Term | Definition |
Sketch | Sketchcargo placement and fastening is the simplest form of the fastening scheme, it is developed if the method of placement and fastening is provided by the technical specification, but there is no specific scheme for the cargo of your standard size. |
Export transportation | Container transportation related to the export as indicated in the relevant consignment note.
Freight Forwarder | A person performing or organizing the performance of freight forwarding services defined by the contract, namely: services for the organization of cargo transportation, conclusion of cargo transportation contracts, provision of loading and delivery of cargo, etc.
Stacking | Installation of containers on top of each other during storage or transportation.
Stacker | A tractor-trailer equipped with a frontal mechanism for stacking or moving containers. It is used mainly at terminals in seaports.It can also be in demand in the work of logistics or sorting centers.
Freight | The cost of cargo delivery by water transport. payment for cargo transportation stipulated by the contract or the law. With the development of the world transport system, the concept of freight has spread to air (English air freight) and land (English land freight) transport. The cargo transportation itself on a chartered vessel, as well asthe contractfor transportation, including a description of the cargo, the carrier's obligations and the amount of the fee. The amount of freight is established by agreement of the parties. In the absence of an agreement between the parties, the amount of freight is calculated based on the rates applied at the place of loading of the cargo and during loading of the cargo. Ifcargoloaded on the ship in larger quantities than stipulated by the contract, the amount of freight increases accordingly. In the field of commercial water transport, the term freight often refers to the cost of transporting one ton of cargo. Accordingly, if the charterer does not ensure the loading of the minimum amount of cargo stipulated in the chartering contract / voyage charter, the shipowner has the right to issue a "dead freight" to the charterer, compensating the shipowner for the lost profit. With the development of the world transport system, the concept of freight has spread to air (English airfreight) and land (English land With the development of the world transport system, the concept of freight has spread to air (English air freight) and land (English land freight) transport. |
Flexitank | Flexible polymer container with a volume of up to 24,000 liters designed for the transportation of liquid cargo in a 20-foot container.
Fitting |
Fittingit is a mandatory element of the container design by a standard device for attaching containers to vehicles or among themselves. Fittings are usually located in the upper and lower corners of the container where rotary locks or other devices are inserted that allow lifting stacking or securing the container. Containers whose length is not a multiple of 20 feet (for example, 45-foot ones), in addition to corner ones, also have an additional set of fittings whose spatial grid corresponds to the grid of 20- and 40-foot containers. This makes it possible to use the same means of transportation and loading and unloading equipment during their operation.
Feeder transportation | Sea transportation for a short distance between two or more ports for the purpose of grouping or distributing cargo (usually containers) in one of these ports for further transportation on the high seas or after such transportation.
Elongated (long-base) fitting platform | A fitting platform designed to transport four TEUs.
Transport logistics | A system for organizing delivery, moving any material items, substances, etc. from one point to another along the optimal route. One of the fundamental directions of the science of managing information and material flows in the process of movement of goods. The optimal route is considered to be the one by which it is possible to deliver a logistics object in the shortest possible time (or the stipulated time) with minimal costs, as well as with minimal harm to the delivery object. The harm to the delivery object is considered to be a negative impact on the logistics object both from external factors (conditions of transportation) and from the time factor during the delivery of objects falling into this category. |
Transit | Transportation of goods from one country to another through the territory of third countries. The issue of transit admission and its conditions is the subject of trade agreements and agreements between individual countries. Distinguish a straight linetransitwhen the transportation of foreign goods is carried out under customs security without accommodation oncustoms warehouseand indirect when goods arrive at customs warehouses and then abroad.
Terminal | A place equipped for transshipment and storage of containers. " >Terminalit is more often called a "container platform" or a "container terminal". |
Time charter | Sea transportation services that are provided by hiring a vessel for a certain period of time for a fee called freight, usually based on a monthly rate per ton of deadweight or a daily rate. During the agreed terms, the charterer has the right to use the vessel as he sees fit, however, the shipowner continues to operate his vessel through the captain and crew who remain on board.
KBK plate | KBK plate(Convention on Safe Containers) - serves as a guarantor of the safety of the container, which is a vehicle for international cargo transportation. The KBK plate is issued by the qualification and supervisory authority of the country of the container manufacturer. It is made of corrosion-resistant material. It is attached to the left door of the container in its lower part, it indicates: own mass, maximum massgrossin kilograms and pounds. |
Boom loader | A pneumatic boom lift designed for moving or stacking containers on a horizontal reinforced surface. According to the terminology adopted by Russian Railways, it is a heavy–duty diesel forklift equipped with a spreader or a pincer grip for cargo operations with semi-trailers for contrailer transportation.
STK (medium-tonnage container) | A medium capacity container of an outdated local standard used in Russia and the countries of the former Soviet Union created for the transportation of goods weighing less than 5 tons
Standard Train | The train consists of 71 standard cars and 1 locomotive.
Delivery time | The period of time during whichcarrierhe is obliged to deliver the cargo to its destination and for compliance with which he is responsible to the cargo owners. It includes the time required to transport the cargo from the point of departure to the destination (including for loading and unloading operations), performing various auxiliary operations and paperwork. For a delay in the delivery of goods against the agreed deadlines, the carrier pays the cargo owner a fine usually set as a percentage of the freight fee. In case of emergency situations and force majeure, the carrier is exempt from paying a fine for delay in delivery of the cargo.
Sorting Center | The central point of collection, sorting, transshipment and distribution of goods for a certain region. In the practice of container transportation, JSC "Russian Railways" is a container point where direct wagons loaded with containers are formed. It has the same purpose as a logistics center in large container processing sites and the junction of several modes of transport.
Mixed freight train | A train that consists of different types of wagons carrying different types of cargo often sent to different destinations.
Richstacker | A high-power loader designed to work withCPCcapable of handling loads up to 45 tons. Reach stackers can handle containers standing in several rows.
Ramp | Usually an adjustable horizontal or inclined platform that allows vehicles to enter or exit a ship or railway carriage. In the terminology of freight operations of Russian railway transport, the term "ramp" and the term "ramp" means the device at the end of the cargo fronts (mainly warehouses) constructed at the same level with the height of the vehicle for the convenience of loading and unloading operations.
Empty mileage | For containers - transportation of an empty container on a platform for a platform – mileage without container(s) or any non-container cargo.
Rolling stock | Freight or passenger cars intended for railway transportation.
Transportation of dangerous goods | A set of organizational and technological operations for the movement of dangerous goods by rail, road, water, air and other modes of transport or a combination of these modes of transport. |
Door to door | Comprehensive logistics service for the delivery of goods directly from the warehouse of the shipper (supplier of goods) to the warehouse of the consignee (recipient of goods). As a rule, it includes not only rail transportation and delivery by road, but also terminal handling of cargo as well as (if necessary) its customs clearance and payment in accordance with INCOTERMS-2000. Appeared in response to the cargo owner's desire to deal with the sole executor of his order.
Dangerous cargo | Substances, materials and products having properties, the manifestation of which during transportation can cause an explosion and (or) fire, lead to death, illness, injury, poisoning, irradiation or burns of people and (or) animals, as well as cause damage to structures, vehicles, other objects of transportation and (or) cause harm to the environment. Transportation of such goods is carried out in accordance with special conditions of transportation. |
NTU | The form of fastening schemes is used if the method of fastening your cargo is not provided by the technical specifications. In this case, in addition to loading drawings, it is necessary to provide the carrier (the bodies of JSC "Russian Railways") an explanatory note with calculations confirming the reliability of the method of fastening developed by you. |
Multimodal transport operator | The carrier responsible for all cargo transportation performed by multimodal transportation.
Synonyms- MTO |
Multimodal transportation | Cargo transportation performed by at least two modes of transport under one contract. The carrier is responsible for the entire transportation, even if this transportation is carried out by different modes of transport (for example: by sea, by rail, by road, etc.). The carrier does not necessarily have to have all types of transport. Such transportation is often carried out by sub-carriers (called valid carriers in maritime law). |
MTU | A document similar to" >NTU. DevelopmentMTUit is advisable for mass transportation of goods over a long period, or for the transportation of goods with a large range of standard sizes, or in the case of the use of specialized rolling stock (wagons). |
Marking | Signs drawings inscriptions and other symbols applied toproductpackaging or containers. Allows you to establish a connection between the cargo and the shipping document to distinguish one batch of cargo from another, establishes the order of accounting for containers and reports on safety measures during transportation. |
Logistics | Organization of the delivery chain and management of this chain in the broadest sense. This chain can cover both the supply of raw materials necessary for production and the management of material resources at the enterprise delivery to warehouses and distribution centers sorting processing and final distribution in places of consumption. In the context of transport services, the main thing is the delivery of cargo along the route.
Ship of the line | A ship making voyages between certain ports. Such a vessel may contain containers with different destination ports.
CPC | Large-capacity container |
Empty mileage ratio | The average distance of the empty mileage of the platform or container divided by the average distance of the total mileage of the platform or container, respectively.
Container turnover | The number of containers handled at the port or at the station from the moment of arrival to departure for a certain period of time.
Container train (block train) | A train that consists of wagons loaded with containers belonging to the carrier or other persons following the same destination. The length of the train and the speed are set by regulatory legal acts. The train is formed at the departure station and follows without separation along the route and without further redirection of containers.
Container with an open top (open top) | A container for loading various loads over the top, such as heavy equipment or oversized cargo.
Container for bulk cargo | The container intended for the transportation of bulk cargo without additional packaging has openings for loading and unloading bulk cargo in bulk.
Intermodality | The possibility of changing the mode of transportation (ships, railway transport and motor transport) without the need to unload / load the contents of the container. |
Intermodal transportation | Cargo transportation in the same cargo unit by several modes of transport when one of the carriers undertakes to organize the entire cargo transportationdoor to door. Such transportation includes delivery to the recipient's warehouse, which can only be done by road.
Isothermal container (thermos container) | A special container with insulated walls, doors, floor and roof that allows you to maintain a constant temperature inside when transporting perishable goods, mainly food.
Railway junction | Usually, a railway junction means a large railway station receiving freight and passenger trains and carrying out the reformation of trains.Railway junction– it is a complex of technologically interconnected sorting freight and passenger stations with main connecting bypass and access roads with depot stations and its own sources of electricity. It ensures the passage of transit trains from one line to another, transfers wagons between stations that are part of it and lines converging in it (there are usually at least three of them at the node).
Unified container transport system | The system adopted in Russia and in a number of other countries means that the cargo transported in a container will go all the way from the sender to the recipient using several modes of transport with a guarantee of integrity and safety. In order for the container transport system to operate, a number of conditions must be met. The most important of them is the availability of a fleet of containers. Their dimensions and design should be unified, that is, they should be suitable for transportation in railway wagons on trucks and in the holds of ships. In addition, they must be convenient for reloading from one vehicle to another, and in order for the crane to overload them, containers must have special devices for gripping.
DFE (twenty-foot equivalent) | A conventional unit of measurement of the quantitative side of traffic flows or throughput. Equivalent to twenty feet or the dimensions of an ISO container 20 feet (6 1 m) long. So one standard 40-foot container of the ISO series is equal to 2 TEU.
Demurrage | A fine, a penalty paid to the owner of a container/vessel/vehicle for use in excess of the standard time specified in the contract. In merchant shipping, monetary compensation for loss, the fee due to the carrier for the idle time of the vessel during the counterstalking time. The amount of demurrage is determined by agreement of the parties, or according to the rates accepted in the relevant port. In the absence of such rates, the amount of the fee for idle time of the vessel is determined by the costs of maintaining the vessel and its crew. In sea container transportation, this is a payment for the excess (over free time) use of container equipment during the time from the moment the container is unloaded from the ship to the moment it is returned to the port, or at the time of its transfer to export mode. Paid to the owner of the container. |
Shipper | A natural or legal person who, under a contract of carriage, acts on his own behalf or on behalf of the owner of the cargo or baggage and is indicated in the transportation document.
Cargo unit | A container or a removable body, as well as a loaded (empty) semi-trailer or road train. In principle, a cargo unit can be any box or cargo space.
Cargo | A certain quantity of goods, plants, plant products and/or other materials being transported (the cargo may be composed of one or more goods or lots). The cargo can be combined, for example, when transporting goods of several owners by one container or by car. Cargoes are classified
Live cargo includes animals, birds, plants, bacteria and other living organisms; special requirements are imposed on their transportation. |
Domestic transportation | Transportation of containers, the starting and ending points of which (as indicated in the corresponding waybill) are located within Russia.
BIG BAG | Replaceable container for bulk cargo enclosed in a container. It is used for the transportation of goods in bulk containers.
WM | The basis for charging freight. Weight or volume, is applied depending on which indicator (weight or volume) is greater.
Wharfage | Berth fee, a fee charged to sea carriers to cover fees charged by the administration of the berth and/or port. It is a fee exclusively for the use of the berth and does not include a fee for any other services. |
WDF | Weight Discrepancy Fee. This fee is applied when the actual weight of the container received at the terminal differs from the weight specified in the documentation. The fee covers administrative amendments, as well as changes in loading conditions and chassis requirements.
WAY BILL | Invoice. The contract of carriage, as well asbill of lading, a document confirming the acceptance of the cargo by the carrier for sea transportation and the obligation to transfer it to the consignee at the port of destination.
WAREHOUSE | A place for receiving, delivering, consolidating, distributing and storing goods/cargo.
VOYAGE CHARTER | The contract under which the shipowner places the vessel at the disposal of the charterer for one or more voyages, the shipowner is responsible for the operation of the vessel.
VGM | Confirmation of the weight of the container before loading for all international shipping of goods in containers. Mandatory requirement to provide a "trusted" mass of the loaded container. In accordance with the amendment introduced to improve the safety of navigation to Chapter VI "Transportation of goods and Liquid Fuel" of the 1974 International Convention for the Protection of Human Life at Sea - MK SOLAS, from July 01, 2016, according to rule 2 of the International Convention for the Protection of Human Life at Sea (SOLAS), shippers are obliged to either weigh a packed container using calibrated and certified equipment, or weigh the contents of the container with the addition of the weight of an empty container. Anyway In accordance with the amendment introduced to improve the safety of navigation to Chapter VI "Transportation of goods and Liquid Fuels" of the 1974 International Convention for the Safety of Human Life at Sea - MK SOLAS, from July 01, 2016, according to rule 2 of the International Convention for the Safety of Human Life at Sea (SOLAS), shippers are obliged to either weigh a packed container using calibrated and certified equipment, or weigh the contents of the container with the addition of the weight of an empty container. In any case, the VGM must be fixed by the carrier. Failure to comply with this requirement entails a sanction under the SOLAS Convention, consisting in the fact that the container 'must not be loaded onto a ship', see paragraph 4.2, MSC1/Circ.1475 (adopted by the International Maritime Organization (IMO). According to the rules, the weight of the container must be checked (certified) by the shipper by weighing the loaded container, or by weighing the units/cargo items loaded into the container that will be packed into the container, followed by summing their weight with the weight of the empty container. The shipper is obliged to provide the forwarder with reliable information in the following volume no later than 24 (twenty-four) hours before the planned departure of the vessel: Additionally, we draw attention to the fact that due to the increase in cases of weighing containers in the port of Vladivostok, reliable information about the weight of cargo in a container significantly reduces the time and financial costs that the cargo owner will incur if discrepancies are found between the weight data in the bill of lading and the weighing act. If a discrepancy of 500 kg from the declared weight is detected in any direction, customs puts the container up for 100% inspection with weighing of the contents of the container. According to the rules, the mass of the container must be checked (certified) by the shipper by weighing the loaded container, or by weighing the units/cargo items loaded into the container that will be packed into the container, followed by summing their mass with the mass of the empty container. Shipperis obliged to provide the forwarder with the received reliable information in the following volume no later than 24 (twenty-four) hours before the planned departure of the vessel:
Additionally, we draw attention to the fact that due to the increase in cases of weighing containers in the port of Vladivostok, reliable information about the weight of cargo in a container significantly reduces the time and financial costs that the owner of the cargo will incur if there is a discrepancy between the weight data in the bill of lading and the weighing act. If a discrepancy of 500 kg from the declared weight is detected in any direction, customs puts the container up for 100% inspection with weighing of the contents of the container. |
VET | Veterinary CertificateService. The carrier's on-demand assistance service for veterinary certification on behalf of the client, for containers that are sent to ground points and contain cargo of animal origin. Thanks to the frequent passage of this
VAT | |
VALUATION CHARGES | Additional insurance fee (transportation costs) charged under the contract from the shipper if its declared (declared) value of the cargo exceeds the amount covered by the carrier within its liability. |
UN 38.3 Test Summary Report | For safety reasons, lithium batteries must undergo a series of design tests authorized by the UN (subsection 38.3 of the UN Manual). These rules do not introduce any new tests that need to be carried out. The rules only concern the provision of information about tests already carried out by the manufacturer of lithium batteries or cells. In accordance with the revised supplement to UN Guideline 38.3.5, it is now required that lithium battery test reports be available in the form of a test summary available to the supply chain. These summary data confirm that the batteries have been tested for compliance with the specified safety requirements. |
ULI | Export agency remuneration of the port, which provides work in the port, including, but not limited to, the following:
ULE | The import fee of the port agency, which covers work inside the port, including, but not limited to, the following:
TRANSSHIPMENT | The condition according to which the sea carrier has the right to unload cargo or any part of it from the ship, store it on shore, reload it to another vessel, regardless of whether it belongs to the carrier or not. Liability may pass from one carrier to another or may be fixed through a bill of lading on the first carrier. It is used for changing the shipping line in the transit port for delivery from/to a port not directly served by the line. |
TRANSMITTAL LETTER | A letter from the sender to his agent that lists detailed information about the cargo documents are transferred as well as instructions for the disposal of these documents.
TRANSIT TIME | This is the planned travel time from port to port. This travel time is based on the collected figures, but it cannot be considered as a fact. It may deviate in unforeseen circumstances. Transit time may change, especially when the destination is not reached directly, but through (several) nodes. |
TRAMP SERVICE | Vessels operating without a fixed route or schedule or a charter agreement.
TRACKING | The carrier's system records the intervals of movement of shipments from the origin to the destination.
TRACING | Determination of the location of the consignment during the movement.
TONNAGE | A measure of the cargo capacity of the vessel. The term comes from taxation paid on barrels or barrels of wine. In modern marine use " Tonnage is usually used to estimate fees for commercial shipping. Tonnage measurements are regulated by the IMO Convention on the Measurement of Tonnage of Ships of 1969 (London Rules), which applies to all ships built after July 1982. Tonnage is usually used to estimate fees for commercial shipping. Tonnage measurements are regulated by the IMO Convention on the Measurement of Tonnage of Ships of 1969 (London Rules), which applies to all ships built after July 1982. |
TON-MILE | Output is a measure of freight transportation that reflects the weight of the shipment and the distance the carrier is towing it
TLX | Electronic Cargo Release Service. This service is called "Telex" or "Express" release and allows you to release the cargo at the destination after confirming the identity of the recipient as the consignee, provided that all 3 are originalB/Lwere handed over to the consignee
TLI | Electronic Cargo Release Service - Import.TLI– electronic release - Import.
TLE | |
TKL | The condition of transportation at departure/arrival. Means thatfreight forwarderassumes responsibilities for the organization of transportation from/to transshipment equipment at the port of departure/destination; the cost of transportation includes, in addition to freight, loading/unloading from /to
THC | Terminalprocessingcargo initially. Any cargo handling terminal services: loading/unloading from a ship, moving to a stack, placing for work, etc. In practice , the following understanding of this term processing services has developed
TEU | Twenty-foot Equivalent Unit - a unit of measurement equal to the volume occupied by a standard 20-foot container. It is used in calculating the capacity of container ships or container storage locations. |
TCI | TemporaryCustomsService- Import. A service in which the carrier pays the costs of temporary customs clearance of a container (not cargo) on behalf of the client, and then the corresponding costs are borne by the client. This service is provided upon the client's request
TCE | Temporary Customs Service- Export. A service in which the carrier pays the costs of temporary customs clearance of a container (not cargo) on behalf of the client, and then the corresponding costs are borne by the client. This service is provided upon the client's request
TAX | Government and Port Tax Service. The carrier paystaxeslocal authorities on behalf of the client, and the corresponding costs are borne by the client. This fee depends on local legislation and will be added to the costs of the relevant port work
TARIFF | A document issued by the carrier stating the applicable rules of rates and fees for the movement of goods. the document establishes a contract of carriage between the shipper, the consignee and the carrier.
TARE WEIGHT | The weight of the vehicle when it is empty.
T1D | T1 Documentation Fee. This fee is intended to cover the costs associated with the issuance of T1 documentation. T1 documentation is required for taxation in the European Union when transporting goods of non-European origin between two points of the EU customs zone. Et
SURCHARGE | Supplement charges for applicable motor carrier charges have a fuel surcharge and railroads may apply surcharges to any joint rate that is not inferior to 110 percent of variable costs.
STUFFING | Stafirovka. Loading the container.
STOWAGE | The placement of goods on the vessel in such a way as to ensure the safety and stability of the vessel not only on the sea or ocean passage but also between ports when parts of the cargo that have been loaded or discharged.
STEVEDORE | Individual or firm that uses movers and who contracts to load or unload the vessel.
SPC | |
SOC | The container is owned by the sender
SHIPPING REQUEST | The shipping instructions are the basis for filling out the bill of lading.SOCThe container is the property of the sender (client).
SHIPPER SENDER | A person who actually or nominally provides cargo for transportation, as well as sends instructions to the carrier.
SHIP BROKER | A firm that acts as an intermediary between the owner of a tramp vessel and the freight shipper or consignee.
SHIP AGENT | The company is an intermediary that facilitates the arrival of the vessel, registration of loading and unloading and payment for port services.
SERVICE | The regular structure of calls made by the carrier to pick up and unload cargo is determined.
SEPARABLE COST | Costs that the company can directly assign to a specific business segment.
SEA WAYBILL | Transport document. the sea waybill indicates the loading of goods 'on board' and can be used in cases where a sea bill of lading is not required, that is, there is no ownership document. to receive the goods, the presentation of the sea waybill to the consignee specified in it is not required which allows you to speed up processing at the destination port. |
SDS | Product safety data sheet is a document included in the technical documentation for chemical products. The passport contains information about the properties, hazards of the substance and the main risks associated with its use. The safety data sheet is issued and registered before the goods are delivered to the market. The safety data sheet is indefinite and is not subject to registration. The text of the passport is drawn up in the official language of the country in which the chemical products are handled, but can be translated into any language if necessary. |
SCRAP MATERIAL | Material that has no market value is not available.
SALVAGE MATERIAL | Unused material that has a market value and can be sold.
SAFETY STOCK | The company conducts inventory beyond normal needs as a buffer against delays in receiving orders or changes in the customer's purchase structure.
ROLLING CARGO | Cargo that is on wheels such as a truck or trailers and that can be run or towed to a ship.
ReeferMonitoring / Plug-in Service. A service provided by the carrier for tracking shipments with a certain temperature regime, including checking temperature parameters and checking equipment malfunctions. This service is always used when
REVENUE TON | Ton of revenue is a delivery term that describes the dimension on which the cargo is chartered. If the cargo is estimated as a weight or measure, then, whatever income it brings, a ton of revenue will be considered. The weight is based on metric tons, and the measures are based on cubic meters. 1 RT = 1 ton or 1 m3. |
RETURN CARGO | Cargo that allows the ship to return loaded to the port or area where her previous cargo was loaded.
RELEASE APPROVAL | The document advises that the goods are available for further movement or action.
REEFER | A container with an autonomous refrigeration unit used for the transportation of perishable goods.
RECONSIGNMENT | A carrier service that allows the shipper to change destination and/or the consignee after shipment has reached its originally billed destination and still pay the rate from the point of departure to the final destination.
RATE BASIS POINT | The main point of shipment in the local area carriers should consider all points in the local area to provide a rate of basis points.
RAIL WAYBILL | Bill of lading by railway carriers for their customers. A document used for transportation by rail. The document is prepared by the agent or the railway line that will transport the cargo, after receiving instructions on shipment from the shipper. The draft bill of lading is transmitted to the shipper for acceptance and dispatch of the specified conditions, after which the originals are issued. Below you can see the list of information included in the instructions for the railway waybill: |
PTI | Pre-Trip Inspection Service. This service is offered by the carrier and implies an additional temperature check of containers with certain work experience to make sure that the container is in working condition and ready for transportation
PSI | Pre Shipment Inspection- pre-loading inspection of the manufactured goods for compliance with the stated requirements, quality and quantity standards. Pre-loading inspection is effective after the end of production, when at least 80% of the batch is packed. Checked in accordance with the specification, such aspects as: general, appearance, product functions, size,marking, packaging and so on. |