GNG is a Harmonized nomenclature of goods, which includes the names and code designations of goods used by railways when processing transportation documents for calculating freight charges on the territory of the CIS roads. The first four characters of the code match the codeTNVED.
The GNG is used to describe and encode goods in international freight traffic of OSZhD member countries participating in the SMGS or applying the provisions of the SMGS.
The GNG is based on the harmonized commodity description and coding system of the World Customs Organization and corresponds to the harmonized nomenclature of goods of the International Union of Railways. The GNG is mandatory for every railway of the OSZhD member countries participating in the SMGS or applying the provisions of the SMGS. The GNG consists of:
An eight-digit code is used to designate cargo. The first six characters correspond to the HS, of which:
Below is an analytical table that includes the name and code designation of the goods, in which you can easily find the necessary GNG code.
GNG CODE | Name | ETT Class | id |
If the cargo code according to the GNG contains several names specifying the signs of the goods and separated by a comma or semicolon, then the name and clarifying signs that correspond only to the cargo presented for transportation are selected and entered into the consignment note.
Amendments and additions to the GNG, including on the basis of amendments and additions to the NHM, are put into effect after their approval by the Conference of General Directors (Responsible Representatives) of OSZhD Railways. GNG (2007 edition) was approved at the XXII meeting of the Conference of General Directors (Responsible Representatives) of OSZhD Railways (April 23-27, 2007, Tbilisi, Georgia). The depositary of the GNG is the OSZhD Committee. In the preface to the text of the GNG, more precise explanations are given on the structure of the GNG. it serves to describe and encode goods in international freight traffic of OSZhD member countries participating in the SMGS or applying the provisions of the SMGS. The GNG was created on the basis of the Harmonized Commodity Description and Coding System (hereinafter – HS) of the World Customs Organization (hereinafter – WCO) and corresponds to the Harmonized Nomenclature of Goods of the International Union of Railways (hereinafter – NHM, 2003).
Codes from 2721 to 2749 were introduced in the GNG in coordination with the International Committee on HS and are intended for the classification of crude oil or oil from bituminous materials (excluding crude oil) and semi-finished products based on them. When transporting oil cargoes, items 2721-2749 are used in the SMGS consignment note instead of item 2710, the codes of which are crossed out in the list of GNG items, analytical and alphabetical lists of goods. In the GNG, positions 9901-9959 are specific to rail transport and mandatory for each railway of the OSZhD member countries participating in the SMGS or applying the SMGS provisions. The specified positions of the GNG Chapter 99 can be changed only on the basis of decisions of the UIC Steering Committee on NNM issues. Items 9960 – 9999 can be used within each railway independently, as well as within the framework of bilateral and multilateral agreements concluded between railways.