A list of states and territories that provide preferential tax treatment for taxation and (or) do not provide for disclosure and provision of information during financial transactions (offshore zones)./p>

№/th> Offshore zones/th> AAlfa-2br /> IISO/a> 3166-1/th>
1 Anguilla/td> AAI/a>
2 Principality of Andorra/td> ATO/td>
3 Antigua and Barbuda/td> AAG/td>
4 Aruba/td> AAW/td>
5 Commonwealth of the Bahamas/td> BS/td>
6 Kingdom of Bahrain/td> BFB/td>
7 Belize/td> BBATHR/td>
8 Bermuda/td> BBM/td>
9 Brunei Darussalam/td> BBN/td>
10 Republic of Vanuatu/td> VSEE/td>
11 British Virgin Islands/td> VVG/td>
12 Gibraltar/td> GGI/td>
13 Grenada/td> GGD/td>
14 Commonwealth of Dominica/td> DDM/td>
15 Macao Special Administrative Region (Macao) (PRC)/td> MMO/td>
16 Union of Comoros: Anjouan or Ndzouani Island/td> KKM/td>
17 Republic of Liberia/td> LLR/td>
18 Principality of Liechtenstein/td> LO/a>
19 Republic of Mauritius/td> MMU/td>
20 Malaysia: Labuan Island/td> MMY/td>
21 Republic of Maldives/td> MMV/td>
22 Republic of the Marshall Islands/td> MMH/td>
23 Principality of Monaco/td> MMC/td>
24 Montserrat/td> MMS/td>
25 Republic of Nauru/td> NNR/td>
26 Curacao and Saint Martin (Dutch part)/td> CCW/td>
27 Republic of Niue/td> NNo/td>
28 United Arab Emirates/td> AAE/td>
29 Cayman Islands/td> KKY/td>
30 Cook Islands/td> CCK/td>
31 Turks and Caicos Islands/td> TTC/td>
32 Republic of Palau/td> PPW/td>
33 Republic of Panama/td> PFOR/td>
34 Republic of Samoa/td> WWS/a>
35 Republic of San Marino/td> SSM/td>
36 Saint Vincent and the Grenadines/td> VVC/td>
37 Saint Kitts and Nevis/td> KKN/td>
38 Saint Lucia/td> LLC/td>
39 Separate administrative divisions of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland: Isle of Man, Channel Islands (Guernsey, Jersey, Sark, Alderney)/td> IIN/td>
40 Republic of Seychelles/td> SSC/td>
11 to 0 (41)/span>