responsibility of the manufacturer, so several documents can be found for the same substanceSDS(MSDS).
They may differ in volume and detail, but in points related to safety, semantic differences, as a rule, are not very significant.

The safety data sheet contains information that describes the danger of the substance, the rules for working with it and methods of neutralization.

The material safety data sheet is not a primary information source, it cannot serve as an authoritative reference of the physical and chemical characteristics of substances.

Product safety data sheet SDS (MSDS)you can find it on the following sites.

On the territory of the Russian Federation Until 1993, there were no uniform documents that would contain all the information about chemical products, about all their dangerous properties, as well as about the safe handling of them in an emergency.  For this reason, information about hazardous substances was scattered, which made it difficult to access it at the right time.

In 1993, Safety Data Sheets (SDS) were introduced in the Russian Federation as a mandatory part of the technical documentation for chemical products, by analogy with the MSDS Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS). At the initiative of Gosstandart, the Ministry of Labor, the Ministry of Emergency Situations, the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Gosgortehnadzor, GOST R 50587-93 "Safety data sheet of the substance (material) was put into effect. The main provisions. Information on safety during production, application, storage, transportation, disposal", which established the basic requirements for PB.

In 1995, the interstate standard GOST 30333-95 with the same name was adopted on its basis.

01.01.2009 its revised version was put into effect –GOST 30333-2007 "Safety data sheet of chemical products. General requirements", which is still in effect at the present time. RequirementsGOST 30333The presentation form and content of the PB are harmonized with the Globally Harmonized System of Classification and Labelling of Chemical Products (GHS). 

PB GOST 30333-2007 of the Russian Federation fully conforming to the GHS has the following national features:

  • the title page of the established sample containing all the basic information about the dangerous properties of the product;
  • the list of information sources used, with the help of which the PB is compiled: at the same time, you can check the origin of this or that information;
  • examination of PB for compliance with international and national requirements and subsequent registration in the Information and Analytical Center "Safety of substances and materials".

The main task of the Chemical Product Safety Data Sheet is to inform the consumer about the use, storage, transportation and disposal of chemical products. This document is an obligatory part of the technical documentation for chemical products.

The safety data sheet should contain reliable information in an accessible and concise form, sufficient for the consumer to take the necessary measures to ensure the protection of human health and safety at work, environmental protection at all stages of the life cycle of chemical products, including its disposal in the form of waste, and should contribute to the elimination of technical barriers to trade in potentially hazardous chemical products, as it is an integral part of the UN Recommendations "Globally Harmonized System of Hazard Classification and Labelling of Chemical Products (GHS)".

One safety data sheet is issued per unit of chemical products and includes the entire branded range of these products.
However, in all the cases listed below, the issuance of separate safety data sheets is required:

  • product brands vary in aggregate state;
  • product brands require different permits;
  • product brands differ from each other in composition, or dangerous properties;
  • the products are manufactured according to various regulatory documents.

Additionally, it should be noted that: medicines; minerals (in a state of occurrence); chemical products according to a closed nomenclature; food products; perfumes and cosmetics; radiating, nuclear, as well as radioactive substances – do not require a safety data sheet.

The minimum requirements for the composition, content and form of information included in the sections are defined for the safety data sheet of chemical products

1-Identification of chemical products and information about the manufacturer or supplier

The name of the chemical product corresponding to the one specified in the regulatory document.
Other identification methods. Recommendations and restrictions on the use of chemical products.
Full official name, address and phone number of the organization (surname of the person) responsible for the production, import and release of chemical products into circulation.
The emergency telephone number of the organization providing consultations in case of emergency situations.

2-Identification of danger (hazards)

Information on the classification of the hazard of chemical products based on the GHS and in accordance with the legislation in force in the territory of circulation of chemical products.
GHS-based labeling elements, including precautions. Other hazards that are not classified according to the GHS.

3 - Composition (information about components)

For chemical products representing an individual chemical substance:
1. chemical name in accordance with the requirements of the International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry IUPAC (International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry), chemical formula;
2.CASE №- unique identifier of chemical compounds in the register of the Chemical Reference Service of the USA (CAS) ;
3. common synonyms, etc.;
4. impurities and functional additives present in this product and affecting its danger.

For chemical products that are a mixture of substances:
1. information about the composition of the product (by components), which can help the buyer and other interested parties to determine the risk associated with its use;
2. for all components that pose a danger to human health or the environment, the following information must be provided: the name of the component and other identification signs, concentration or concentration range, hazard description (hazard classification, hygiene standards in the work area).

Note - If information about the presence of any components in the product is confidential, then you should follow the requirements of special regulatory and legislative acts. Data on these components should be provided to the extent that guarantees the safety of purchasers.

4 - First aid measures

Data on the symptoms of exposure, manifested both during direct exposure to chemical products, and after some time.
Description of the necessary measures to provide first aid to victims at the scene of the accident with mandatory indication of cases when medical assistance should be provided immediately to the victims. It is necessary to indicate whether any delayed effects can be expected. At the same time, it is necessary to indicate whether the help of a specialist doctor of a specific profile (toxicologist, dermatologist, etc.) is necessary or desirable.

Information on first aid measures for victims should be systematized by types (directions) of harmful effects (through the respiratory organs, when ingested, in the eyes and on the skin)

5 - Measures and means of ensuring fire and explosion safety

General characteristics of the fire and explosion hazard of chemical products. Indicators of fire and explosion hazard. Characteristics of the danger caused by gorenje products and thermal degradation.
Recommended means of extinguishing fires.
Prohibited means of extinguishing fires.
Personal protective equipment for extinguishing fires.
The specifics of extinguishing

6 - Measures to prevent and eliminate emergency and emergency situations and their consequences

Measures to ensure individual and collective safety in emergency and emergency situations, such as the elimination of sources of ignition and dust, the use of respiratory, eye, and skin protection.
The procedure for the elimination of emergency or emergency situations.
Precautions for the elimination of emergency and emergency situations that ensure environmental protection (the need and type of isolation, measures to protect groundwater and surface water, soil, the need to notify residents of nearby areas, etc.).
Methods of neutralization and purification, including the use of sorbents, water and other means to reduce the concentration. If necessary, it should be indicated which means and under what conditions cannot be used for these purposes

7 - Rules for storing chemical products and handling them during loading and unloading operations

Precautions for handling chemical products, including:
1. information about the system of engineering security measures;
2. environmental protection measures;
3. recommendations for safe movement and transportation.

Conditions and terms of safe storage of chemical products, including:
1. design features of storage facilities or containers, including the presence of impermeable walls (partitions) and ventilation;
2. list of incompatible substances and materials during storage;
3. permissible temperature and humidity ranges, storage requirements by illumination, by environment, for example in an inert gas environment;
4. the need for special electrical equipment and measures to eliminate static electricity;
5. limit quantities of chemical products under certain storage conditions;
6. type of material recommended for packaging (containers);
7. additional special requirements for storage conditions.

8 - Hazardous exposure controls and personal protective equipment

Parameters subject to mandatory control, their maximum permissible values, biologically safe for personnel (with reference to standards and other regulatory documents that define them).
Measures to ensure and control the set parameters.
Information about personal protective equipment of personnel.

9 - Physical and chemical properties

Physical state (solid, liquid, gaseous) with indication of color.
Smell (odour threshold).
Melting/freezing point.
The initial boiling point and the boiling temperature range. Flash point.
Ignition temperature.
Self-ignition temperature.
Decomposition temperature.
Upper/lower flammability limits or explosion limits.

Steam pressure (depending on temperature). Vapor density (depending on pressure). Density.
The hydrogen index (pH).
Solubility (in a specific medium). Distribution coefficient: n-octanol/water.

10 - Stability and reactivity

Chemical stability.
The possibility of dangerous reactions.
Conditions to avoid (e.g. static discharge, shock or vibration).
Incompatible substances and materials.
Hazardous decomposition products.

11 - Information on toxicity

A brief but exhaustive description of the toxicological consequences in case of human contact with chemical products, including:

1. information about possible ways of exposure (through the respiratory system, if ingested, in the eyes and on the skin);
2. information about the effects dangerous to human health in direct contact with chemical products, as well as the consequences of these effects and information about the dangerous long-term effects of exposure to the body (for example, sensitization, carcinogenicity, reproductive toxicity, etc.);
3. indicators of acute toxicity; doses (concentrations) with minimal toxic effect, and other numerical values characterizing the impact of chemical products on human health.

12 - Environmental impact information

Assessment of possible environmental impacts (air, water, soil).
Data on stability and transformation in the environment. Ecotoxicity indicators.
Migration data (in soil).
Hygienic standards in environmental objects.
Other types of adverse effects.

13 - Recommendations for the disposal of waste (residues)

Recommendations for the safe treatment of waste (residues) of chemical products.
Information on disposal, disposal and/or disposal of waste in accordance with applicable national legislation.
Methods and places of disposal (destruction) of waste and contaminated packaging (containers).

14 - Information during transportation (transportation)

UN number in accordance with UN Recommendations.
Proper shipping name in accordance with UN Recommendations and/or shipping name.
Types of vehicles.
Classification of hazards during transportation.
Transportmarkingand the packing group.
Information about whether chemical products are marine and aquatic pollutants.
Recommendations for safe transportation (including inside the company) in accordance with the current rules.

15 - Information on national and international legislation

Information about the legislation regulating the circulation of chemical products.
Information about the documentation regulating the requirements for the protection of humans and the environment.
Information about the international warning label.

16 - Additional information

When revising (reissuing) the safety data sheet, it should be indicated in which sections changes have been made.
The list of data sources used in the preparation of the safety data sheet.