1. Customs inspection/a> - a form of customs control consisting in conducting an inspection and performing other actions with respect to goods, including vehicles and baggage of individuals, with opening the packaging of goods, cargo spaces (compartments) of vehicles, containers, containers or other places where goods are or may be, and (or) with removal of customs seals, seals or other means of identification applied to them, disassembly, dismantling or violation of the integrity of the inspected objects and their parts in other ways./li>
  2. Customs inspection is carried out for the purpose of checking and (or) obtaining information about the goods in respect of which it is carried outspan class="mytool">customs control/a>../li>
  3. The customs authority notifies the declarant or other person with authority over the goods about the place and time of customs inspection in any way that allows confirming the receipt of the notification, if these persons are identified. When assigning the time of customs inspection, the reasonable time of arrival of such persons is taken into account./li>
  4. Declarant/a>,, other persons with authority in respect of goods and their representatives have the right to be present at the customs inspection on their own initiative, except for the cases established by paragraph 6 of this article./li>
  5. At the request of the customs authority, the declarant or other persons with authority over the goods and their representatives are required to be present during the customs inspection and provide the necessary assistance to customs officials. In the absence of a representative specially authorized by the carrier, such is the individual driving the vehicle./li>
  6. The customs body has the right to conduct customs inspection in the absence of the declarant, other persons with authority over the goods, and their representatives in the following cases:ol>
  7. non-appearance of the specified persons or cases when such persons are not identified;/li>
  8. the presence of a threat to national (state) security, human life and health, animals and plants, the environment, the preservation of objects of national cultural heritage of the Member States and the occurrence of other circumstances that do not tolerate delay, including the presence of signs indicating that the goods are flammable substances, explosive objects, explosive, toxic, dangerous chemical and biological substances, narcotic drugs, psychotropic, potent, poisonous, toxic, radioactive substances, nuclear materials and other similar goods, as well as cases when goods spread an unpleasant odor;/li>
  9. shipment of goods in international mail;/li>
  10. abandonment of goods in the customs territory of the Union in violation of the customs procedure providing for their export from the customs territory of the Union, or the conditions established for the use of certain categories of goods that are not subject to placement under customs procedures in accordance with this Code./li>
  • Customs inspection in the cases specified in subparagraphs 1, 2 and 4 of paragraph 6 of this Article is carried out in the presence of 2 witnesses, and in the case specified in subparagraph 3 of paragraph 6 of this Article - in the presence of a representative of the designated postal operator, and in his absence - in the presence of 2 witnesses./li>
  • The results of the customs inspection are drawn up by drawing up a customs inspection report, the form of which is determined by the Commission, except for the case provided for in paragraph 3 of Article 317span class="mytool">The EAEU TC/a>,, or are issued in another way provided for in accordance with the legislation of the member states on customs regulation./li>
  • The following information is indicated in the customs inspection report:ol>
  • information about the officials of the customs body who conducted the customs inspection and the persons who were present during its conduct;/li>
  • reasons for conducting customs inspection in the absence of the declarant or other person with authority over the goods;/li>
  • results of customs inspection;/li>
  • other information provided by the form of the act./li>
  • The customs inspection report is drawn up in 2 copies, one of which is handed over (sent) to the declarant or another person with authority over the goods, or their representatives, if these persons are identified./li>