Masks of document numbers used in the application of information in column 44 DT and SO on

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Classifier of document masks used in column 44DT
Document code Mask name Document Mask Description of the document mask id
01082 Registration certificate of Roszdravnadzor of the Russian Federation: FSZ FSZ( ){0,1}[0-9]{4}/([0-9]){1,5} FSZ"- rus, "( ){0,1}"- a space is possible, "[0-9]{4}"- any four digits, "/" is a slash, "([0-9]){1,5}"- from one to five of any digits" 1
01082 Registration certificate of Roszdravnadzor of the Russian Federation: FS FS( ){0,1}(N|№)( ){0,1}[0-9]{4}/([0-9]){1,4} FS"- rus, "( ){0,1}"- space, "(N|no.)"- number sign, "( ){0,1}"- space, "[0-9]{4}"- any four digits, "/"- slash, "([0-9]){1,4}" - from one to four any digits" 2
01082 Registration certificate of Roszdravnadzor of the Russian Federation: Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation (N|No.)( ){0,1}([0-9]){1,4}/([0-9]){1,4} MZ"- rus, "space", "RF"- rus, "space", "(N|no.)"- number sign, "( ){0,1}"- possible space, "([0-9]){1,4}"- from one to four of any digits, "/"- slash, "([0-9]){1,4}"- from one to four of any digits" 3
07012 Confirmation of the intended purpose of goods imported within the framework of international cooperation of the Russian Federation in the field of exploration and use of outer space, including the provision of services for launching spacecraft (issued by Roscosmos) ([A-Z]{2})|([a-z]{2})-[0-9]{1,9} ([A-Z]{2})|([a-z]{2})"- any two letters, Cyrillic, "-"- hyphen, "[0-9]{1,9}"- from one to nine digits" 4
01154 Conclusion of the FSTECOf Russia 240/([0-9]){1,2}/([0-9]){1,5}(/[0-9]){0,1} 240", "/"- slash, "([0-9]){1,2}"- any one or two digits, "/"- slash,"([0-9]){1,5}"- from one to five of any digits, "(/[0-9]){0,1}" - slash and one digit - may be missing" 5
01163 Conclusions of the Federal Customs Service of Russia [0-9]{11} [0-9]{11}"- eleven any digits" 6
01021 Conclusion (authorization document) for the import and (or) export of civil and service weapons, their main (component) parts and cartridges for it RU/[0-9]{4}/[0-9]+ RU"- lat, "/"- slash, "[0-9]{4}"- year in 4 digit format, "/" - slash, "[0-9]+" - one or more of any digits" 7
01082 Registration certificate of the Ministry of Health of Russia LP-[0-9]{6} LP"- rus,"-"- hyphen, "[0-9]{6}"- any six digits" 8
01082 Registration certificate of the Ministry of Health of Russia FS-[0-9]{6} FS"- rus,"-"- hyphen, "[0-9]{6}"- any six digits" 9
01082 Registration certificate of the Ministry of Health of Russia LS-[0-9]{6} LS"- rus,"-"- hyphen, "[0-9]{6}"- any six digits" 10
01082 Registration certificate of the Ministry of Health of Russia LSR-[0-9]{6}(/[0-9]{2}){0,1} LSR"- rus,"-"- hyphen, "[0-9]{6}"- any six digits, "(/[0-9]{2}){0,1}"- slash and any two digits, or empty" 11
01082 Registration certificate of the Ministry of Health of Russia N (N|№)[0-9]{6}(/[0-9]{2}){0,1} P"- rus, "space", "(N|no.)" - number sign, "[0-9]{6}"- any six digits, "(/[0-9]{2}){0,1}" - slash and any two digits, or empty" 12
01082 Registration certificate of the Ministry of Health of Russia N (N|№)[0-9]{6}/[0-9]{2}-[0-9]{4} P"- rus, "space", "(N|no.)" - number sign, "[0-9]{6}"- any six digits, "/" is a slash, "[0-9]{2}"- any two digits, "-"- hyphen, "[0-9]{4}"- any four digits" 13
01082 Registration certificate of the Ministry of Health of Russia P (N|№)[0-9]{6}/[0-9]{2}(-[0-9]{4}){0,1} P"- rus, "space", "(N|no.)" - number sign, "[0-9]{6}"- any six digits, "/" is a slash, "[0-9]{2}"- any two digits, "(-[0-9]{4}){0,1}" - hyphen and any four digits, or empty" 14
01082 Registration certificate of the Ministry of Health of Russia P (N|№)[0-9]{7}/[0-9]{2} P"- rus, "space", "(N|no.)" - number sign, "[0-9]{7}"- any six digits, "/" is a slash, "[0-9]{2}"- any two digits" 15
01082 Registration certificate of the Ministry of Health of Russia N (N|No.)[0-9]{5} P"- rus, "space", "(N|no.)" - number sign, "[0-9]{5}"- any five digits" 16
01082 Registration certificate of the Ministry of Health of Russia [0-9]{6}(/[0-9]{2}){0,1} [0-9]{6}" - any six digits, "(/[0-9]{2}){0,1}"- slash and any two digits, or empty" 17
01082 Registration certificate of the Ministry of Health of Russia (N|№)[0-9]{6} (N|No.)"- number sign, "[0-9]{6}"- any six digits" 18
01082 Registration certificate of the Ministry of Health of Russia B-8-242 (N|No.)[0-9]{4} B"-rus, "-"-hyphen, "8", "-"-hyphen, "242", "space", "(N|no.)"- number sign, "[0-9]{4}"- any four digits" 19
01082 Registration certificate of the Ministry of Health of Russia P-8-242 (N|№)([0-9]){5,6} P"-rus, "-"-hyphen, "8", "-"-hyphen, "242", "space", "(N|no.)"- number sign, "([0-9]){5,6}"- from five to six of any digits" 20
01082 Registration certificate of the Ministry of Health of Russia [0-9]{4}/[0-9]{2}/([0-9]){1,2} [0-9]{4}" - any four digits, "/"- slash, "[0-9]{2}"- any two digits, "/"- slash,"([0-9]){1,2}"- one or two of any digits" 21
01082 Registration certificate of the Ministry of Health of Russia [0-9]{4}/[0-9]{3}/([0-9]){1,2} [0-9]{4}" - any four digits, "/"- slash, "[0-9]{3}"- any three digits, "/" is a slash,"([0-9]){1,2}"- one or two of any digits" 22
01082 Registration certificate of the Ministry of Health of Russia [0-9]{2}/[0-9]/[0-9] [0-9]{2}"- any two digits, "/"- slash, "[0-9]" - any one digit, "/"- slash, "[0-9]" - any one digit" 23
01082 Registration certificate of the Ministry of Health of Russia [0-9]{2}/[0-9]{2}/([0-9]){1,2} [0-9]{2}" - any two digits, "/"- slash, "[0-9]{2}"- any two digits, "/"- slash,"([0-9]){1,2}"- one or two of any digits" 24
01082 Registration certificate of the Ministry of Health of Russia [0-9]{2}/[0-9]{3}/([0-9]){1,4} [0-9]{2}" - any two digits, "/"- slash, "[0-9]{3}"- any three digits, "/" is a slash, "([0-9]){1,4}"- from one to four of any digits" 25
01082 Registration certificate of the Ministry of Health of Russia [0-9]{2}/[0-9]{3}/[0-9]/([0-9]){1,2} [0-9]{2}" - any two digits, "/"- slash, "[0-9]{3}"- any three digits, "/"- slash,"[0-9]"- any one digit, "/"- slash, "([0-9]){1,2}" - any one or two digits" 26
01082 Registration certificate of the Ministry of Health of Russia [0-9]{2}/[0-9]{3}-[0-9]/[0-9]/[0-9] [0-9]{2}" - any two digits, "/"- slash, "[0-9]{3}"- any three digits, "-"- hyphen, "[0-9]"- any one digit, "/"- slash, "[0-9]"- one any digit, "/"- slash, "[0-9]" - any one digit" 27
01082 Registration certificate of the Ministry of Health of Russia [0-9]{2}/[0-9]{3}/[0-9]{2}-[0-9] [0-9]{2}" - any two digits, "/"- slash, "[0-9]{3}"- any three digits, "/" is a slash,"[0-9]{2}"- any two digits, "-"- hyphen, "[0-9]"- any one digit" 28
01082 Registration certificate of the Ministry of Health of Russia [0-9]{2}/[0-9]{3}/[0-9]{3}-([0-9]){1,2} [0-9]{2}" - any two digits, "/"- slash, "[0-9]{3}"- any three digits, "/" is a slash,"[0-9]{3}"- any three digits, "-"- hyphen, "([0-9]){1,2}" - one or two any digits" 29
01082 Registration certificate of the Ministry of Health of Russia [0-9]{2}/[0-9]{4}/([0-9]){1,2} [0-9]{2}" - any two digits, "/"- slash, "[0-9]{4}"- any four digits, "/" is a slash, "([0-9]){1,2}"- one or two of any digits" 30
01082 Registration certificate of the Ministry of Health of Russia [0-9]{2}/[0-9]{2}/[0-9]{2}[a-z] [0-9]{2}" - any two digits, "/"- slash, "[0-9]{2}"- any two digits, "/" is a slash,"[0-9]{2}"- any two digits, "[a-z]" - any one lat. lowercase" 31
01082 Registration certificate of the Ministry of Health of Russia [0-9]{2}/[0-9]{3}[a-z]/[0-9] [0-9]{2}" - any two digits, "/"- slash, "[0-9]{3}"- any three digits, "[a-z]" - any one lat. lowercase "/" - slash,"[0-9]" - any one digit" 32
01081 Permission to import into the Russian Federation a specific batch of unregistered medicines intended for the examination of medicines for medical use [0-9]{1,2}-[0-9]-[0-9]{7}- IMP-LS [0-9]{1,2}" - any 1 or 2 digits, "-" - hyphen, "[0-9]" - any digit, "-" - hyphen, "[0-9]{7}" - any seven digits, "-" - hyphen, "IMP" - Cyrillic, "-" - hyphen, "LS" - Cyrillic" 33
01081 Permission to import into the Russian Federation a specific batch of unregistered medicines intended to provide medical care for the vital indications of a particular patient [0-9]{2}-[0-9]/[0-9]{1,4} [0-9]{2}"- any two digits, "-"- hyphen, "[0-9]" - any digit, "/"- slash, , "[0-9]{1,4}"- from 1 to 4 of any digits" 34
01081 Permission to import into the Russian Federation medicines intended for the provision of humanitarian aid (assistance) or assistance in emergency situations [0-9]{2}-[0-9]/[0-9]/[0-9]-[0-9]{4} [0-9]{2}"- any two digits, "-"-hyphen, "[0-9]"- any digit, "/"- slash, "[0-9]"- any digit, "/"- slash, "[0-9]"- any digit,"-"- hyphen, "[0-9]{4}"- any four digits" 35
01081 Letter from the Ministry of Health confirming the intended purpose of narcotic drugs exported from the Russian Federation and intended to provide humanitarian assistance (assistance) or assistance in emergency situations [0-9]{2}-[0-9]{1}/[0-9]{1,2}/[0-9]{1}-[0-9]{4} '[0-9]{2}- any two digits, "-" -hyphen, '[0-9]{1}"- any digit, "/" is a slash, '[0-9]{1,2}"- one or two any digits, "/" -slash, '[0-9]{1}" - any digit, "-" - hyphen, [0-9]{4} - any four digits" 36
01041 Conclusion (authorization document) for the import of radio-electronic means and high-frequency devices for civil purposes, including built-in, or included in other goods RU/[0-9]{4}/[0-9]{1,4} RU"- lat, "/"- slash, "[0-9]{4}"- year in 4-digit format, "/"- slash, "[0-9]{1,4}"- one or four of any digits" 37
01073 Conclusion of Rosprirodnadzor ontransitwaste through the customs territory of the Customs Union EN/[0-9]{4}/[0-9]{2}-[0-9]{2}- OTH/[0-9]+ RU"- lat, "/"- slash, "[0-9]{4}"- year in 4-digit format, "/"- slash, "[0-9]{2}"- any 2 digits, "-"- hyphen, "[0-9]{2}"-any 2 digits, "-"- hyphen, "EX"- rus, "/"- slash, "[0-9]+" - one or more of any digits" 38
01072 Conclusion of the authorized body of the EEC Member States on the transit of toxic substances that are not precursors of narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances through the customs territory of the EEC EN/[0-9]{4}/[0-9]{2}-[0-9]{2}- JAV/[0-9]+ RU"- lat, "/"- slash, "[0-9]{4}"- year in 4-digit format, "/"- slash, "[0-9]{2}"- any 2 digits, "-"- hyphen, "[0-9]{2}"-any 2 digits, "-"- hyphen, "YAV"- rus, "/"- slash, "[0-9]+" - one or more of any digits" 39
01031 CITES permission forexport [0-9]{2}RU[0-9]{6} [0-9]{2}"- year, "RU"- lat, "[0-9]{6}"- any six digits (serial number of the permit)" 40
01031 CITES Certificate of Origin [0-9]{2}RU[0-9]{3}OR [0-9]{2}" - year, "RU" - lat, "[0-9]{3}" - any three digits (serial number of the permit), "OR" - lat" 41
01031 CITES certificate for re-export [0-9]{2}RU[0-9]{3}RE [0-9]{2}" - year, "RU" - lat, "[0-9]{3}" - any three digits (serial number of the permit), "RE" - lat" 42
01031 CITES Pre-convention Certificate [0-9]{2}RU[0-9]{3}PR [0-9]{2}" - year, "RU" - lat, "[0-9]{3}" - any three digits (serial number of the permit), "PR" - lat" 43
01031 CITES Certificate for a traveling exhibition [0-9]{2}RU[0-9]{3}TR [0-9]{2}" - year, "RU" - lat, "[0-9]{3}" - any three digits (serial number of the permit), "TR" - lat" 44
01082 Registration certificate of Roszdravnadzor of the Russian Federation: Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation MZ MPR (N|No.)( ){0,1}[0-9]{2}/([0-9]){1,4} MZ"- rus, "space", "MPR"- rus, "space", "(N|no.)"- number sign, "( ){0,1}"- possible space, "[0-9]{2}"- any two digits, "/" is a slash, "([0-9]){1,4}"- from one to four of any digits" 45
08031 Conclusion of the TTC form [0-9]{10} [0-9]{10}"- any ten digits" 46
08032 Conclusion of the IT form [0-9]{10} [0-9]{10}"- any ten digits" 47
01132 Conclusion of Roszdravnadzor of Russia on the import and (or) export of hematopoietic stem cells and bone marrow for the purpose of unrelated transplantation [0-9]{2}-[0-9]{1,8}/[0-9]{2} [0-9]{2}"- accepted values: "01" or "02" or "16", "-"- hyphen, "[0-9]{1,8}"- from 1 to 8 of any digits, "/" is a slash, "[0-9]{2}"- any two digits" 48
01031 Permission (certificate) Rosrybolovstvo RF CITES (in relation to sturgeon species of fish) [0-9]{4}/[0-9]{4} [0-9]{4}" - any four digits, "/"- slash, "[0-9]{4}"- year in 4x digital format" 49
05023 Rosselkhoznadzor letter on the intended purpose of the product: bird eggs for incubation [A-Z]{2}/([A-Z]){2,3}-[0-9]{2}/([0-9]){1,9} [A-Z]{2}"- any two Russian uppercase, "/"- slash, "([A-Z]){2,3}" - from two to three any Russian uppercase, "-"- hyphen, "[0-9]{2}"- any two digits, "/"- slash,"([0-9]){1,9}"- from one to nine of any digits" 50
01241 Certificate of export of rough natural diamonds RU [0-9]{7} RU"- Latin, space, "[0-9]{7}" - any seven digits" 51
01143 Act of State control and valuation of goods containing precious metals and precious stones exported from the territory of a CU Member State [0-9]{2}-[0-9]{2}/([ A-Z]){2,5}-[0-9]{2}/[0-9]{2,5}-([ A-Z-I]){2,3} [0-9]{2}"-2 love.numbers, "-"- hyphen, "[0-9]{2}"-2 love.numbers, "/"- slash, "[A-Z]{2,5}"-from 2 to 5 likes. rus, "-"- hyphen,"[0-9]{2}"- 2 love.numbers, "/"-slash, "[0-9]{2,5}"- from 2 to 5 of any digits "-"- hyphen, "([A-Z-I]){2,3}"- from 2 to 3 any uppercase" 52
01143 Act of State Control [0-9]{2}-[0-9]{3}(/|-)([0-9]){1,5} [0-9]{2}"- any two digits, "-"- hyphen, "[0-9]{3}"- any three digits, "(/|-)"- slash or hyphen, "([0-9]){1,5}"- from one to five of any digits" 53
03031 Transaction passport [0-9]{4}(([0-9])|([A-Z]))[0-9](([0-9])|([A-Z]))[0-9]/[0-9]{4}/[0-9]{4}/[0-9]/[0-9] [0-9]{4}(([0-9])|([ A-Z]))[0-9](([0-9])|([ A-Z]))[0-9]"- 8 any digits, registration is allowed.latins.the letter in the 5th and 7th character "/" is a slash, "[0-9]{4}"- 4 love.numbers, "/"- slash, "[0-9]{4}"- any 4 digits, "/"- slash, "[0-9]"- any digit, "/"- slash, "[0-9]"- any digit" 54

Licenses are provided by the Center for Licensing, Certification and Protection of State Secrets of the FSB of Russia (TSLSZ of the FSB of Russia)

" >License
FSVTS of Russia
[0-9]{11} [0-9]{11}"- eleven any digits" 55
01151 LicenseFSTECOf Russia L643[0-9]{10} L"- rus, "643", "[0-9]{10}"- ten any digits" 56
01011 License for the export and (or) import of goods [0-9]{3}RU[0-9]{11} [0-9]{3}" - any three digits, "RU" - lat, "[0-9]{11}"- eleven any digits" 57
01061 Conclusion (authorization document) for the import of plant protection products (pesticides) RU/[0-9]{4}/[0-9]{1,9} RU", "/"- slash, "[0-9]{4}"- year in 4-digit format, "/"- slash, "[0-9]{1,9}"- from one to nine of any digits" 58
01091 Conclusion (authorization document) for the import and (or) export of encryption (cryptographic) means RU/[0-9]{4}/[0-9]{1,4} RU"- lat, "/"- slash, "[0-9]{4}"- year in 4-digit format, "/"- slash, "[0-9]{1,4}"- from 1 to 4 of any digits" 59
01092 Notification(notification) of the FSB of Russia on the import (export) of encryption (cryptographic) media (information about it). RU[0-9]{10,11} RU, [0-9]{10,11}"- any ten digits" 60
01111 Conclusion (authorization document) for the export of collection materials on mineralogy, paleontology, bones of fossil animals RU/[0-9]{4}/[0-9]-[0-9]{2} RU", "/"- slash, "[0-9]{4}"- year in 4-digit format, "/"- slash, "[0-9]" - any one digit, "-"- hyphen, "[0-9]{2}"- any two digits" 61
03031 Transaction passport [0-9]{8} / 0000 / GU[0-9]{2}/[0-9]/[0-9] [0-9]{8}" - any eight digits, "/"- slash, "0000" - four zeros, "/"- slash, "GU" - lat., "[0-9]{2}"- any two digits, "/"- slash, "[0-9]"- any digit, "/"- slash, "[0-9]"- any digit" 62
01153 Permission of the Export Control Commission of the Russian Federation for export [0-9]{1,4}/([0-9]){1,2}( )*-( )*(( st)|(ST))(\.){0,1}20 [0-9]{1,4}"-from 1 to 4 of any digits, "/"-slash, "([0-9]){1,2}"- from 1 to 2 of any digits, "( )*"- any number of spaces, "-"- hyphen, "( )*"- any number of spaces, "((st)|(ST))" - one of the combinations of rus, "(\.){0,1}"- one or no dots, "20"" 63
01153 Permission (confirmation) for the import (export) of goods subject to export control issued by the authorized state body of the CU member states in the field of export control (Permission of the Export Control Commission of the Russian Federation (temporary removal)) ([0-9]){1,4}/[0-9]{2}- VRV ([0-9]){1,4}"- from one to four of any digits, "/" is a slash, "[0-9]{2}"- any two digits, "-"- hyphen, "VRV"- rus." 64
01154 Conclusion of the expert organization [0-9]{3}/[0-9]{1,5}-[0-9]{2}(/ CSIR){0,1} [0-9]{3}" - any three digits, "/"- slash, "[0-9]{1,5}"- 1 or any 5 digits, "-"- hyphen, "[0-9]{2}"- year of imprisonment, " (/CSIR){0,1}" - slash and CSIR - may be missing in the number" 65
01206 Read more information" >Certificate of state registration ((RU)|(BY)|(KZ)|(AM)|(KG))\.[0-9]{2}\.([0-9]|[А-Я]){2}\.[0-9]{2}\.[0-9]{3}\.Е\.[0-9]{6}\.[0-9]{2}\.[0-9]{2} ((RU)|(BY)|(KZ)|(AM)|(KG))"-RU orby ORKZ ORAM orkg,tchk,"[0-9]{2}"-2 love.digits,tchk,([0-9]|[A-Z]){2}-2x digit-letters (Cyrillic) organization code, tchk,"[0-9]{2}"-2 love.numbers, tchk,"[0-9]{3}"-3 love.numbers,-tchk,"E"-Cyrillic,tchk,6 love.numbers,tchk,2 lubs.digits,tchk,2 love digits" 66
08011 Permission to process goods for domestic consumption [0-9]{8}/[0-9]{2}( ){0,1}[0-9]{2}( ){0,1}[0-9]{2}/[0-9]{2}/[0-9]+ [0-9]{8}" - any eight digits, "/"- slash, "[0-9]{2}( ){0,1}[0-9]{2}( ){0,1}[0-9]{2}"- date in the format: "DD(1probel or none)MM(1probel or none)YY", "/"- slash, "[0-9]{2}"- OTAMREG.KOD, "/"- slash, "[0-9]+" - one or more of any digits" 67
08013 Permission to process goods for domestic consumption [0-9]{8}/[0-9]{2}( ){0,1}[0-9]{2}( ){0,1}[0-9]{2}/[0-9]{2}/[0-9]+ [0-9]{8}" - any eight digits, "/"- slash, "[0-9]{2}( ){0,1}[0-9]{2}( ){0,1}[0-9]{2}"- date in the format: "DD(1probel or none)MM(1probel or none)YY", "/"- slash, "[0-9]{2}"- OTAMREG.KOD, "/"- slash, "[0-9]+" - one or more of any digits" 68
05022 Letter from the Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Russian Federation confirming the intended purpose of imported goods intended for industrial assembly of motor vehicles [A-Z]{2}-[0-9]+/[0-9]{2} [A-Z]{2}"- any two Russian uppercase,"-"- hyphen, "[0-9]+" - one or more of any digits, "/"- slash, "[0-9]{2}"- any two digits" 69
01131 Permission to import into the Russian Federation and export outside the Russian Federation of biological materials obtained during a clinical trial of a medicinal product for medical use [0-9]{6,7}-[0-9]{2}-[0-9] [0-9]{6,7}"- six or seven of any digits, "-"- hyphen, "[0-9]{2}"- any two digits, hyphen, "[0-9]" - any digit" 70
01191 Rosaccreditation Declaration of conformity of products registered in a single form within the CU TS RU D-[A-Z]{2}\.[A-Z]{2}[0-9]{2}\.( A|C)\.[0-9]{5} TS"- rus, "space", "RU"- lat, "space", "D"- rus, "-"-hyphen, "[A-Z]{2}"- OKSMT.ABC2, "\."-tchk, "[A-Z]{2}" - any two Russian uppercase,"[0-9]{2}"- any two digits, "\."- tchk, "(A|B)" - one of the Russian letters: A,B, "\."- tchk, "[0-9]{5}"- any five digits" 71
01191 Certificate of Conformityand declarations of conformity of the system, GOST R certification ROSS [A-Z]{2}\.[A-Z]{2}[0-9]{2}\.(A|B|D)[0-9]{5} ROSS"- rus, space, "[A-Z]{2}"- OKSMT.ABC2, "\."- tchk, "[A-Z]{2}"- any two uppercase rus. ,"[0-9]{2}"- any two digits, "\."- tchk, "(A|V|D)" - one of 3 Russian letters: A, VD, "[0-9]{5}"- five any numbers" 72
01191 Vehicle approval, RF chassis type approval and Vehicle Design Safety Certificate (A|E|K)-[A-Z]{2}\.[A-Z]{2}[0-9]{2}\.( A|B)\.[0-9]{5}(\.){0,1}(( I|R|P)[0-9]{1,2})* (A|E|K)"-1iz r/b, hyphen,"[A-Z]{2}"-OKSMT.ABC2,tchk.,"[A-Z]{2}"-any two uppercase rus.,"[0-9]{2}"-2lub.numbers,tchk,"(A|B)"-1 from r/b,tchk.,"[0-9]{5}"- 5lub.numbers,tchk.,"(I|R|P)"-1iz r/b prop.,"[0-9]{1,2}"- 1 or 2 cif" 73
01071 Conclusion of the authorized body of the EEC Member States on import (export) toxic substances that are not precursors of narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances and are standard samples EN/[0-9]{4}/00-08- JAV/[0-9]+ RU"- lat, "/"- slash, "[0-9]{4}"- year in 4-digit format, "/"- slash, "00", "-"-hyphen, "08", "-"- hyphen, "YAV"- rus, "/"- slash, "[0-9]+" - one or more of any digits" 74
01192 Certificate of safety of the construction of vehicles(for the Russian Federation) A-[A-Z]{2}\.(([A-Z]{2})|([A-Z]{2}))[0-9]{2}\.A\.[0-9]{5} A"- rus, hyphen,"[A-Z]{2}"-OKSMT.ABC2, tchk, "(([A-Z]{2})|([A-Z]{2}))" - letters for the Russian Federation and countries CIS, or letters for abroad,"[0-9]{2}"- any two digits, tchk, "A"- Russian letter A, tchk, "[0-9]{5}" ¦ 5 any numbers" 75
05012 T.O. decision on the classification of goods in unassembled or disassembled form, including in incomplete or incomplete form, imported or exported within a specified time [0-9]{2}-[0-9]{2}/[0-9]{5} [0-9]{2}" - any two digits, dash, "[0-9]{2}"- any two digits, "/" is a slash, "[0-9]{5}"- any five digits" 76
05013 Preliminary decision on the classification of goods by TNForeign economic activityTS ((RU)|(BY)|(KZ)|(AM)|(KG))/[0-9]{5}/[0-9]{2}/[0-9]{1,4} ((RU)|(BY)|(KZ)|(AM)|(KG))"- RU orby ORKZ ORAM orkg, "/" - slash, "[0-9]{5}" - code T.O. Without the last. 3x zeros, "/" - slash, "[0-9]{2}" - afterward. two digits of the year of adoption will precede. resh-I, "/" - slash, "[0-9]{1,4}" - order. the number will precede. I decide on the classification." 77
01081 Permission to import into the Russian Federation a specific batch of unregistered medicines intended for clinical trials of medicines for medical use RU/[0-9]{4}/[0-9]{1,4}-I RU"-Latin, slash, "[0-9]{4}"- year, slash, "[0-9]{1,4}"- from 1 to 4 of any digits - through numbering, "-I" - hyphen and Lat.the letter "I"" 78
01131 Permission to import into the Russian Federation and export outside the Russian Federation of biological materials obtained during a clinical trial of a medicinal product for medical use [0-9]{1,5} [0-9]{1,5}" - from one to five of any digits" 79
01011 Exclusive license of the Ministry of Industry and Trade of Russia WHETHER[0-9]{13} LI" - Cyrillic, "[0-9]{13}"- thirteen of any digits" 80
01408 Compliance documents issued (registered) in accordance with the requirements of the RF PP dated 01.12.2009 No. 982 ROSS RU WITH-[A-Z]{2}\.[A-Z]{2}[0-9]{2}\.( A|B)\.[0-9]{5}/[0-9]{2} ROSS"-rus.,"space","RU"-Latin,"space","C"-rus, "-" -hyphen,"[A-Z]{2}"-OKSMT.ABC2,"\."-tchk,"[A-Z]{2}"- two favorite prop.rus., "[0-9]{2}"- 2 love.cipher., "\."- tchk, "(A|B)" - one of the Russian letters: A, B, "\."- tchk, "[0-9]{5}"- 5 L.tsif.,"slash","[0-9]{2}"- posl.2 cyf.g.v." 81
01408 Submission of the document after the release of goods in accordance with subparagraph 2 of paragraph 1 of Article 126The EAEU TC ((REQUIRED)|(required)|(Required))(.)* I UNDERTAKE TO PROVIDE UP TO 82
01409 Oil passport (oil quality passport) (.)+ (.)+" - any characters" 83
01409 Submission of the document after the release of goods in accordance with subparagraph 2 of paragraph 1 of Article 126 of the Labor CodeThe EAEU ((REQUIRED)|(required)|(Required))(.)* I UNDERTAKE TO PROVIDE UP TO 84
01411 Certificate of state registration of products confirming compliance of products with the requirements of the technical regulations of the EAEU (technical regulations of the CU) ((RU)|(BY)|(KZ)|(AM)|(KG))\.[0-9]{2}\.([0-9]|[А-Я]){2}\.[0-9]{2}\.[0-9]{3}\.R\.[0-9]{6}\.[0-9]{2}\.[0-9]{2} ((RU)|(BY)|(KZ)|(AM)|(KG))"-RU orby ORKZ ORAM orkg,tchk,"[0-9]{2}"-2 love.cif,tchk,([0-9]|[A-Z]){2}-2x zn cif-letters (Cyrillic) organization code, tchk,"[0-9]{2}"-2 love.cif,tchk,"[0-9]{3}"-3 love.cif,-tchk,"R"-lat.,tchk,6 lb.cif,tchk,2 lb.cif,tchk,2 lb.cif" 85
01411 Submission of the document after the release of goods in accordance with subparagraph 2 of paragraph 1 of Article 126 of the EAEU Customs Code ((REQUIRED)|(required)|(Required))(.)* I UNDERTAKE TO PROVIDE UP TO 86
01412 Certificate of classification of a small vessel EAEU RU UK-[0-9]+/[0-9]{1,2} EAEU"- rus, "space", "RU" - Latin, "space", "UK" - Rus., "-" - hyphen, "[0-9]+" - one or more of any digits, "/" - slash, "[0-9]{1,2}" - from one to two of any digits" 87
01412 Certificate of classification of a small vessel EEU BY(.)+ EAEU"- rus, "space", "BY" - Lat, "(.)+" - any characters" 88
01412 Certificate of classification of a small vessel EAEU KZ(.)+ EAEU"- rus, "space", "KZ" - Latin, "(.)+" - any characters" 89
01412 Certificate of classification of a small vessel EAEU AM(.)+ EAEU"- rus, "space", "AM" - Latin, "(.)+" - any characters" 90
01412 Certificate of classification of a small vessel EAEU KG(.)+ EAEU"- rus, "space", "KG" - Latin, "(.)+" - any characters" 91
01412 Submission of the document after the release of goods in accordance with subparagraph 2 of paragraph 1 of Article 126 of the EAEU Customs Code ((REQUIRED)|(required)|(Required))(.)* I UNDERTAKE TO PROVIDE UP TO 92
01413 Certificate of registration of mineral fertilizers (.)+ (.)+" - any characters" 93
01413 Submission of the document after the release of goods in accordance with subparagraph 2 of paragraph 1 of Article 126 of the EAEU Customs Code ((REQUIRED)|(required)|(Required))(.)* I UNDERTAKE TO PROVIDE UP TO 94
01414 Certificate of notification state registration of chemical products (.)+ (.)+" - any characters" 95
01414 Submission of the document after the release of goods in accordance with subparagraph 2 of paragraph 1 of Article 126 of the EAEU Customs Code ((REQUIRED)|(required)|(Required))(.)* I UNDERTAKE TO PROVIDE UP TO 96
01415 Permission to use chemical products (.)+ (.)+" - any characters" 97
01415 Submission of the document after the release of goods in accordance with subparagraph 2 of paragraph 1 of Article 126 of the EAEU Customs Code ((REQUIRED)|(required)|(Required))(.)* I UNDERTAKE TO PROVIDE UP TO 98
01408 Compliance documents issued (registered) in accordance with the requirements of the RF PP dated 01.12.2009 No. 982 ROSS [A-Z]{2}\.[A-Z]{2}[0-9]{2}\.(E)[0-9]{5} ROSS"- rus, space, "[A-Z]{2}"- OKSMT.ABC2, "\."- tchk, "[A-Z]{2}"- any two uppercase rus. ,"[0-9]{2}"- any two digits, "\."- tchk, "(D)"- Russian letter D, "[0-9]{5}"- five any numbers" 99
01241 Certificate of import of rough natural diamonds [A-Z]{2}(.)+ [A-Z]{2}" - any two lat. letters, "(.)+" - any characters" 100
10051 Information on the inclusion of medicines in the Unified Register of Registered Medicines of the Eurasian Economic Union LP-N \([0-9]{6}\)-\( RG-(AM|BY|KZ|KG|RU)\) LP","-"- def/(cor.),"N"-lat.,post.simv.," "-space,"\(","[0-9]{6}"- six lubs.digits, "\)"-close.parenthesis,"-" -hyphen(cor.),"\("-open.bracket,"RG"-cyr.,post.simv.,"-"-hyphen(cor.),"(AM|BY|KZ|KG|RU)" - AM,BY,KZ,KG or RU Latin,"\)"-close brackets" 101
10051 Registration certificate of the Ministry of Health of Russia [0-9]{2}/[0-9]{2}/[0-9]{2}[a-z] [0-9]{2}" - any two digits, "/"- slash, "[0-9]{2}"- any two digits, "/" is a slash,"[0-9]{2}"- any two digits, "[a-z]" - any one lat. lowercase" 102
10051 Registration certificate of the Ministry of Health of Russia [0-9]{2}/[0-9]{3}[a-z]/[0-9] [0-9]{2}" - any two digits, "/"- slash, "[0-9]{3}"- any three digits, "[a-z]" - any one lat. lowercase "/" - slash,"[0-9]" - any one digit" 103
01095 Conclusion (authorization document) for the import and (or) export of special technical means intended for the secret receipt of information RU/[0-9]{4}/[0-9]{1,4} RU"- lat, "/"- slash, "[0-9]{4}"- year in 4-digit format, "/"- slash, "[0-9]{1,4}"- from 1 to 4 of any digits" 104
01095 Absence of a permit document ((REQUIRED)|(required)|(Required))(.)* I UNDERTAKE TO PROVIDE UP TO 105
10052 Information on the inclusion of the relevant notification in the unified register of notifications on the characteristics of encryption (cryptographic) means and goods containing them RU[0-9]{10,11} RU"- lat., "[0-9]{10,11}"- ten any digits" 106
10052 Notifications of RB, RK, RA and KR ((BY)|(KZ)|(AM)|(KG))(.)+ ((BY)|(KZ)|(AM)|(KG))"- BY ORKZ ORAM orkg - Latin, "(.)+"- any characters" 107
01131 Conclusion of Roszdravnadzor of Russia on the import and (or) export of hematopoietic stem cells and bone marrow for the purpose of unrelated transplantation RU/[0-9]{4}/[0-9]{2}-[0-9]{1,8}/[0-9]{2} RU"-Latin, slash, "[0-9]{4}"- year of the conclusion, slash,"[0-9]{2}"- any two digits, hyphen, "[0-9]{1,8}"- from 1 to 8 any digits, slash, "[0-9]{2}"- any two digits (year)" 108
10052 Absence of a permit document ((REQUIRED)|(required)|(Required))(.)* I UNDERTAKE TO PROVIDE UP TO 109
01191 Certificate of safety of the vehicle structure TS RU A-[A-Z]{2}\.[A-Z]{2}[0-9]{2}\.[0-9]{5}(\.){0,1}(( I|R|P)[0-9]{1,2})* TS" - rus, space, "RU" - Latin, space, "A" - rus, hyphen, "[A-Z]{2}"- OKSMT.ABC2, "\."- tchk,"[A-Z]{2}"- 2 love.rus,"[0-9]{2}" - 2 love the numbers,"\."- tchk,"[0-9]{5}" - 5 love numbers,"(I|P|P)"-1iz r/b prop.,"[0-9]{1,2}"- 1 or 2 cif" 110
05025 Certificate of the Ministry of Energy of the Russian Federation on confirmation of compliance of information on the export of crude oil (stable gas condensate) with certain physico-chemical characteristics to the schedule of transportation of oil (stable gas condensate) [0-9]{2}-[0-9]{1,2}/[0-9]{2} [0-9]{2}"- any two digits,"-"- hyphen, "[0-9]{1,2}"- serial number of the reference for the current year, "/"- slash, "[0-9]{2}"- any two digits" 111
01191 Certificate of conformity of products issued in a single form within the EAEU EAEU RU C-[A-Z]{2}\.[A-Z]{2}[0-9]{2}\.( A|C)\.[0-9]{5} EAEU"- rus,"space","RU"-Latin,"space","C"-rus,"-"- def.,"[A-Z]{2}"- OKSMT.ABC2, "\."-tchk,"[A-Z]{2}"-2 love.rus.prop,"[0-9]{2}"-2 love.numbers, "\."-tchk,"(A|B)"-one of the Russian letters: A,B, "\."-tchk,"[0-9]{5}"-5 love.numbers" 112
01191 Declaration of Conformityproducts registered in a single form within the framework of the EAEU EAEU N RU D-[A-Z]{2}\.[A-Z]{2}[0-9]{2}\.( A|C)\.[0-9]{5} EAEU"-rus,"space","N"-Latin,"space","RU" - Latin,"space","D"- rus,hyphen,"[A-Z]{2}"-OKSMT.ABC2,tchk,"[A-Z]{2}"-two favorite Russian prop.,"[0-9]{2}"- two ly.zif.,tchk,"(A|B)"-one of the r/b:A,B,"\."-tchk,"[0-9]{5}"-five love cif" 113
05996 The agreement concluded by the Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation and the Russian Legal Entity on the import of goods intended for the industrial assembly of motor vehicles of headings 8701-8705HSThe EAEU, their nodes and assemblies (.)+ (.)+"- any characters" 114
05997 Supplementary Agreement to the agreement concluded by the Ministry of Economic Development of Russia and the Russian legal Entities on the import of goods intended for the industrial assembly of motor vehicles of commodity items 8701-8705 of the Customs Code of the EAEU, their components and aggregates (.)+ (.)+"- any characters" 115
05998 Protocol on amendments to the agreement concluded by the Ministry of Economic Development of Russia and the Russian Legal Entity on the import of goods intended for the industrial assembly of motor vehicles of commodity items 8701-8705 of the Customs Code of the EAEU, their components and aggregates (.)+ (.)+"- any characters" 116
01041 Conclusion (authorization document) for the import of radio-electronic means and high-frequency devices for civil purposes, including built-in, or included in other goods EN/20[0-9]{2}/351/5/[0-9]{1,5}( H|h) RU"- lat, "/"- slash, 20 - constant value, "[0-9]{2}"- the last two digits of the year, "/"- slash, 351/5/ - constant value, "[0-9]{1,5}"- from 1 to 5 of any digits, "(H|h)"- Russ.the letter" 117
01191 Certificate (declaration) of conformity issued (registered) in a single form by the certification bodies of the Republic of Belarus TS BY(.)+ TS"- rus, "space", "BY" - Lat, "(.)+" - any characters" 118
01191 Certificate (declaration) of conformity issued (registered) in a single form by the certification bodies of the products of the Republic of Kazakhstan Vehicle KZ(.)+ TS"- rus, "space", "KZ" - Latin, "(.)+" - any characters" 119
01191 Certificate (declaration) of conformity issued (registered) in a single form by the RA product certification bodies Vehicle AM(.)+ TS"- rus, "space", "AM" - Latin, "(.)+" - any characters" 120
01191 Certificate (declaration) of conformity issued (registered) in a single form by the certification bodies of the Kyrgyz Republic VEHICLE KG(.)+ TS"- rus, "space", "KG" - Lat, "(.)+" - any characters" 121
01191 Certificate (declaration) of conformity issued (registered) in a single form by the certification bodies of the Republic of Belarus EEU BY(.)+ EAEU"- rus, "space", "BY" - Lat, "(.)+" - any characters" 122
01191 Certificate (declaration) of conformity issued (registered) in a single form by the certification bodies of the products of the Republic of Kazakhstan EAEU KZ(.)+ EAEU"- rus, "space", "KZ" - Latin, "(.)+" - any characters" 123
01191 Certificate (declaration) of conformity issued (registered) in a single form by the RA product certification bodies EAEU AM(.)+ EAEU"- rus, "space", "AM" - Latin, "(.)+" - any characters" 124
01191 Certificate (declaration) of conformity issued (registered) in a single form by the certification bodies of the Kyrgyz Republic EAEU KG(.)+ EAEU"- rus, "space", "KG" - Latin, "(.)+" - any characters" 125
01081 Permission to import into the Russian Federation a specific batch of unregistered medicines intended to provide medical care for the vital indications of a particular patient RU/20[0-9]{2}/[0-9]+ RU" - Latin, "/" - slash, "20" - constant value, "[0-9]{2}"- the last two digits of the year, "/" - slash, "[0-9]+" - one or more of any digits" 126
07012 Confirmation of the intended purpose of materials imported under the Agreement on the Import of Educational, Scientific and Cultural Materials dated 11/22/1950 (issued by Rospat) [0-9]{2}/[0-9]-[0-9]{2}-[0-9]{4}/[0-9]{2}-[0-9]{1,10}( C|C) [0-9]{2}"-two digits,"/"-slash,"[0-9]"-one digit,"-" dash,"[0-9]{2}"- two digits, "-"-dash,"[0-9]{4}"- four digits,"/"-slash,"[0-9]{2}"- two digits, "-"-dash,"[0-9]{1,10}"- from 1 to 10 digits, "(C|C)"-Cyrillic or Latin" 127
07012 Confirmation of the intended purpose of materials imported under the Agreement on the Import of Educational, Scientific and Cultural Materials dated 11/22/1950 (issued by Rospat) [0-9]{2}/[0-9]-[0-9]{2}-[0-9]{1,10}( C|C) [0-9]{2}"-two digits,"/"-slash,"[0-9]"-one digit,"-"-dash,"[0-9]{2}"- two digits, "-"-dash,"[0-9]{1,10}"- from 1 to 10 digits,"(C|C)"-Cyrillic or Latin" 128
01101 Certificate for the right to export, temporary export of cultural values issued by Rossvyazohrankultura,Rosohrankultura, the Ministry of Culture of Russia and their territorial bodies before 31.12.2012 MK №[0-9]{8} MK"- Latin, constant value, "space", "No" - number symbol,constant value,"[0-9]{8}"- 8 any numbers" 129
01131 Conclusion (authorization document) The Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation for the import and (or) export of samples of biological materials obtained during a clinical trial of a medicinal product for medical use RU/[0-9]{4}/[0-9]{1,4}-IO RU"- Latin simv., "/"- slash, "[0-9]{4}"- year, "/"- slash, "[0-9]{1,4}"- from 1 to 4 of any digits, "-IO" is a hyphen of the Latin simv."IO"" 130
01191 Certificate of conformity of products to the requirements of technical regulations of the Russian Federation EN C-[A-Z]{2}\.[A-Z]{2}[0-9]{2}\.( A|B)\.[0-9]{5}/[0-9]{2} RU"-Latin,"space","C"- rus, "-" - hyphen, "[A-Z]{2}"- OKSMT.ABC2, "\."-tchk, "[A-Z]{2}"- two lubs.propis.rus., "[0-9]{2}"- two love letters, "\."- tchk, "(A|B)" - one of the Russian letters: A,B, "\."- tchk, "[0-9]{5}"- five likes.cyf., "slash","[0-9]{2}"- posl.2 cyf.g.v." 131
01191 Certificate of conformity of products to the requirements of the technical regulations of the Eurasian Economic Union EAEU RU C-[A-Z]{2}\.[A-Z]{2}[0-9]{2}\.( A|B)\.[0-9]{5}/[0-9]{2} EAEU"-rus.,"space","RU"-Latin,"space","C"-rus,"-"-def.,"[A-Z]{2}"-OKSMT.ABC2,"\."-tchk,"[A-I]{2}"- 2 love prop.rus., "[0-9]{2}"- two love.cif., "\."- tchk, "(A|B)"- one of the rus.b.: A,B, "\."- tchk, "[0-9]{5}"- 5 love.cyf.,"slash", "[0-9]{2}"- posl.2 cyf.g.v." 132
01191 Certificate of conformity of products included in the unified list of products subject to mandatory certification, approved by RF PP No. 982 dated 01.12.2009 ROSS RU WITH-[A-Z]{2}\.[A-Z]{2}[0-9]{2}\.( A|B)\.[0-9]{5}/[0-9]{2} ROSS"-rus.,"space","RU"-Latin,"space","C"-rus, "-" -hyphen,"[A-Z]{2}"-OKSMT.ABC2,"\."-tchk,"[A-Z]{2}"- two favorite prop.rus., "[0-9]{2}"- 2 love.cipher., "\."- tchk, "(A|B)" - one of the Russian letters: A, B, "\."- tchk, "[0-9]{5}"- 5 L.tsif.,"slash","[0-9]{2}"- posl.2 cyf.g.v." 133
01191 Certificate of conformity for products included in the EP of products subject to conformity assessment with the issuance of SS and declarations of conformity in a single form, approved by the RCTS dated 07.04.2011 No. 620 TS RU S-[A-Z]{2}\.[A-Z]{2}[0-9]{2}\.( A|B)\.[0-9]{5}/[0-9]{2} TS"-rus.,"space","RU"-Latin,"space","C"-rus, "-" -hyphen,"[A-Z]{2}"-OKSMT.ABC2,"\."-tchk,"[A-Z]{2}"-two favorite prop.rus.,"[0-9]{2}"- two ly.ts., "\."- tchk, "(A|V)" - one of the Russian letters: A, B, "\."- tchk, "[0-9]{5}"- five love c.,"slash","[0-9]{2}"- posl.2 cyf.g.v." 134
01191 Declaration of conformity of products to the requirements of technical regulations of the Russian Federation EN D-[A-Z]{2}\.[A-Z]{2}[0-9]{2}\.( A|B)\.[0-9]{5}/[0-9]{2} RU"-Latin,"space","D"- rus, "-" - hyphen, "[A-Z]{2}"- OKSMT.ABC2, "\."- tchk, "[A-Z]{2}"- two lubs.propis.rus., "[0-9]{2}"- two love letters, "\."- tchk, "(A|B)" - one of the Russian letters: A,B, "\."- tchk, "[0-9]{5}"- five likes.cyf., "slash","[0-9]{2}"- posl.2 cyf.g.v." 135
01191 Declaration of conformity of products to the requirements of the technical regulations of the EAEU EAEU N RU D-[A-Z]{2}\.[A-Z]{2}[0-9]{2}\.( A|B)\.[0-9]{5}/[0-9]{2} EAEU"-rus,"space","N"-Latin,"space","RU"-Latin,"space","D"-rus,"-"-hyphen,"[A-Z]{2}"-OKSMT.ABC2,"\."-tchk,"[A-Z]{2}"-two lube.rus.prop.,"[0-9]{2}"- two ly.zif.,"\."-tchk,"(A|B)"-one of the r/b:A,In,"\."-tchk,"[0-9]{5}"- Five L.cif,"slash","[0-9]{2}"- posl.2 cyf.g.v." 136
01191 Declaration of conformity for products included in the EP of products, the confirmation of conformity of which is carried out in the form of a declaration of conformity approved by RF PP No. 982 dated 01.12.2009 ROSS RU D-[A-Z]{2}\.[A-Z]{2}[0-9]{2}\.( A|B)\.[0-9]{5}/[0-9]{2} ROSS"-rus.,"space","RU"-Latin,"space","D"-rus, "-" -hyphen, "[A-Z]{2}"-OKSMT.ABC2,"\."-tchk,"[A-Z]{2}"- two favorite prop.rus., "[0-9]{2}"- two ly.ts., "\."- tchk, "(A|V)"-one of the Russian letters: A,B,"\."- tchk,"[0-9]{5}"- 5 lub.ts.,"slash","[0-9]{2}"- posl.2 cyf.g.v." 137
01191 Declaration of conformity for products included in the EP of products subject to mandatory confirmation of conformity with the issuance of CC and declarations of conformity in a single form, approved by the RCTS dated 07.04.2011 No.620 TS N RU D-[A-Z]{2}\.[A-Z]{2}[0-9]{2}\.( A|B)\.[0-9]{5}/[0-9]{2} TS"-rus.,"space","N"-Latin,"space","RU"-Latin,"space","D"-rus,"-" -hyphen,"[A-Z]{2}"-OKSMT.ABC2,"\."-tchk,"[A-Z]{2}"-2 love prop.rus.,"[0-9]{2}"- 2 love.ts.,"\."- tchk, "(A|V)" - one of the R.B.: A,B,"\."- tchk,"[0-9]{5}"-5 lub.ts.,"slash","[0-9]{2}"- posl.2 cyf.g.v." 138
01163 Conclusions of the Federal Customs Service of Russia [0-9]{4,11} [0-9]{4,11}"- from four to eleven any digits" 139
05013 A preliminary decision on the classification of goods according to the Customs Code of the Customs Union ((RU)|(BY)|(KZ)|(AM)|(KG))/[0-9]{8}/[0-9]{6}/[0-9]{4}/[0-9]{2} ((RU)|(BY)|(KZ)|(AM)|(KG))"- RU orby ORKZ ORAM orkg,"/"- slash,"[0-9]{8}"- code T.O., "/"- slash, "[0-9]{6}" - date adoption of the preliminary decision. in DDMMGG format, "/" is a slash,"[0-9]{4}"- four-digit. ordinal number of the prev. solution,"/"-slash,"[0-9]{2}"- number "01" or "02"" 140
05014 T.O. decision on changing the preliminary decision on the classification of goods and/or the decision on the classification of goods in unassembled or disassembled form, including in incomplete or incomplete form, imported or exported within a specified period of time ИЗ/((RU)|(BY)|(KZ)|(AM)|(KG))/[0-9]{5}/[0-9]{2}/[0-9]{1,4} FROM"-cyr.,"/"-slash,"((RU)|(BY)|(KZ)|(AM)|(KG))"- RU orby ORKZ ORAM orkg,"/"- slash,"[0-9]{5}"- code T.O.,"/"- slash,"[0-9]{2}"- post.the figures of the year of the decision-I about the changes made in the class,"/"-slash,"[0-9]{1,4}"- in a row.the number of the solution-I am about to be changed in the solution. according to the classification." 141
01081 Permission to import into the Russian Federation a specific batch of unregistered medicines intended to provide medical care for the vital indications of a particular patient RU/20[0-9]{2}/[0-9]{2}-[0-9]-[0-9]{4} RU"-lat, "/"- slash, "20" - constant value, "[0-9]{2}"- the last two digits of the year, "/"- slash, "[0-9]{2}"- any two digits, "-"- hyphen, "[0-9]"- any digit, "-"- hyphen, "[0-9]{4}"- any four digits" 142
05022 Letter from the Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Russian Federation confirming the intended purpose of imported equipment and goods [0-9]+/[0-9]{2} [0-9]+" - one or more of any digits, "/"- slash, "[0-9]{2}"- any two digits" 143
07012 Certificate of recognition of funds, goods, works and services as humanitarian aid (issued by the Ministry of Labor of Russia) [0-9]{5} [0-9]{5}"-five digits" 144
07012 Certificate of recognition of funds, goods, works and services as humanitarian aid (issued by the Ministry of Labor of Russia) GP Series[0-9]{5} GP series" - rus., "[0-9]{5}" - five digits" 145
07012 Certificate of recognition of funds, goods, works and services as humanitarian aid (issued by the Ministry of Labor of Russia) GP Series[0-9]{5} GP Series" - rus., "[0-9]{5}" - five digits" 146
07012 Certificate of recognition of funds, goods, works and services as technical assistance (assistance) (issued by the Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation) [0-9]{5} [0-9]{5}" - five digits" 147
07012 Registration certificate for a medical device (medical device (medical equipment)) issued by Roszdravnadzor Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation № ([0-9]{2}|[0-9]{4})/[0-9]{1,4} MOZ" - rus., "space", "RF" - rus, "space", "No." - number sign, "space", "([0-9]{2}|[0-9]{4})"- two or four digits, "/" is a slash, "[0-9]{1,4}" - from one to four digits" 148
07012 Any format .* Any sequence of characters 149
01153 Permission (confirmation) for the import (export) of goods subject to export control issued by the authorized state body of the CU member states in the field of export control (Permission of the Export Control Commission of the Russian Federation (export)) [0-9]{1,4}/([0-9]){1,2}-(( st)|(ST))20 [0-9]{1,4}"-from 1 to 4 of any digits, "/"-slash, "([0-9]){1,2}"- from 1 to 2 of any digits, "-"- hyphen, "((st)|(ST))" - one of the combinations rus, "20"" 150
01153 Permission of the Export Control Commission of the Russian Federation for temporary export ([0-9]){1,4}/[0-9]{2}()*-()* VRV ([0-9]){1,4}"- from one to four of any digits, "/" is a slash, "[0-9]{2}"- any two digits, "()*"- any number of spaces, "-"- hyphen, "()*"- any number of spaces, "VRV"- rus." 151
01151 License of FSTEC of Russia L643[0-9]{10}/([0-9])* L"- rus, "643", "[0-9]{10}"- ten any digits, "/" is a slash, "([0-9])*"- any number of digits (product number according to the license application)" 152
01151 License of FSTEC of Russia L643[0-9]{10}/([0-9])*/([0-9])* L"- rus, "643", "[0-9]{10}"- ten any digits, "/" is a slash, "([0-9])*"- any number of digits (general license list number),"/"-slash, "([0-9])*"- any number of digits (product number according to the general license list)" 153
01161 License of the Federal Customs Service of Russia 131[0-9]{8}/([0-9])* 131", "[0-9]{8}"- any eight digits, "/" is a slash, "([0-9])*"- any number of digits (product number according to the license application)" 154
01161 License of the Federal Customs Service of Russia 131[0-9]{8}/([0-9])*/([0-9])* 131", "[0-9]{8}"- any eight digits, "/" is a slash, "([0-9])*"- any number of digits (license list number), "/"- slash, "([0-9])*"- any number of digits (product number according to the license list)" 155
01191 Certificate of conformity of the GOST R certification system ROSS [A-Z]{2}\.[A-Z]{2}[0-9]{2}\.( A|B)[0-9]{5} ROSS"- rus, space, "[A-Z]{2}"- OKSMT.ABC2, "\."- tchk, "[A-Z]{2}"- any two uppercase rus. ,"[0-9]{2}"- any two digits, "\."- tchk, "(A|B)" - one of the 2 Russian letters: A,B, "[0-9]{5}"- five any numbers" 156
01191 Declaration of conformity of the GOST R certification system ROSS [A-Z]{2}\.[A-Z]{2}[0-9]{2}\.(E)[0-9]{5} ROSS"- rus, space, "[A-Z]{2}"- OKSMT.ABC2, "\."- tchk, "[A-Z]{2}"- any two uppercase rus. ,"[0-9]{2}"- any two digits, "\."- tchk, "(D)" - one Russian letter: D, "[0-9]{5}"- five any numbers" 157
01206 Certificate of state registration ((RU)|(BY)|(KZ)|(AM)|(KG))\.[0-9]{2}\.([0-9]|[А-Я]){2}\.[0-9]{2}\.[0-9]{3}\.(Е|E)\.[0-9]{6}\.[0-9]{2}\.[0-9]{2} ((RU)|(BY)|(KZ)|(AM)|(KG))"-RU orby ORKZ ORAM orkg,tchk,"[0-9]{2}"-2 love.cif,tchk,([0-9]|[A-Z]){2}-2x zn cif-letters (Cyrillic) organization code, tchk,"[0-9]{2}"-2 love.cif,tchk,"[0-9]{3}"-3 love.cif,-tchk,"E"-Cyrillic, or "E"-Latin,tchk,6 lb.cif,tchk,2 lb.cif,tchk,2 lb.cif" 158
10051 Registration certificate of the Ministry of Health of Russia FS-[0-9]{6}/[0-9]{1} FS"- rus,"-"- hyphen, "[0-9]{6}"- any six digits, "/" is a slash, "[0-9]{1}" - any one digit" 159
01017 Permission to export and (or) import goods for which automatic licensing (supervision) has been introduced (RU|BY|KZ|AM|KG)[2]{1}[0-9]{1}[0-9]{3}[0-9]{5} (RU|BY|KZ|AM|KG)"- country code in accordance with the classification of the countries of the world,"[2]{1}-fixed.value,"[0-9]{1}"- digit from 0 to 9, "[0-9]{3}" - three digits from 0 to 9,"[0-9]{5}"- five digits from 0 to 9" 160
01153 Permission of the Export Control Commission of the Russian Federation for export [0-9]{1,3}/([0-9]){1,2}(\s)*-(\s)*((st)|(st))(\.){0,1}20 [0-9]{1,3}"-from 1 to 3 characters,"/"-slash,"([0-9]){1,2}"- from 1 to 2 digits,"()*"-any number of spaces,"-"- hyphen,"()*"-any number of spaces,"((st)|(ST))" - one of the combinations of Rus,"(\.)"-one or no dots, "20"" 161
01153 Permission of the Export Control Commission of the Russian Federation for temporary export ([0-9]){1,3}/[0-9]{2}(\s)*-(\s)*VRV ([0-9]){1,3}"- from 1 to 3 of any digits, "/" is a slash,"[0-9]{2}"- any two digits,"()*"-any number of spaces,"-"-hyphen,"()*"-any number of spaces, "VRV"- rus." 162
07012 Certificate of recognition of funds, goods, works and services as humanitarian aid (issued by the Ministry of Labor of Russia) GP [0-9]{6} GP"- Cyrillic, uppercase, "space", "[0-9]{6}"- any six digits" 163
07012 Certificate of recognition of funds, goods, works and services as humanitarian aid (issued by the Ministry of Labor of Russia) GP # [0-9]{6} GP" - Cyrillic, uppercase, "space", "No." - number sign, "space", "[0-9]{6}"- any six digits" 164
05020 Letter from the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation confirming the intended purpose of the goods for medical purposes [0-9]{2}-[0-9]{1}/[0-9]+ [0-9]{2}"- any two digits, "-"- hyphen, "[0-9]{1}" - any one digit, "/" is a slash, "[0-9]+" is one or more of any digits" 165
01081 Permission to import into the Russian Federation a specific batch of unregistered medicines intended to provide medical care for the vital indications of a particular patient RU/20[0-9]{2}/[0-9]{2}-[0-9]-[0-9]{4}/[0-9]+ RU"-lat, "/"- slash, "20" - constant value, "[0-9]{2}"- the last two digits of the year, "/"- slash, "[0-9]{2}"- any two digits, "-"- hyphen, "[0-9]"- any digit, "-"- hyphen, "[0-9]{4}"- any four digits, "[0-9]+" - one or more of any digits" 166
01111 Conclusion (will allow. document) for the export of collections and collectibles on mineralogy and paleontology, bones of fossil animals, certain types of mineral raw materials and information about the subsoil by districts and deposits of fuel and energy. and mineral raw materials RU/[0-9]{4}/[0-9]{6} RU"- Latin, "/"- slash, "[0-9]{4}"- year in 4-digit format, "/"- slash, "[0-9]{6}"- any six digits" 167
01121 Conclusion (authorization document) for the export of wild live animals, individual wild plants and wild medicinal raw materials RU/[0-9]{4}/[0-9]{4} RU"- Latin, "/"- slash, "[0-9]{4}"- year in 4-digit format, "/"- slash, "[0-9]{4}"- any four digits" 168
01125 Conclusion (will allow. document) for the export of rare and endangered species of wild living animals and wild plants included in the Red Books of the EEC Member States RU/[0-9]{4}/[0-9]{4} RU"- Latin, "/"- slash, "[0-9]{4}"- year in 4-digit format, "/"- slash, "[0-9]{4}"- any four digits" 169
10051 Information on the inclusion of medicines in the Unified Register of Registered Medicines of the Eurasian Economic Union LP-No.[0-9]{6}-RG-(AM|BY|KZ|KG|RU) LP"-,"-"- hyphen(short),"no."-symbol no. kir.,"[0-9]{6}"- any six digits, "-" -hyphen (short), "RG"-cyr., post.symbols,"-"-hyphen (cor.),"(AM|BY|KZ|KG|RU)" - AM,BY,KZ,KG or RU Latin" 170
10051 Information on the inclusion of medicines in the Unified Register of Registered Medicines of the Eurasian Economic Union LP-N\([0-9]{6}\)-\( RG-(AM|BY|KZ|KG|RU)\) LP","-"-def/(cor.),"N"-lat.,post.simv.,"\(","[0-9]{6}"- six love digits,"\)"-close.parenthesis,"-" -hyphen(cor.),"\("-open.bracket,"RG"-cyr.,post.simv.,"-"-hyphen(cor.),"(AM|BY|KZ|KG|RU)" - AM,BY,KZ,KG or RU Latin,"\)"-close brackets" 171
01081 Permission to import into the Russian Federation a specific batch of unregistered medicines intended for emergency medical care EN/[0-9]{4}/[0-9]{2}-[0-9]-[0-9]{6}- MPK-LS RU"-Latin, slash, "[0-9]{4}"- any 4 digits, slash, "[0-9]" - any 2 digits, hyphen, "[0-9]"- any digit, hyphen, "[0-9]" - any 6 digits, hyphen, "IPC" - Cyrillic, hyphen, "LS" - Cyrillic" 172
01081 Permission to import a specific batch of unregistered leks into the Russian Federation. funds for the examination, for the provision of emergency medical care. Permission for temporary circulation, including importation into the Russian Federation, of a series (batch) of a medicinal product for medical use EN/20[0-9]{2}/[0-9]{2}-[0-9]( |-)[0-9]{6,7}-[ A-Z]{3}-LS RU","/"-slash,"20"-post.sign.,"[0-9]{2}"- posl.2 cyf.year,"/"-slash,"[0-9]{2}"- any 2 digits,"-"-def.,"[0-9]"-any number,"( |-)"-space or def.,"[0-9]{6,7}"-6 or 7 ly.ts.,"-"- def.,"[A-Z]{3}"-ly.3 prop.b.(cyr.), "-"- hyphen,"LS" -" 173
01401 Certificate of compliance with the requirements of the Technical Regulations of the Eurasian Economic Union (Customs Union) TS RU S-[A-Z]{2}\.[A-Z]{2}[0-9]{2}\.( A|C)\.[0-9]{5} TS"- rus,"space", "RU"-Latin,"space","C"-rus,"-"- def.,"[A-Z]{2}"- OKSMT.ABC2, "\."-tchk,"[A-Z]{2}"-2 love.rus.prop,"[0-9]{2}"-2 love.numbers, "\."-tchk,"(A|B)"-one of the Russian letters: A,B, "\."-tchk,"[0-9]{5}"-5 love.numbers" 174
01401 Certificate of compliance with the requirements of the Technical Regulations of the Eurasian Economic Union (Customs Union) TS RU S-[A-Z]{2}\.[A-Z]{2}[0-9]{2}\.( A|B)\.[0-9]{5}/[0-9]{2} TS"-rus.,"space","RU"-Latin,"space","C"-rus, "-" -hyphen,"[A-Z]{2}"-OKSMT.ABC2,"\."-tchk,"[A-Z]{2}"-two favorite prop.rus.,"[0-9]{2}"- two ly.ts., "\."- tchk, "(A|V)" - one of the Russian letters: A, B, "\."- tchk, "[0-9]{5}"- five love c.,"slash","[0-9]{2}"- posl.2 cyf.g.v." 175
01401 Certificate of compliance with the requirements of the Technical Regulations of the Eurasian Economic Union (Customs Union) EAEU RU C-[A-Z]{2}\.[A-Z]{2}[0-9]{2}\.( A|C)\.[0-9]{5} EAEU"- rus,"space","RU"-Latin,"space","C"-rus,"-"- def.,"[A-Z]{2}"- OKSMT.ABC2, "\."-tchk,"[A-Z]{2}"-2 love.rus.prop,"[0-9]{2}"-2 love.numbers, "\."-tchk,"(A|B)"-one of the Russian letters: A,B, "\."-tchk,"[0-9]{5}"-5 love.numbers" 176
01401 Certificate of compliance with the requirements of the Technical Regulations of the Eurasian Economic Union (Customs Union) EAEU RU C-[A-Z]{2}\.[A-Z]{2}[0-9]{2}\.( A|B)\.[0-9]{5}/[0-9]{2} EAEU"-rus.,"space","RU"-Latin,"space","C"-rus,"-"-def.,"[A-Z]{2}"-OKSMT.ABC2,"\."-tchk,"[A-I]{2}"- 2 love prop.rus., "[0-9]{2}"- two love.cif., "\."- tchk, "(A|B)"- one of the rus.b.: A,B, "\."- tchk, "[0-9]{5}"- 5 love.cyf.,"slash", "[0-9]{2}"- posl.2 cyf.g.v." 177
01401 Certificate of compliance with the requirements of the Technical Regulations of the Eurasian Economic Union (Customs Union) TS BY/112 [0-9]{2}\.[0-9]{2}\. [0-9]{3} [0-9]{5} TS" - Rus., "space", "BY" - Latin, "slash", "112", "space", "[0-9]{2}" - two lubs.numbers, "\."- tchk, "[0-9]{2}" - two lubs.numbers, "\." - tchk, "space", "[0-9]{3}" - three lubs.numbers, "space", "[0-9]{5}" - five love numbers" 178
01401 Certificate of compliance with the requirements of the Technical Regulations of the Eurasian Economic Union (Customs Union) EAEU BY/112 [0-9]{2}\.[0-9]{2}\. [0-9]{3} [0-9]{5} EAEU" - Rus., "space", "BY" - Latin, "slash", "112", "space", "[0-9]{2}"- two lubs.numbers, "\." - tchk, "[0-9]{2}" - two lubs.numbers, "\." - tchk., "space", "[0-9]{3}" - three lubs.numbers, "space", "[0-9]{5}" - five love numbers" 179
01401 Certificate of compliance with the requirements of the Technical Regulations of the Eurasian Economic Union (Customs Union) Vehicle KZ(.)+ TS"- rus, "space", "KZ" - Latin, "(.)+" - any characters" 180
01401 Certificate of compliance with the requirements of the Technical Regulations of the Eurasian Economic Union (Customs Union) EAEU KZ(.)+ EAEU"- rus, "space", "KZ" - Latin, "(.)+" - any characters" 181
01401 Certificate of compliance with the requirements of the Technical Regulations of the Eurasian Economic Union (Customs Union) Vehicle AM(.)+ TS"- rus, "space", "AM" - Latin, "(.)+" - any characters" 182
01401 Certificate of compliance with the requirements of the Technical Regulations of the Eurasian Economic Union (Customs Union) EAEU AM(.)+ EAEU"- rus, "space", "AM" - Latin, "(.)+" - any characters" 183
01401 Certificate of compliance with the requirements of the Technical Regulations of the Eurasian Economic Union (Customs Union) VEHICLE KG(.)+ TS"- rus, "space", "KG" - Lat, "(.)+" - any characters" 184
01401 Certificate of compliance with the requirements of the Technical Regulations of the Eurasian Economic Union (Customs Union) EAEU KG(.)+ EAEU"- rus, "space", "KG" - Latin, "(.)+" - any characters" 185
01401 Submission of the document after the release of goods in accordance with subparagraph 2 of paragraph 1 of Article 126 of the EAEU Customs Code ((REQUIRED)|(required)|(Required))(.)* I UNDERTAKE TO PROVIDE UP TO 186
01402 Declaration of compliance with the requirements of the Technical Regulations of the Eurasian Economic Union (Customs Union) TS RU D-[A-Z]{2}\.[A-Z]{2}[0-9]{2}\.( A|C)\.[0-9]{5} TS"-rus,"space","N"-lat,"space","RU" - lat.,"space","D"- rus,hyphen,"[A-Z]{2}"-OKSMT.ABC2,tchk,"[A-Z]{2}"-two lub.rus.propis.,"[0-9]{2}"- two ly.zif.,tchk,"(A|B)"-one of the r/b:A,B,"\."-tchk,"[0-9]{5}"-five love cif" 187
01402 Declaration of compliance with the requirements of the Technical Regulations of the Eurasian Economic Union (Customs Union) TS N RU D-[A-Z]{2}\.[A-Z]{2}[0-9]{2}\.( A|C)\.[0-9]{5} TS"-rus,"space","N"-lat,"space","RU" - lat.,"space","D"- rus,hyphen,"[A-Z]{2}"-OKSMT.ABC2,tchk,"[A-Z]{2}"-two lub.rus.propis.,"[0-9]{2}"- two ly.zif.,tchk,"(A|B)"-one of the r/b:A,B,"\."-tchk,"[0-9]{5}"-five love cif" 188
01402 Declaration of compliance with the requirements of the Technical Regulations of the Eurasian Economic Union (Customs Union) TS N RU D-[A-Z]{2}\.[A-Z]{2}[0-9]{2}\.( A|B)\.[0-9]{5}/[0-9]{2} TS"-rus.,"space","N"-Latin,"space","RU"-Latin,"space","D"-rus,"-" -hyphen,"[A-Z]{2}"-OKSMT.ABC2,"\."-tchk,"[A-Z]{2}"-2 love prop.rus.,"[0-9]{2}"- 2 love.ts.,"\."- tchk, "(A|V)" - one of the R.B.: A,B,"\."- tchk,"[0-9]{5}"-5 lub.ts.,"slash","[0-9]{2}"- posl.2 cyf.g.v." 189
01402 Declaration of compliance with the requirements of the Technical Regulations of the Eurasian Economic Union (Customs Union) EAEU N RU D-[A-Z]{2}\.[A-Z]{2}[0-9]{2}\.( A|C)\.[0-9]{5} EAEU"-rus,"space","N"-Latin,"space","RU" - Latin,"space","D"- rus,hyphen,"[A-Z]{2}"-OKSMT.ABC2,tchk,"[A-Z]{2}"-two favorite Russian prop.,"[0-9]{2}"- two ly.zif.,tchk,"(A|B)"-one of the r/b:A,B,"\."-tchk,"[0-9]{5}"-five love cif" 190
01402 Declaration of compliance with the requirements of the Technical Regulations of the Eurasian Economic Union (Customs Union) EAEU N RU D-[A-Z]{2}\.[A-Z]{2}[0-9]{2}\.( A|B)\.[0-9]{5}/[0-9]{2} EAEU"-rus,"space","N"-Latin,"space","RU"-Latin,"space","D"-rus,"-"-hyphen,"[A-Z]{2}"-OKSMT.ABC2,"\."-tchk,"[A-Z]{2}"-two lube.rus.prop.,"[0-9]{2}"- two ly.zif.,"\."-tchk,"(A|B)"-one of the r/b:A,In,"\."-tchk,"[0-9]{5}"- Five L.cif,"slash","[0-9]{2}"- posl.2 cyf.g.v." 191
01402 Declaration of compliance with the requirements of the Technical Regulations of the Eurasian Economic Union (Customs Union) EAEU No. BY/112 [0-9]{2}\.[0-9]{2}\. TR[0-9]{3} [0-9]{3} [0-9]{5} EAEU"-rus.,"space","no."-simv.nom.,post.zn.,"space","BY"-Latin,"slash","112","space","[0-9]{2}"- two liub.cif.,"\."-tchk,"[0-9]{2}"- two love.cipher.,"\."-tchk,"space","TR"-rus,"[0-9]{3}"- three love numbers, "space","[0-9]{3}"-three digits,"space","[0-9]{5}"-5 love.cif" 192
01402 Declaration of compliance with the requirements of the Technical Regulations of the Eurasian Economic Union (Customs Union) TS BY/112 [0-9]{2}\.[0-9]{2}\. TR[0-9]{3} [0-9]{3} [0-9]{5} TS"-Rus.,"space","BY"-Latin,"slash","112","space","[0-9]{2}"- two lubs.numbers,"\."-tchk,"[0-9]{2}"- two lubs.numbers,"\."-tchk,"space","TR"-rus.,"[0-9]{3}"- three lubs.numbers,"space","[0-9]{3}"- three lubs.numbers,"space","[0-9]{5}"- five liub.cif." 193
01402 Declaration of compliance with the requirements of the Technical Regulations of the Eurasian Economic Union (Customs Union) Vehicle KZ(.)+ TS"- rus, "space", "KZ" - Latin, "(.)+" - any characters" 194
01402 Declaration of compliance with the requirements of the Technical Regulations of the Eurasian Economic Union (Customs Union) EAEU KZ(.)+ EAEU"- rus, "space", "KZ" - Latin, "(.)+" - any characters" 195
01402 Declaration of compliance with the requirements of the Technical Regulations of the Eurasian Economic Union (Customs Union) Vehicle AM(.)+ TS"- rus, "space", "AM" - Latin, "(.)+" - any characters" 196
01402 Declaration of compliance with the requirements of the Technical Regulations of the Eurasian Economic Union (Customs Union) EAEU AM(.)+ EAEU"- rus, "space", "AM" - Latin, "(.)+" - any characters" 197
01402 Declaration of compliance with the requirements of the Technical Regulations of the Eurasian Economic Union (Customs Union) VEHICLE KG(.)+ TS"- rus, "space", "KG" - Lat, "(.)+" - any characters" 198
01402 Declaration of compliance with the requirements of the Technical Regulations of the Eurasian Economic Union (Customs Union) EAEU KG(.)+ EAEU"- rus, "space", "KG" - Latin, "(.)+" - any characters" 199
01402 Submission of the document after the release of goods in accordance with subparagraph 2 of paragraph 1 of Article 126 of the EAEU Customs Code ((REQUIRED)|(required)|(Required))(.)* I UNDERTAKE TO PROVIDE UP TO 200
01403 A certificate of conformity issued in a single form for products (goods) included in the EP of products subject to mandatory confirmation of conformity with the issuance of CC and declarations of conformity in a single form TS RU S-[A-Z]{2}\.[A-Z]{2}[0-9]{2}\.( A|C)\.[0-9]{5} TS"- rus,"space", "RU"-Latin,"space","C"-rus,"-"- def.,"[A-Z]{2}"- OKSMT.ABC2, "\."-tchk,"[A-Z]{2}"-2 love.rus.prop,"[0-9]{2}"-2 love.numbers, "\."-tchk,"(A|B)"-one of the Russian letters: A,B, "\."-tchk,"[0-9]{5}"-5 love.numbers" 201
01403 A certificate of conformity issued in a single form for products (goods) included in the EP of products subject to mandatory confirmation of conformity with the issuance of CC and declarations of conformity in a single form TS RU S-[A-Z]{2}\.[A-Z]{2}[0-9]{2}\.( A|B)\.[0-9]{5}/[0-9]{2} TS"-rus.,"space","RU"-Latin,"space","C"-rus, "-" -hyphen,"[A-Z]{2}"-OKSMT.ABC2,"\."-tchk,"[A-Z]{2}"-two favorite prop.rus.,"[0-9]{2}"- two ly.ts., "\."- tchk, "(A|V)" - one of the Russian letters: A, B, "\."- tchk, "[0-9]{5}"- five love c.,"slash","[0-9]{2}"- posl.2 cyf.g.v." 202
01403 A certificate of conformity issued in a single form for products (goods) included in the EP of products subject to mandatory confirmation of conformity with the issuance of CC and declarations of conformity in a single form EAEU RU C-[A-Z]{2}\.[A-Z]{2}[0-9]{2}\.( A|C)\.[0-9]{5} EAEU"- rus,"space","RU"-Latin,"space","C"-rus,"-"- def.,"[A-Z]{2}"- OKSMT.ABC2, "\."-tchk,"[A-Z]{2}"-2 love.rus.prop,"[0-9]{2}"-2 love.numbers, "\."-tchk,"(A|B)"-one of the Russian letters: A,B, "\."-tchk,"[0-9]{5}"-5 love.numbers" 203
01403 A certificate of conformity issued in a single form for products (goods) included in the EP of products subject to mandatory confirmation of conformity with the issuance of CC and declarations of conformity in a single form EAEU RU C-[A-Z]{2}\.[A-Z]{2}[0-9]{2}\.( A|B)\.[0-9]{5}/[0-9]{2} EAEU"-rus,"space","RU"-Latin,"space","C"-rus,"-"-hyphen,"[A-Z]{2}"-OKSMT.ABC2,"\."-tchk,"[A-Z]{2}"-two favorite Russian prop.,"[0-9]{2}"- two ly.zif.,"\."-tchk,"(A|B)"-one of the r/b:A,B,"\."-tchk,"[0-9]{5}"-five L.cif,"slash","[0-9]{2}"- posl.2 cyf.g.v." 204
01403 A certificate of conformity issued in a single form for products (goods) included in the EP of products subject to mandatory confirmation of conformity with the issuance of CC and declarations of conformity in a single form TS BY/112 [0-9]{2}\.[0-9]{2}\. [0-9]{3} [0-9]{5} TS" - Rus., "space", "BY" - Latin, "slash", "112", "space", "[0-9]{2}" - two lubs.numbers, "\."- tchk, "[0-9]{2}" - two lubs.numbers, "\." - tchk, "space", "[0-9]{3}" - three lubs.numbers, "space", "[0-9]{5}" - five love numbers" 205
01403 A certificate of conformity issued in a single form for products (goods) included in the EP of products subject to mandatory confirmation of conformity with the issuance of CC and declarations of conformity in a single form Vehicle KZ(.)+ TS"- rus, "space", "KZ" - Latin, "(.)+" - any characters" 206
01403 A certificate of conformity issued in a single form for products (goods) included in the EP of products subject to mandatory confirmation of conformity with the issuance of CC and declarations of conformity in a single form EAEU KZ(.)+ EAEU"- rus, "space", "KZ" - Latin, "(.)+" - any characters" 207
01403 A certificate of conformity issued in a single form for products (goods) included in the EP of products subject to mandatory confirmation of conformity with the issuance of CC and declarations of conformity in a single form Vehicle AM(.)+ TS"- rus, "space", "AM" - Latin, "(.)+" - any characters" 208
01403 A certificate of conformity issued in a single form for products (goods) included in the EP of products subject to mandatory confirmation of conformity with the issuance of CC and declarations of conformity in a single form EAEU AM(.)+ EAEU"- rus, "space", "AM" - Latin, "(.)+" - any characters" 209
01403 A certificate of conformity issued in a single form for products (goods) included in the EP of products subject to mandatory confirmation of conformity with the issuance of CC and declarations of conformity in a single form VEHICLE KG(.)+ TS"- rus, "space", "KG" - Lat, "(.)+" - any characters" 210
01403 A certificate of conformity issued in a single form for products (goods) included in the EP of products subject to mandatory confirmation of conformity with the issuance of CC and declarations of conformity in a single form EAEU KG(.)+ EAEU"- rus, "space", "KG" - Latin, "(.)+" - any characters" 211
01403 Submission of the document after the release of goods in accordance with subparagraph 2 of paragraph 1 of Article 126 of the EAEU Customs Code ((REQUIRED)|(required)|(Required))(.)* I UNDERTAKE TO PROVIDE UP TO 212
01404 Declaration of conformity, issued in a single form, for products (goods) included in the EP of products subject to mandatory confirmation of conformity with the issuance of CC and declarations of conformity in a single form TS RU D-[A-Z]{2}\.[A-Z]{2}[0-9]{2}\.( A|C)\.[0-9]{5} TS"-rus,"space","N"-lat,"space","RU" - lat.,"space","D"- rus,hyphen,"[A-Z]{2}"-OKSMT.ABC2,tchk,"[A-Z]{2}"-two lub.rus.propis.,"[0-9]{2}"- two ly.zif.,tchk,"(A|B)"-one of the r/b:A,B,"\."-tchk,"[0-9]{5}"-five love cif" 213
01404 Declaration of conformity, issued in a single form, for products (goods) included in the EP of products subject to mandatory confirmation of conformity with the issuance of CC and declarations of conformity in a single form TS N RU D-[A-Z]{2}\.[A-Z]{2}[0-9]{2}\.( A|C)\.[0-9]{5} TS"-rus,"space","N"-lat,"space","RU" - lat.,"space","D"- rus,hyphen,"[A-Z]{2}"-OKSMT.ABC2,tchk,"[A-Z]{2}"-two lub.rus.propis.,"[0-9]{2}"- two ly.zif.,tchk,"(A|B)"-one of the r/b:A,B,"\."-tchk,"[0-9]{5}"-five love cif" 214
01404 Declaration of conformity, issued in a single form, for products (goods) included in the EP of products subject to mandatory confirmation of conformity with the issuance of CC and declarations of conformity in a single form TS N RU D-[A-Z]{2}\.[A-Z]{2}[0-9]{2}\.( A|B)\.[0-9]{5}/[0-9]{2} TS"-rus.,"space","N"-Latin,"space","RU"-Latin,"space","D"-rus,"-" -hyphen,"[A-Z]{2}"-OKSMT.ABC2,"\."-tchk,"[A-Z]{2}"-2 love prop.rus.,"[0-9]{2}"- 2 love.ts.,"\."- tchk, "(A|V)" - one of the R.B.: A,B,"\."- tchk,"[0-9]{5}"-5 lub.ts.,"slash","[0-9]{2}"- posl.2 cyf.g.v." 215
01404 Declaration of conformity, issued in a single form, for products (goods) included in the EP of products subject to mandatory confirmation of conformity with the issuance of CC and declarations of conformity in a single form EAEU N RU D-[A-Z]{2}\.[A-Z]{2}[0-9]{2}\.( A|C)\.[0-9]{5} EAEU"-rus,"space","N"-Latin,"space","RU" - Latin,"space","D"- rus,hyphen,"[A-Z]{2}"-OKSMT.ABC2,tchk,"[A-Z]{2}"-two favorite Russian prop.,"[0-9]{2}"- two ly.zif.,tchk,"(A|B)"-one of the r/b:A,B,"\."-tchk,"[0-9]{5}"-five love cif" 216
01404 Declaration of conformity, issued in a single form, for products (goods) included in the EP of products subject to mandatory confirmation of conformity with the issuance of CC and declarations of conformity in a single form EAEU N RU D-[A-Z]{2}\.[A-Z]{2}[0-9]{2}\.( A|B)\.[0-9]{5}/[0-9]{2} EAEU"-rus,"space","N"-Latin,"space","RU"-Latin,"space","D"-rus,"-"-hyphen,"[A-Z]{2}"-OKSMT.ABC2,"\."-tchk,"[A-Z]{2}"-two lube.rus.prop.,"[0-9]{2}"- two ly.zif.,"\."-tchk,"(A|B)"-one of the r/b:A,In,"\."-tchk,"[0-9]{5}"- Five L.cif,"slash","[0-9]{2}"- posl.2 cyf.g.v." 217
01404 Declaration of conformity, issued in a single form, for products (goods) included in the EP of products subject to mandatory confirmation of conformity with the issuance of CC and declarations of conformity in a single form TS BY/112 [0-9]{2}\.[0-9]{1}\. [0-9]{1}D [0-9]{3} [0-9]{5} TS"-Rus.,"space","BY"-Latin,"slash","112","space","[0-9]{2}"- two lubs.numbers,"\."-tchk,"[0-9]{1}"- 1 love.digit,"\."-tchk,"[0-9]{1}"- one love.digit,"D"-rus,"space,"[0-9]{3}"- three lubs.numbers, "space","[0-9]{5}"- five love numbers" 218
01404 Declaration of conformity, issued in a single form, for products (goods) included in the EP of products subject to mandatory confirmation of conformity with the issuance of CC and declarations of conformity in a single form Vehicle no. BY/112 [0-9]{2}\.[0-9]{1}\.[0-9]{1} D [0-9]{3} [0-9]{5} TS"-rus.,"space,"no."-simv.numbers of post.zn.,"space","BY"-Latin,"slash","112","space","[0-9]{2}" - two love.cipher.,"\."-tchk,"[0-9]{1}"-1 love.cipher.,"\."-tchk,"[0-9]{1}"-1 love.cipher., "D"-rus., "space","[0-9]{3}"-3 any number,"space","[0-9]{5}" -5 love cif" 219
01404 Declaration of conformity, issued in a single form, for products (goods) included in the EP of products subject to mandatory confirmation of conformity with the issuance of CC and declarations of conformity in a single form Vehicle KZ(.)+ TS"- rus, "space", "KZ" - Latin, "(.)+" - any characters" 220
01404 Declaration of conformity, issued in a single form, for products (goods) included in the EP of products subject to mandatory confirmation of conformity with the issuance of CC and declarations of conformity in a single form EAEU KZ(.)+ EAEU"- rus, "space", "KZ" - Latin, "(.)+" - any characters" 221
01404 Declaration of conformity, issued in a single form, for products (goods) included in the EP of products subject to mandatory confirmation of conformity with the issuance of CC and declarations of conformity in a single form Vehicle AM(.)+ TS"- rus, "space", "AM" - Latin, "(.)+" - any characters" 222
01404 Declaration of conformity, issued in a single form, for products (goods) included in the EP of products subject to mandatory confirmation of conformity with the issuance of CC and declarations of conformity in a single form EAEU AM(.)+ EAEU"- rus, "space", "AM" - Latin, "(.)+" - any characters" 223
01404 Declaration of conformity, issued in a single form, for products (goods) included in the EP of products subject to mandatory confirmation of conformity with the issuance of CC and declarations of conformity in a single form VEHICLE KG(.)+ TS"- rus, "space", "KG" - Lat, "(.)+" - any characters" 224
01404 Declaration of conformity, issued in a single form, for products (goods) included in the EP of products subject to mandatory confirmation of conformity with the issuance of CC and declarations of conformity in a single form EAEU KG(.)+ EAEU"- rus, "space", "KG" - Latin, "(.)+" - any characters" 225
01404 Submission of the document after the release of goods in accordance with subparagraph 2 of paragraph 1 of Article 126 of the EAEU Customs Code ((REQUIRED)|(required)|(Required))(.)* I UNDERTAKE TO PROVIDE UP TO 226
01405 Vehicle type approval TS RU E-[A-Z]{2}\.[A-Z]{2}[0-9]{2}\.[0-9]{5}(.)* TS" - rus, space,"RU" - Latin, space, "E"-rus.,hyphen, "[A-Z]{2}"- OKSMT.ABC2,"\."-tchk,"[A-Z]{2}"- 2 love.rus,"[0-9]{2}" - 2 love the numbers,"\."- tchk,"[0-9]{5}" - 5 any cipher,"(.)*"- any characters (may not be)" 227
01405 Vehicle type approval TS BY(.)+ TS"- rus, "space", "BY" - Lat, "(.)+" - any characters" 228
01405 Vehicle type approval Vehicle KZ(.)+ TS"- rus, "space", "KZ" - Latin, "(.)+" - any characters" 229
01405 Vehicle type approval Vehicle AM(.)+ TS"- rus, "space", "AM" - Latin, "(.)+" - any characters" 230
01405 Vehicle type approval VEHICLE KG(.)+ TS"- rus, "space", "KG" - Lat, "(.)+" - any characters" 231
01405 Vehicle type approval ROSS [A-Z]{2}\.[A-Z]{2}[0-9]{2}\. E[0-9]{5}(\.(([0-9]{4})|([ A-Z]{4}))){0,1} ROSS"- rus, space, "[A-Z]{2}"- OKSMT.ABC2, "\."- tchk, "[A-Z]{2}"- 2 lub.rus. uppercase,"[0-9]{2}"- two lubs.numbers, "\."- tchk, "E"- russ.letter, "[0-9]{5}"- love. 5 digits, "(\.(([0-9]{4})|([ A-Z]{4}))){0,1}"- tchk, 4 love. numbers or any Russian.the letters are optional." 232
01405 Vehicle approval E-[A-Z]{2}\.[A-Z]{2}[0-9]{2}\.( A|B)\.[0-9]{5}(\.){0,1}(( I|R|P)[0-9]{1,2})* E"- rus., hyphen,"[A-Z]{2}"-OKSMT.ABC2,tchk.,"[A-Z]{2}"-any two uppercase rus.,"[0-9]{2}"- 2lub.numbers,tchk,"(A|B)"-1 from r/b,tchk.,"[0-9]{5}"- 5lub.numbers,tchk.,"(I|R|P)"-1iz r/b prop.,"[0-9]{1,2}"- 1 or 2 cif" 233
01405 Submission of the document after the release of goods in accordance with subparagraph 2 of paragraph 1 of Article 126 of the EAEU Customs Code ((REQUIRED)|(required)|(Required))(.)* I UNDERTAKE TO PROVIDE UP TO 234
01406 Chassis Type Approval TS RU K-[A-Z]{2}\.[A-Z]{2}[0-9]{2}\.[0-9]{5}(.)* TS" - rus, space,"RU" - Latin, space, "K" -rus.,hyphen, "[A-Z]{2}"- OKSMT.ABC2,"\."-tchk,"[A-Z]{2}"- 2 love.rus,"[0-9]{2}" - 2 love the numbers,"\."- tchk,"[0-9]{5}" - 5 any cipher,"(.)*"- any characters (may not be)" 235
01406 Chassis Type Approval TS BY(.)+ TS"- rus, "space", "BY" - Lat, "(.)+" - any characters" 236
01406 Chassis Type Approval Vehicle KZ(.)+ TS"- rus, "space", "KZ" - Latin, "(.)+" - any characters" 237
01406 Chassis Type Approval Vehicle AM(.)+ TS"- rus, "space", "AM" - Latin, "(.)+" - any characters" 238
01406 Chassis Type Approval VEHICLE KG(.)+ TS"- rus, "space", "KG" - Lat, "(.)+" - any characters" 239
01406 Chassis Type Approval K-[A-Z]{2}\.[A-Z]{2}[0-9]{2}\.( A|B)\.[0-9]{5}(\.){0,1}(( I|R|P)[0-9]{1,2})* K"- rus., hyphen,"[A-Z]{2}"-OKSMT.ABC2,tchk.,"[A-Z]{2}"-any two uppercase rus.,"[0-9]{2}"- 2lub.numbers,tchk,"(A|B)"-1 from r/b,tchk.,"[0-9]{5}"- 5lub.numbers,tchk.,"(I|R|P)"-1iz r/b prop.,"[0-9]{1,2}"- 1 or 2 cif" 240
01406 Submission of the document after the release of goods in accordance with subparagraph 2 of paragraph 1 of Article 126 of the EAEU Customs Code ((REQUIRED)|(required)|(Required))(.)* I UNDERTAKE TO PROVIDE UP TO 241
01407 Certificate of safety of the vehicle structure TS RU A-[A-Z]{2}\.[A-Z]{2}[0-9]{2}\.[0-9]{5}(.)* TS" - rus, space,"RU" - Latin, space, "A"-rus.,hyphen, "[A-Z]{2}"- OKSMT.ABC2,"\."-tchk,"[A-Z]{2}"- 2 love.rus,"[0-9]{2}" - 2 love the numbers,"\."- tchk,"[0-9]{5}" - 5 any cipher,"(.)*"- any characters (may not be)" 242
01407 Certificate of safety of the vehicle structure TS BY(.)+ TS"- rus, "space", "BY" - Lat, "(.)+" - any characters" 243
01407 Certificate of safety of the vehicle structure Vehicle KZ(.)+ TS"- rus, "space", "KZ" - Latin, "(.)+" - any characters" 244
01407 Certificate of safety of the vehicle structure Vehicle AM(.)+ TS"- rus, "space", "AM" - Latin, "(.)+" - any characters" 245
01407 Certificate of safety of the vehicle structure VEHICLE KG(.)+ TS"- rus, "space", "KG" - Lat, "(.)+" - any characters" 246
01407 Certificate of safety of the vehicle structure A-[A-Z]{2}\.[A-Z]{2}[0-9]{2}\.( A|B)\.[0-9]{5}(\.){0,1}(( I|R|P)[0-9]{1,2})* A"-rus., hyphen,"[A-Z]{2}"-OKSMT.ABC2,tchk.,"[A-Z]{2}"-any two uppercase rus.,"[0-9]{2}"- 2lub.numbers,tchk,"(A|B)"-1 from r/b,tchk.,"[0-9]{5}"- 5lub.numbers,tchk.,"(I|R|P)"-1iz r/b prop.,"[0-9]{1,2}"- 1 or 2 cif" 247
01407 Submission of the document after the release of goods in accordance with subparagraph 2 of paragraph 1 of Article 126 of the EAEU Customs Code ((REQUIRED)|(required)|(Required))(.)* I UNDERTAKE TO PROVIDE UP TO 248
01408 Documents on compliance of products with the requirements of technical regulations of the Russian Federation C-[A-Z]{2}\.[A-Z]{2}[0-9]{2}\.( A|C)\.[0-9]{5} With "- rus, "-" - hyphen, "[A-Z]{2}"- OKSMT.ABC2, "\."- tchk, "[A-Z]{2}" - any two uppercase rus., "[0-9]{2}"- two any numbers, "\."- tchk, "(A|B)" - one of the Russian letters: A, B, "\."- tchk, "[0-9]{5}"- five any numbers" 249
01408 Documents on compliance of products with the requirements of technical regulations of the Russian Federation EN C-[A-Z]{2}\.[A-Z]{2}[0-9]{2}\.( A|B)\.[0-9]{5}/[0-9]{2} RU"-Latin,"space","C"- rus, "-" - hyphen, "[A-Z]{2}"- OKSMT.ABC2, "\."-tchk, "[A-Z]{2}"- two lubs.propis.rus., "[0-9]{2}"- two love letters, "\."- tchk, "(A|B)" - one of the Russian letters: A,B, "\."- tchk, "[0-9]{5}"- five likes.cyf., "slash","[0-9]{2}"- posl.2 cyf.g.v." 250
01408 Documents on compliance of products with the requirements of technical regulations of the Russian Federation D-[A-Z]{2}\.[A-Z]{2}[0-9]{2}\.( A|C)\.[0-9]{5} D"- rus, "-" - hyphen, "[A-Z]{2}"- OKSMT.ABC2, "\."- tchk, "[A-Z]{2}"- any two uppercase rus., "[0-9]{2}"- two any numbers, "\."- tchk, "(A|B)" - one of the Russian letters: A, B, "\."- tchk, "[0-9]{5}"- five any numbers" 251
01408 Documents on compliance of products with the requirements of technical regulations of the Russian Federation EN D-[A-Z]{2}\.[A-Z]{2}[0-9]{2}\.( A|B)\.[0-9]{5}/[0-9]{2} RU"-Latin,"space","D"- rus, "-" - hyphen, "[A-Z]{2}"- OKSMT.ABC2, "\."- tchk, "[A-Z]{2}"- two lubs.propis.rus., "[0-9]{2}"- two love letters, "\."- tchk, "(A|B)" - one of the Russian letters: A,B, "\."- tchk, "[0-9]{5}"- five likes.cyf., "slash","[0-9]{2}"- posl.2 cyf.g.v." 252
01408 Compliance documents issued (registered) in accordance with the requirements of the RF PP dated 01.12.2009 No. 982 [0-9]{4,5}(-|/)[ A-Z]{2}[0-9]{2} [0-9]{4,5}" - from 4 to 5 of any digits, "(-|/)" - hyphen or slash, "[A-Z]{2}" - any two Russian uppercase,"[0-9]{2}"- any two digits" 253
01408 Compliance documents issued (registered) in accordance with the requirements of the RF PP dated 01.12.2009 No. 982 [A-Z]{2}[0-9]{2}(-|/)[0-9]{4,5} [A-Z]{2}" - any two Russian uppercase,"[0-9]{2}"- any two digits, "(-|/)"- hyphen or slash, "[0-9]{4,5}" - from 4 to 5 of any digits" 254
01408 Compliance documents issued (registered) in accordance with the requirements of the RF PP dated 01.12.2009 No. 982 ROSS RU D-[A-Z]{2}\.[A-Z]{2}[0-9]{2}\.( A|B)\.[0-9]{5}/[0-9]{2} ROSS"-rus.,"space","RU"-Latin,"space","D"-rus, "-" -hyphen, "[A-Z]{2}"-OKSMT.ABC2,"\."-tchk,"[A-Z]{2}"- two favorite prop.rus., "[0-9]{2}"- two ly.ts., "\."- tchk, "(A|V)"-one of the Russian letters: A,B,"\."- tchk,"[0-9]{5}"- 5 lub.ts.,"slash","[0-9]{2}"- posl.2 cyf.g.v." 255
01408 Compliance documents issued (registered) in accordance with the requirements of the RF PP dated 01.12.2009 No. 982 ROSS [A-Z]{2}\.[A-Z]{2}[0-9]{2}\.( A|B)[0-9]{5} ROSS"- rus, space, "[A-Z]{2}"- OKSMT.ABC2, "\."- tchk, "[A-Z]{2}"- any two uppercase rus. ,"[0-9]{2}"- any two digits, "\."- tchk, "(A|B)" - one of the Russian letters: A,B, "[0-9]{5}"- five any numbers" 256
01153 Permission (confirmation) for the import (export) of goods subject to export control issued by the authorized state body of the member states of the Customs Union in the field of export control 240/([0-9]){1,2}/([0-9]){1,4} 240", "/"- slash, "([0-9]){1,2}"- any one or two digits, "/"- slash,"([0-9]){1,4}"- from one to four of any digits" 257
01191 Absence of a permit document ((REQUIRED)|(required)|(Required))(.)* I UNDERTAKE TO PROVIDE UP TO 258
01154 Conclusion of the expert organization [0-9]{3}/[0-9]{2}/[0-9]{1,4}-[0-9]{1,4} [0-9]{3}" - any three digits, "/"- slash, "[0-9]{2}"- any two digits, "/"- slash, "[0-9]{1,4}"- 1 or any 4 digits, "-"- hyphen, "[0-9]{1,4}"- 1 or 4 of any digits" 259
01163 Conclusion of the Russian Defense Ministry 236/[0-9]{1,5}( ){0,1}(s/S) {0,1} 236 /" - slash, "[0-9]{1,5}"- from 1 to 5 of any digits, "( ){0,1}" - one space or none, "(z|Z){0,1}" - one or none, uppercase or lowercase Russian.the letter "Z"" 260
01011 Absence of a permit document ((REQUIRED)|(required)|(Required))(.)* I UNDERTAKE TO PROVIDE UP TO 261
01021 Absence of a permit document ((REQUIRED)|(required)|(Required))(.)* I UNDERTAKE TO PROVIDE UP TO 262
01041 Absence of a permit document ((REQUIRED)|(required)|(Required))(.)* I UNDERTAKE TO PROVIDE UP TO 263
01061 Absence of a permit document ((REQUIRED)|(required)|(Required))(.)* I UNDERTAKE TO PROVIDE UP TO 264
01071 Absence of a permit document ((REQUIRED)|(required)|(Required))(.)* I UNDERTAKE TO PROVIDE UP TO 265
01081 Absence of a permit document ((REQUIRED)|(required)|(Required))(.)* I UNDERTAKE TO PROVIDE UP TO 266
01091 Absence of a permit document ((REQUIRED)|(required)|(Required))(.)* I UNDERTAKE TO PROVIDE UP TO 267
01092 Absence of a permit document ((REQUIRED)|(required)|(Required))(.)* I UNDERTAKE TO PROVIDE UP TO 268
01111 Absence of a permit document ((REQUIRED)|(required)|(Required))(.)* I UNDERTAKE TO PROVIDE UP TO 269
01131 Absence of a permit document ((REQUIRED)|(required)|(Required))(.)* I UNDERTAKE TO PROVIDE UP TO 270
01132 Absence of a permit document ((REQUIRED)|(required)|(Required))(.)* I UNDERTAKE TO PROVIDE UP TO 271
01143 Absence of a permit document ((REQUIRED)|(required)|(Required))(.)* I UNDERTAKE TO PROVIDE UP TO 272
01151 Absence of a permit document ((REQUIRED)|(required)|(Required))(.)* I UNDERTAKE TO PROVIDE UP TO 273
01153 Absence of a permit document ((REQUIRED)|(required)|(Required))(.)* I UNDERTAKE TO PROVIDE UP TO 274
01154 Absence of a permit document ((REQUIRED)|(required)|(Required))(.)* I UNDERTAKE TO PROVIDE UP TO 275
01161 Absence of a permit document ((REQUIRED)|(required)|(Required))(.)* I UNDERTAKE TO PROVIDE UP TO 276
01163 Absence of a permit document ((REQUIRED)|(required)|(Required))(.)* I UNDERTAKE TO PROVIDE UP TO 277
01192 Absence of a permit document ((REQUIRED)|(required)|(Required))(.)* I UNDERTAKE TO PROVIDE UP TO 278
01206 Absence of a permit document ((REQUIRED)|(required)|(Required))(.)* I UNDERTAKE TO PROVIDE UP TO 279
01191 Declaration of conformity registered in the GOST R certification system [0-9]{4,5}(-|/)[ A-Z]{2}[0-9]{2} [0-9]{4,5}" - from 4 to 5 of any digits, "(-|/)" - hyphen or slash, "[A-Z]{2}" - any two Russian uppercase,"[0-9]{2}"- any two digits" 280
01191 Declaration of conformity registered in the GOST R certification system [A-Z]{2}[0-9]{2}(-|/)[0-9]{4,5} [A-Z]{2}" - any two Russian uppercase,"[0-9]{2}"- any two digits, "(-|/)"- hyphen or slash, "[0-9]{4,5}" - from 4 to 5 of any digits" 281
01041 Conclusion (authorization document) for the import of radio-electronic means and high-frequency devices for civil purposes, including built-in, or included in other goods 351/5/[0-9]{1.5}(H|h) 351/5/" - constant value, "[0-9]{1,5}"- from 1 to 5 of any digits - the serial number of the outgoing document, "(H|h)" - Russ.the letter" 282
01191 Approval of the type of vehicle issued in accordance with the requirements of the GOST R regulation ROSS [A-Z]{2}\.[A-Z]{2}[0-9]{2}\. E[0-9]{5}(\.(([0-9]{4})|([ A-Z]{4}))){0,1} ROSS"- rus, space, "[A-Z]{2}"- OKSMT.ABC2, "\."- tchk, "[A-Z]{2}"- 2 lub.rus. uppercase,"[0-9]{2}"- two lubs.numbers, "\."- tchk, "E"- russ.letter, "[0-9]{5}"- love. 5 digits, "(\.(([0-9]{4})|([ A-Z]{4}))){0,1}"- tchk, 4 love. numbers or any Russian.the letters are optional." 283
01191 Certificate of certification in the State Register of the Certification System for Federal Railway Transport SSFJT [A-Z]{2}\.(([A-Z]{2})|([A-Z]{2}))[0-9]{2}\.(A|B)\.[0-9]{5}( E){0,1} SSFZHT"- rus., space, "[A-Z]{2}"- OKSMT.ABC2, "\."- tchk, "(([A-Z]{2})|([A-Z]{2})"- 2 lub. uppercase rus. or lat., "[0-9]{2}"- two lubs. numbers, "\."- tchk, "(A|B)" - one of 2 Russian letters: A,B, "\."- tchk, "[0-9]{5}"- five lubs. digits, "(D){0,1}" - rus.- optional" 284
08011 Repair permit - the DT itself [0-9]{8}/[0-9]{2}( ){0,1}[0-9]{2}( ){0,1}[0-9]{2}/[0-9]{7} [0-9]{8}" - any eight digits, "/"- slash, "[0-9]{2}( ){0,1}[0-9]{2}( ){0,1}[0-9]{2}"- date in the format: "DD(1probel or none)MM(1probel or none)YY", "/"- slash, "[0-9]{7}"- 7 any numbers" 285
01154 The act of identification assessment [0-9]{3}/[0-9]{1,5}-[0-9]{2}(/ VPEC){0,1} [0-9]{3}" - any three digits, "/"- slash, "[0-9]{1,5}"- 1 or any 5 digits, "-"- hyphen, "[0-9]{2}"- year of drawing up the act, "(/VPEC){0,1}" - slash and VPEC - may be missing in the number" 286
01092 Notification for RB and RK ((BY)|(KZ))(.)+ ((BY)|(KZ))"- BY or KZ, "(.)+"- any characters" 287
03031 Passport of a transaction under a foreign trade agreement for goods exported by pipeline transport [0-9]{1,3} ACCORDING TO THE LIST [0-9]{1,3}" - from 1 to 3 of any digits, a space, "ACCORDING TO THE LIST" - capital Russian" 288
01081 Permission to import into the Russian Federation a specific batch of unregistered medicines intended for clinical trials of medicines for medical use [0-9]{6}-[0-9]{2}-[0-9](/ CI){0,1}(/TLP){0,1} [0-9]{6}" - any six digits, hyphen, "[0-9]{2}"- any two digits, hyphen, "[0-9]" - any digit, "(/KI){0,1}" - slash and "KI"- Cyrillic - may be missing, slash, "(/TLP){0,1}" slash and "TLP"- Cyrillic - may be missing" 289
01131 Permission for the import and export outside the Russian Federation of biological materials obtained during a clinical trial of a medicinal product for medical use [0-9]{6}-20-1(/ CI){0,1}/MSW [0-9]{6}"- any six digits, hyphen, "20-1", "(/KI){0,1}" - slash and "KI" - Cyrillic - may be missing, slash, "MSW" - Cyrillic" 290
01081 Permission to import into the Russian Federation medicines intended for the provision of humanitarian aid (assistance) or assistance in emergency situations RU/[0-9]{4}/[0-9]{3} RU" - Latin, "/"- slash, "[0-9]{4}"- year, "/"- slash, "[0-9]{3}"- any three digits" 291
01081 Permission to import into the Russian Federation a specific batch of unregistered medicines intended for clinical trials of medicines for medical use [0-9]{7}-[0-9]{2}-[0-9] [0-9]{7}" - any seven digits, hyphen, "[0-9]{2}"- any two digits, hyphen, "[0-9]" - any digit" 292
07012 Confirmation of the intended purpose of materials imported under the Agreement on the Import of Educational, Scientific and Cultural Materials dated 11/22/1950 (issued by Rospat) RPL[0-9]{5} RPL" - Cyrillic, uppercase, "[0-9]{5}"- any five digits" 293
07012 Certificate of recognition of funds, goods, works and services as humanitarian aid (issued by the Ministry of Labor of Russia) GP[0-9]{5} GP"- Cyrillic, uppercase, "[0-9]{5}"- any five digits" 294
07012 Confirmation of the intended purpose of materials imported under the Agreement on the Import of Educational, Scientific and Cultural Materials dated 11/22/1950 (issued by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation) MNL[0-9]{5} MNL" - Cyrillic, uppercase, "[0-9]{5}"- any five digits" 295
05023 Letter from the Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Russian Federation confirming the intended purpose of imported equipment and goods [A-Z]{2}-[0-9]+/[0-9]{2} [A-Z]{2}"- any two Russian uppercase,"-"- hyphen, "[0-9]+" - one or more of any digits, "/"- slash, "[0-9]{2}"- any two digits" 296
05023 Letter from the Ministry of Transport of the Russian Federation confirming the intended purpose of the imported goods [A-Z]{2}-[0-9]{2}/[0-9]{5} [A-Z]{2}"- any two Russian uppercase,"-"- hyphen, "[0-9]{2}"- any two digits, "/" is a slash, "[0-9]{5}"- any five digits" 297
07012 Confirmation of the intended purpose of materials imported under the Agreement on the Import of Educational, Scientific and Cultural Materials dated 11/22/1950 (issued by Rostrud) RTL[0-9]{5} RTL" - Cyrillic, uppercase, "[0-9]{5}"- any five digits" 298
07012 Registration certificate for a medical device (medical device (medical equipment)) issued by Roszdravnadzor RZN [0-9]{4}/[0-9]{1,8} RZN"- rus, space, "[0-9]{4}" - four digits", "/" - slash, "[0-9]{1,8}"- from one to eight digits" 299
07012 Registration certificate for a medical device (medical device (medical equipment)) issued by Roszdravnadzor FSZ [0-9]{4}/[0-9]{5} FSZ"- rus, "space", "[0-9]{4}"- four digits, "/"- slash, "[0-9]{5}"- five digits" 300
07012 Registration certificate for a medical device (medical device (medical equipment)) issued by Roszdravnadzor FS № [0-9]{4}/[0-9]{1,4} FS"- rus, "space", "No."- number sign, "space", "[0-9]{4}"- four digits, "/"- slash, "[0-9]{1,4}"- from one to four digits" 301
07012 Registration certificate for a medical device (medical device (medical equipment)) issued by Roszdravnadzor FSR № ([0-9]{2}|[0-9]{4})/[0-9]{5} FSR"- rus, "space", "No."- number sign, "space", "([0-9]{2}|[0-9]{4})"- two or four digits, "/"- slash, "[0-9]{5}" - five digits" 302
07012 Registration certificate for a medical device (medical device (medical equipment)) issued by Roszdravnadzor MZRF № ([0-9]{2}|[0-9]{4})/[0-9]{1,4} MZRF" - rus, "space", "no."- number sign, "space", "([0-9]{2}|[0-9]{4})"- two or four digits, "/"- slash, "[0-9]{1,4}"- from one up to four digits" 303
07012 Registration certificate for a medical device (medical device (medical equipment)) issued by Roszdravnadzor FS [0-9]{3}([0-9]| a|b)[0-9]{4}/[0-9]{4}-[0-9]{2} FS"- rus, "space", "[0-9]{3}"- three digits, "([0-9]|a|b)"-a digit or a small Russian letter: a or b, "[0-9]{4}"- four digits, "/"- slash, "[0-9]{4}"- four digits, "-"- dash, "[0-9]{2}"- two digits" 304
01031 CITES export permit issued by the Department of Rosprirodnadzor for the Far Eastern Federal District in cases of permission to export samples (timber) of Mongolian oak and (or) Manchurian ash, incl. in Annex III of the CITES Convention [0-9]{2}RU[0-9]{6}DV [0-9]{2}"- year, "RU"- lat, "[0-9]{6}"- any six digits (serial number of the permit), "DV" - Latin capital letters" 305
07012 Confirmation of the intended purpose of materials imported within the framework of international cooperation of the Russian Federation in the field of space exploration and use, including spacecraft launch services ([A-Z]{2})|([a-z]{2})-[0-9]{2}-[0-9]{4} ([A-Z]{2})|([a-z]{2})"- any two letters, Cyrillic, "-"- hyphen, "[0-9]{2}"- any two digits, "-"- hyphen, "[0-9]{4}"- any four digits" 306
07012 Confirmation of the intended purpose of goods imported within the framework of international cooperation of the Russian Federation in the field of exploration and use of outer space, including services for launching spacecraft (issued by Roscosmos) RCL[0-9]{5} RKL" - Cyrillic capital letters, "[0-9]{5}"- any five digits" 307
07012 Certificate of recognition of funds, goods and services as technical assistance (assistance) (issued by the Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation) TP[0-9]{5} TP" - Cyrillic capital letters, "[0-9]{5}"- any five digits" 308
01191 Vehicle type approval, Chassis type approval CU RU ((E)|(K))-[A-Z]{2}\.[A-Z]{2}[0-9]{2}\.[0-9]{5}(.)* TS" - rus, space,"RU" - Latin, space, "((E)|(K))" -rus: E for vehicle type, K for chassis type, hyphen, "[A-Z]{2}"- OKSMT.ABC2,"\."-tchk,"[A-Z]{2}"- 2 love.rus,"[0-9]{2}" - 2 love the numbers,"\."- tchk,"[0-9]{5}" - 5 any cipher,"(.)*"- any characters (may not be)" 309
01192 Certificate of safety of the vehicle structure TS ((RU)|(BY)|(KZ)|(AM)|(KG)) A-[A-Z]{2}\.[A-Z]{2}[0-9]{2}\.[0-9]{5}(\.){0,1}((I|P|P)[0-9])* TS"- rus, space,"((RU)|(BY)|(KZ)|(AM)|(KG))" - RU orby ORKZ ORAM orkg, space, "A" - rus, hyphen, "[A-Z]{2}"- OKSMT.ABC2, "\."- tchk,"[A-Z]{2}"- 2 love.rus,"[0-9]{2}" - 2 love the numbers,"\."- tchk,"[0-9]{5}" - 5 love the numbers" 310
05014 T.O. decision on changing the preliminary decision on the classification of goods [0-9]{2}-[0-9]{2}/[0-9]{5} [0-9]{2}" - any two digits, dash, "[0-9]{2}"- any two digits, "/" is a slash, "[0-9]{5}"- any five digits" 311
05023 Letter from the Ministry of Energy [A-Z]{2}-[0-9]+/[0-9]{2} [A-Z]{2}"- any two Russian uppercase,"-"- hyphen, "[0-9]+" - one or more of any digits, "/"- slash, "[0-9]{2}"- any two digits from 01 to 15" 312
01031 CITES export permit issued by the Office of Rosprirodnadzor for Primorsky Krai in cases of permission to export Mongolian oak and (or) Manchurian ash [0-9]{2}RU[0-9]{6}PR [0-9]{2}"- year, "RU"- lat, "[0-9]{6}"- any six digits (serial number of the permit), "PR" - Latin capital letters" 313
01081 Permission to import into the Russian Federation a specific batch of unregistered medicines intended for the examination of medicines for medical use EN/[0-9]{4}/[0-9]{2}-[0-9]( |-)[0-9]{7}- IMP-LS RU"-Latin, slash, "[0-9]{4}"- any 4 digits, slash, "[0-9]"- any 2 digits, hyphen, "[0-9]"- any digit, "( |-)"-space or hyphen, "[0-9]{7}"- any 7 digits, hyphen, "IMP" - Cyrillic, hyphen, "LS" - Cyrillic" 314
01132 Conclusion of Roszdravnadzor of Russia on the import and (or) export of hematopoietic stem cells and bone marrow for the purpose of unrelated transplantation RU/[0-9]{4}/[0-9]{2}-[0-9]{1,8}/[0-9]{2} RU-lat, slash, [0-9]{4}"-the year of the conclusion,slash,"[0-9]{2}"- any two digits, hyphen, "[0-9]{1,8}"- from 1 to 8 any digits, slash, "[0-9]{2}"- any two digits (year)" 315
05012 T.O. decision on the classification of goods in unassembled or disassembled form, including in incomplete or incomplete form, imported or exported within a specified time KR/((RU)|(BY)|(KZ)|(AM)|(KG))/[0-9]{5}/[0-9]{2}/[0-9]{1,4} KR"-kir.,"/"-slash,"((RU)|(BY)|(KZ)|(AM)|(KG))"- RU orby ORKZ ORAM orkg,"/"- slash,"[0-9]{5}"- code T.O.,"/"- slash,"[0-9]{2}"- posl.cyf.g., "/"-slash,"[0-9]{1,4}"- por.nom.resh. by class" 316
05014 T.O. decision on changing the preliminary decision on the classification of goods and/or the decision on the classification of goods in unassembled or disassembled form, including in incomplete or incomplete form, imported or exported within a specified period of time ИЗ/((RU)|(BY)|(KZ)|(AM)|(KG))/[0-9]{8}/[0-9]{6}/[0-9]{4}/[0-9]{2} FROM"-cyr.,"/"-slash,"((RU)|(BY)|(KZ)|(AM)|(KG))"- RU orby ORKZ ORAM orkg,"/"- slash,"[0-9]{8}"- code T.O.,"/"- slash,"[0-9]{6}"- date of adoption of the preliminary decision. in DDMMGG format, "/" is a slash,"[0-9]{4}"- 4x-zn.port.number of the prev.solution.,"/"-slash,"[0-9]{2}"- number "01" or "02"" 317
05019 Letter from the Ministry of Transport of the Russian Federation confirming the intended purpose of the imported goods [A-Z]{2}-[0-9]{2}/[0-9]{5} [A-Z]{2}"- any two Russian uppercase,"-"- hyphen, "[0-9]{2}"- any two digits, "/" is a slash, "[0-9]{5}"- any five digits" 318
05022 Letter from the Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Russian Federation confirming the intended purpose of imported equipment and goods [A-Z]{2}-[0-9]+/[0-9]{2} [A-Z]{2}"- any two Russian uppercase,"-"- hyphen, "[0-9]+" - one or more of any digits, "/"- slash, "[0-9]{2}"- any two digits" 319
05024 Rosselkhoznadzor letter on the intended purpose of the product: bird eggs for incubation [A-Z]{2}/([A-Z]){2,3}-[0-9]{2}/([0-9]){1,9} [A-Z]{2}"- any two Russian uppercase, "/"- slash, "([A-Z]){2,3}" - from two to three any Russian uppercase, "-"- hyphen, "[0-9]{2}"- any two digits, "/"- slash,"([0-9]){1,9}"- from one to nine of any digits" 320
05025 A letter from the Ministry of Energy of the Russian Federation confirming the fact of oil production (production of stable gas condensate) with certain physical and chemical characteristics at a particular field [A-Z]{2}-[0-9]+/[0-9]{2} [A-Z]{2}"- any two Russian uppercase,"-"- hyphen, "[0-9]+" - one or more of any digits, "/"- slash, "[0-9]{2}"- any two digits from 01 to 15" 321
05020 Letter from the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation confirming the intended purpose of the goods for medical purposes [0-9]{2}-[0-9]{1}/[0-9]{2}/[0-9]{1}-[0-9]+ [0-9]{2}"- any two digits, "-"- hyphen, "[0-9]{1}" - any one digit, "/" is a slash, "[0-9]{2}"- any two digits, "/"- slash, "[0-9]{1}" - any one digit, "-"- hyphen, "[0-9]+" - one or more of any digits" 322
05996 The agreement concluded by the Ministry of Economic Development of Russia and the Russian Legal Entity on the import of goods intended for the industrial assembly of motor vehicles of commodity items 8701-8705 of the Customs Code of the EAEU, their components and aggregates C-[0-9]{1,9}-[A-Z]{2}/D[0-9]{1,5} With "-Russian uppercase,"-" - dash, "[0-9]{1,9}" - the serial number of the agreement in the current year, "-" - dash, "[A-Z]{2}" - any two Russian uppercase,"/"- slash, "D"- Russian capital,"[0-9]{1,5}"- serial number of the Department responsible for the document" 323
05997 Supplementary Agreement to the agreement concluded by the Ministry of Economic Development of Russia and the Russian legal Entities on the import of goods intended for the industrial assembly of motor vehicles of commodity items 8701-8705 of the Customs Code of the EAEU, their components and aggregates C-[0-9]{1,9}-[A-Z]{2}/D[0-9]{1,5} With "-Russian uppercase,"-" - dash, "[0-9]{1,9}" - the serial number of the agreement in the current year, "-" - dash, "[A-Z]{2}" - any two Russian uppercase,"/"- slash, "D"- Russian capital,"[0-9]{1,5}"- serial number of the Department responsible for the document" 324
05998 Protocol on amendments to the agreement concluded by the Ministry of Economic Development of Russia and the Russian Legal Entity on the import of goods intended for the industrial assembly of motor vehicles of commodity items 8701-8705 of the Customs Code of the EAEU, their components and aggregates C-[0-9]{1,9}-[A-Z]{2}/D[0-9]{1,5} With "-Russian uppercase,"-" - dash, "[0-9]{1,9}" - the serial number of the agreement in the current year, "-" - dash, "[A-Z]{2}" - any two Russian uppercase,"/"- slash, "D"- Russian capital,"[0-9]{1,5}"- serial number of the Department responsible for the document" 325
01154 Identification conclusion [0-9]{1,4}-[0-9]{2}/[0-9]{10} [0-9]{1,4}" - from 1 to 4 of any digits, "-"- hyphen, "[0-9]{2}" - the last two digits of the year, "/" - slash, "[0-9]{10}" - taxpayer identification number" 326
10050 Information about on.radioel.cp-v and (or) high-frequency.the device is installed in the citizen.assigned, including embedded or included in other products, in the unified register of radioel.cp-v and high-frequency.the device is installed in the citizen's name, when importing cats to there.ter.UES is not required.prest-e persons or zakl.(RD) ((AM)|(BY)|(KZ)|(KG)|(RU))[0-9]{10} ((AM)|(BY)|(KZ)|(KG)|(RU))" - AM, BY, KZ, KG or RU lat., "[0-9]{10}" - ten any digits" 327
10050 Lack of information ((Required)|(required)|(Required))(.)* I UNDERTAKE TO PROVIDE UP TO 328
10051 Registration certificate of the Ministry of Health of Russia LP-[0-9]{6} LP"- rus,"-"- hyphen, "[0-9]{6}"- any six digits" 329
10051 Registration certificate of the Ministry of Health of Russia FS-[0-9]{6} FS"- rus,"-"- hyphen, "[0-9]{6}"- any six digits" 330
10051 Registration certificate of the Ministry of Health of Russia LS-[0-9]{6} LS"- rus,"-"- hyphen, "[0-9]{6}"- any six digits" 331
10051 Registration certificate of the Ministry of Health of Russia LSR-[0-9]{6}(/[0-9]{2}){0,1} LSR"- rus,"-"- hyphen, "[0-9]{6}"- any six digits, "(/[0-9]{2}){0,1}"- slash and any two digits, or empty" 332
10051 Registration certificate of the Ministry of Health of Russia N N[0-9]{6}(/[0-9]{2}){0,1} P"- rus, "space", "N"- Lat., "[0-9]{6}"- any six digits, "(/[0-9]{2}){0,1}" - slash and any two digits, or empty" 333
10051 Registration certificate of the Ministry of Health of Russia N N[0-9]{6}/[0-9]{2}-[0-9]{4} P"- rus, "space", "N"- Lat., "[0-9]{6}"- any six digits, "/" is a slash, "[0-9]{2}"- any two digits, "-"- hyphen, "[0-9]{4}"- any four digits" 334
10051 Registration certificate of the Ministry of Health of Russia P N[0-9]{6}/[0-9]{2}(-[0-9]{4}){0,1} P"- rus, "space", "N"- Lat., "[0-9]{6}"- any six digits, "/" is a slash, "[0-9]{2}"- any two digits, "(-[0-9]{4}){0,1}"- hyphen and any four digits, or empty" 335
10051 Registration certificate of the Ministry of Health of Russia P N[0-9]{7}/[0-9]{2} P"- rus, "space", "N"- Lat., "[0-9]{7}"- any six digits, "/" is a slash, "[0-9]{2}"- any two digits" 336
10051 Registration certificate of the Ministry of Health of Russia N N[0-9]{5} P"- rus, "space", "N"- Lat., "[0-9]{5}"- any five digits" 337
10051 Registration certificate of the Ministry of Health of Russia [0-9]{6}(/[0-9]{2}){0,1} [0-9]{6}" - any six digits, "(/[0-9]{2}){0,1}"- slash and any two digits, or empty" 338
10051 Registration certificate of the Ministry of Health of Russia P-8-242 N([0-9]){5,6} P"-rus, "-"-hyphen, "8", "-"-hyphen, "242", "space", "N"- Lat., "([0-9]){5,6}"- from five to six of any digits" 339
10051 Registration certificate of the Ministry of Health of Russia N[0-9]{6} N"- lat., "[0-9]{6}"- any six digits" 340
10051 Registration certificate of the Ministry of Health of Russia B-8-242 N[0-9]{4} B"-rus, "-"-hyphen, "8", "-"-hyphen, "242", "space", "N"- Lat., "[0-9]{4}"- any four digits" 341
10051 Registration certificate of the Ministry of Health of Russia [0-9]{4}/[0-9]{2}/([0-9]){1,2} [0-9]{4}" - any four digits, "/"- slash, "[0-9]{2}"- any two digits, "/"- slash,"([0-9]){1,2}"- one or two of any digits" 342
10051 Registration certificate of the Ministry of Health of Russia [0-9]{4}/[0-9]{3}/([0-9]){1,2} [0-9]{4}" - any four digits, "/"- slash, "[0-9]{3}"- any three digits, "/" is a slash,"([0-9]){1,2}"- one or two of any digits" 343
10051 Registration certificate of the Ministry of Health of Russia [0-9]{2}/[0-9]/[0-9] [0-9]{2}"- any two digits, "/"- slash, "[0-9]" - any one digit, "/"- slash, "[0-9]" - any one digit" 344
10051 Registration certificate of the Ministry of Health of Russia [0-9]{2}/[0-9]{2}/([0-9]){1,2} [0-9]{2}" - any two digits, "/"- slash, "[0-9]{2}"- any two digits, "/"- slash,"([0-9]){1,2}"- one or two of any digits" 345
10051 Registration certificate of the Ministry of Health of Russia [0-9]{2}/[0-9]{3}/([0-9]){1,4} [0-9]{2}" - any two digits, "/"- slash, "[0-9]{3}"- any three digits, "/" is a slash, "([0-9]){1,4}"- from one to four of any digits" 346
10051 Registration certificate of the Ministry of Health of Russia [0-9]{2}/[0-9]{3}/[0-9]/([0-9]){1,2} [0-9]{2}" - any two digits, "/"- slash, "[0-9]{3}"- any three digits, "/"- slash,"[0-9]"- any one digit, "/"- slash, "([0-9]){1,2}" - any one or two digits" 347
10051 Registration certificate of the Ministry of Health of Russia [0-9]{2}/[0-9]{3}-[0-9]/[0-9]/[0-9] [0-9]{2}" - any two digits, "/"- slash, "[0-9]{3}"- any three digits, "-"- hyphen, "[0-9]"- any one digit, "/"- slash, "[0-9]"- one any digit, "/"- slash, "[0-9]" - any one digit" 348
10051 Registration certificate of the Ministry of Health of Russia [0-9]{2}/[0-9]{3}/[0-9]{2}-[0-9] [0-9]{2}" - any two digits, "/"- slash, "[0-9]{3}"- any three digits, "/" is a slash,"[0-9]{2}"- any two digits, "-"- hyphen, "[0-9]"- any one digit" 349
10051 Registration certificate of the Ministry of Health of Russia [0-9]{2}/[0-9]{3}/[0-9]{3}-([0-9]){1,2} [0-9]{2}" - any two digits, "/"- slash, "[0-9]{3}"- any three digits, "/" is a slash,"[0-9]{3}"- any three digits, "-"- hyphen, "([0-9]){1,2}" - one or two any digits" 350
10051 Registration certificate of the Ministry of Health of Russia [0-9]{2}/[0-9]{4}/([0-9]){1,2} [0-9]{2}" - any two digits, "/"- slash, "[0-9]{4}"- any four digits, "/" is a slash, "([0-9]){1,2}"- one or two of any digits" 351
01191 Certificate of conformity of products issued in a single form within the framework of the Customs Union TS RU S-[A-Z]{2}\.[A-Z]{2}[0-9]{2}\.( A|C)\.[0-9]{5} TS"- rus,"space", "RU"-Latin,"space","C"-rus,"-"- def.,"[A-Z]{2}"- OKSMT.ABC2, "\."-tchk,"[A-Z]{2}"-2 love.rus.prop,"[0-9]{2}"-2 love.numbers, "\."-tchk,"(A|B)"-one of the Russian letters: A,B, "\."-tchk,"[0-9]{5}"-5 love.numbers" 352
01191 Rosaccreditation Declaration of conformity of products registered in a single form within the CU TS N RU D-[A-Z]{2}\.[A-Z]{2}[0-9]{2}\.( A|C)\.[0-9]{5} TS"-rus,"space","N"-lat,"space","RU" - lat.,"space","D"- rus,hyphen,"[A-Z]{2}"-OKSMT.ABC2,tchk,"[A-Z]{2}"-two lub.rus.propis.,"[0-9]{2}"- two ly.zif.,tchk,"(A|B)"-one of the r/b:A,B,"\."-tchk,"[0-9]{5}"-five love cif" 353
01191 Certificate of Rosaccreditation of conformity of products to the requirements of technical regulations of the Russian Federation C-[A-Z]{2}\.[A-Z]{2}[0-9]{2}\.( A|C)\.[0-9]{5} With "- rus, "-" - hyphen, "[A-Z]{2}"- OKSMT.ABC2, "\."- tchk, "[A-Z]{2}" - any two uppercase rus., "[0-9]{2}"- two any numbers, "\."- tchk, "(A|B)" - one of the Russian letters: A, B, "\."- tchk, "[0-9]{5}"- five any numbers" 354
01191 Rosaccreditation Declaration of conformity of products to the requirements of technical regulations of the Russian Federation D-[A-Z]{2}\.[A-Z]{2}[0-9]{2}\.( A|C)\.[0-9]{5} D"- rus, "-" - hyphen, "[A-Z]{2}"- OKSMT.ABC2, "\."- tchk, "[A-Z]{2}"- any two uppercase rus., "[0-9]{2}"- two any numbers, "\."- tchk, "(A|B)" - one of the Russian letters: A, B, "\."- tchk, "[0-9]{5}"- five any numbers" 355
05021 Rosselkhoznadzor letter on the intended purpose of the product: bird eggs for incubation [A-Z]{2}/([A-Z]){2,3}-[0-9]{2}/([0-9]){1,9} [A-Z]{2}"- any two Russian uppercase, "/"- slash, "([A-Z]){2,3}" - from two to three any Russian uppercase, "-"- hyphen, "[0-9]{2}"- any two digits, "/"- slash,"([0-9]){1,9}"- from one to nine of any digits" 356
01101 Conclusion (authorization document) for the export of cultural values, documents of national archival funds and original archival documents RU/[0-9]{4}/([0-9]){1,2}-[0-9]+ RU"- lat, "/"- slash, "[0-9]{4}"- year in 4-digit format, "/"- slash, "([0-9]){1,2}"- one or two of any digits, "-"- hyphen, "[0-9]+"- one or more of any digits" 357
07011 The Treaty on the EAEU (05/29/2014)  THE TREATY ON THE EAEU (\(PP\.[1-6]{1} N\.1 OF APPENDIX 6\)) THE TREATY ON THE EAEU (PARAGRAPH 5, PARAGRAPH 1 OF ANNEX 6) 358
07011 The Treaty on the EAEU (05/29/2014)  THE TREATY ON THE EAEU (\(N\"(2/3)"\ ST\.36\)) THE TREATY ON THE EAEU (Clause 2 OF ARTICLE 36) 359
07011 Decision of the Customs Union Commission No. 130 dated 11/27/2009 "On the Unified Customs and Tariff Regulation of the Eurasian Economic Union" Item 7.1. SOLUTION 130 (\(N\.7\.1\.[0-9]{0,2}\)) DECISION 130 (PARAGRAPH 7.1.35) 360
07011 Decision of the Customs Union Commission No. 130 dated 11/27/2009 "On the Unified Customs and Tariff Regulation of the Eurasian Economic Union" Item 7.2 OR Item 7.3 SOLUTION 130 (\(N\.7\.(2/3)\)) DECISION 130 (PARAGRAPH 7.2) 361
07011 Decision of the Customs Union Commission No. 130 dated 11/27/2009 "On the Unified Customs and Tariff Regulation of the Eurasian Economic Union" Item 3. SOLUTION 130 (\(N\.3\)) DECISION 130 (PARAGRAPH 3) 362
07011 Decision of the Board of the Eurasian Economic Commission No. 122 dated 06.10.2020 SOLUTION 122 (\(N\.2\)) DECISION 122 (PARAGRAPH 2) 363
07011 Decision of the Board of the Eurasian Economic Commission No. 10 dated 01/22/2019 SOLUTION 10 SOLUTION 10 364
07011 Decision of the Board of the Eurasian Economic Commission dated 04/19/2016 No. 36 DECISION 36 DECISION 36 365
07011 Decision  SOLUTION ([0-9]{1,4} APPENDIX [0-9]{1,2})  DECISION 37 ANNEX 4 366
07011 Agreement B/N Used 367
07011 Tax Code of the Russian Federation No. 117-FZ dated 08/05/2000 117 FZ (\(PP\.[0-9]{1,2} ST\.150\)) 117 FZ (PARAGRAPHS 20 OF ARTICLE 150) 368
07011 Tax Code of the Russian Federation No. 117-FZ dated 08/05/2000 117 FZ (\(PP\.[0-9]{1,2} N\.2 ST\.164\)) 117 FZ (SUBCLAUSE 2 of CLAUSE 2 OF ARTICLE 164) 369
07011 Tax Code of the Russian Federation No. 117-FZ dated 08/05/2000 117 FZ (\(N\.[0-9]{1,2} ST\.346\.35\)) 117 Federal Law (Item 11 OF ARTICLE 346.35) 370
07011 Federal Law No. 289-FZ dated 08/03/2018 289 FZ \(N\.[0-9]{1,2} H\.1 ST\.47\) Federal Law No. 289 (Item 24 of Part 1 OF ARTICLE 47) 371
07011 Federal Law No. 443-FZ dated 11/21/2022 443 FZ \(ART\.12\) 443 FZ (ARTICLE 12) 372
07011 The Law of the Russian Federation dated 05/21/1993 N 5003-1 5003-1 (\(PP\.[0-9]{1,2} PP[1-9]{1} ST\.35\)) 5003-1 (CLAUSE 10 of CLAUSE 1 OF ARTICLE 35) 373
07011 The Law of the Russian Federation dated 05/21/1993 N 5003-1 5003-1 (\(PP\.[0-9]{1,2} N\.1\.1 ST\.35\)) 5003-1 (ITEM 10)1.1 ARTICLE 35) 374
07011 The Law of the Russian Federation dated 05/21/1993 N 5003-1 5003-1 (\(Item\1\ST\.36\)) 5003-1 (Item 1 OF ARTICLE 36) 375
07011 Resolution of the Government of the Russian Federation RF PP ([0-9]{1,4}) RF PP 1042 376
07011 Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation rpRF ([0-9]{1,4})-R RP RF 1364-R 377
07011 Order of the Federal Customs Service of Russia dated 31.10.2011 No. 2223 ORDER 2223 (\(N\.1\)) ORDER 2223 (ITEM 1) 378


From December 5, 2023, mandatory requirements for specifying document numbers that establish benefits and preferences for the payment of customs duties are introduced when filling in column 44 of the customs declaration under the code 07011 in accordance with the developed masks of document numbers. The statement of information about documents according to the established masks will reduce the time for checking documents and information, and avoid sending clarifying requests to the declarant. Please note that in the case of specifying documents that establish benefits and preferences for the payment of customs duties, when filling in column 44 of the customs declaration under the code 07011, in a format that does NOT correspond to the masks of the documents, the goods declarationWILL NOT BE ACCEPTEDby the customs authority. Masks of document numbers that establish benefits for the payment of customs duties, indicated under the code 07011 column 44 DT.