For foreign persons who are not registered with the tax authorities of the Russian Federation, the process of accounting for customs and other payments, the collection of which is assigned tocustoms authorities, subject to the provision of identifying information to the customs authorities, which are:
for a foreign legal entity:
We also recommend that these persons indicate such values in the "purpose of payment" field of the payment document in the form "///CN; 123456789///".
for a foreign individual:
We also recommend that these persons indicate such values in the "purpose of payment" field of the payment document in the form "///BY;08;D1234567///".
These values are unique for each foreign legal entity and individual.
The above information is given as an example.
Note. For persons registered with the tax authorities of the Russian Federation, the main identifying value for the purposes of paying customs and other payments, the collection of which is entrusted to the customs authorities, is the taxpayer identification number (TIN).