Term | Definition |
Express cargo |
Product, transported within the framework of high - speed transportation by any type of transport using an electronic information system for organizing and tracking transportation in order to deliver this product to the recipient in accordance with an individual waybill
EDD | Electronic archive of the declarant's documents. |
Risk grading scale | Interval distribution of the risk level.
TSEKTU | Central Forensic Department Code of the structural subdivision of the Federal Customs Service of Russia 0900 TSEKTUIt is a specialized regional customs administration and carries out forensic, forensic, expert research, scientific research and scientific and methodological activities in the interests of the economic security of the state. The Department organizes the work of more than 80 expert departments and departments, whose expert studies are carried out on 97 groups of the Unified Commodity Nomenclature of Foreign Economic Activity of the Customs Union. TSEKTU has the latest analytical equipment, customs experts use the latest methods of analysis when performing customs and forensic examinations:
Target methodology for identifying risks | The procedure for the analysis of information with the predominant use of mathematical and statistical methods and minimal use of expert methods.
FHD | Financial And Economic Activities
UGH | Financial Management
FSB (RUSSIA) | Federal Security Service of the Russian Federation. |
FPS (RUSSIA) | Federal Border Service of the Russian Federation. |
FAS (RUSSIA) | The Federal Antimonopoly Service is a federal executive authority that performs the functions of adopting regulatory legal acts and monitoring compliance with antimonopoly legislation, legislation in the field of activities of natural monopolies (in terms of the powers of the antimonopoly authority established by law), advertising, monitoring the implementation of foreign investments in business entities of strategic importance for ensuring national defense and security state control (supervision) in the field of state defense orders and in the field of procurement of goods, works, services for state and municipal needs, as well as coordination of the use of closed methods for determining suppliers (contractors, performers). |
UFTP | Department of Federal Customs Payments.
UFTD | Department of Federal Customs Revenue.
UTSA | Department Of Customs Statistics And Analysis.
UTSA | Customs Statistics and Analysis Department The code of the structural subdivision of the Federal Customs Service of Russia is 0500 The Department is working to improve the conceptual and methodological foundations for maintaining customs statistics of foreign trade of the Russian Federation that meet international practice, ensures the stability of the system of indicators of customs statistics of foreign trade of the Russian Federation, flexibility of forms and methods of collecting raw data in the context of the development of foreign economic relations of the Russian Federation. Works on improving the system of indicators of customs statistics of foreign trade of the Russian Federation, taking into account the maintenance of customs statistics of foreign trade of the subjects of the Russian Federation, special customs statistics, as well as statistics of foreign trade of the Union State, increases the reliability and efficiency of customs statistics of foreign trade of the Russian Federation on the basis of modern information technologies. |
UTOViEK | Department of Trade Restrictions, Currency and Export Control The code of the structural subdivision of the Federal Customs Service of Russia is -0600 Areas of activity
UTNTR | Management Of Tariff And Non-Tariff Regulation.
UTN | Commodity Nomenclature Management The code of the structural subdivision of the Federal Customs Service of Russia is 0200 Management is engaged in:
Risk level | The value characterizing the ratio of the frequency of occurrence of an event related to non-compliance with international treaties and acts in the field of customs regulation and legislation of states.
Risk management | Systematized activities of customs authorities to minimize the probability of occurrence of events related to non-compliance with international treaties and acts in the field of customs regulation and legislation of states.
PACKING LIST | A commercial document that contains a list of items included in one cargo space (box, box, container).packing listit is signed by the packer and invested in each cargo space having a mixed assortment.
WATK | Management Of The Organization Of Customs Control.
Unique contract number | The number assigned by the authorized bank when registering the contract.
UDTS | Department Of Customs Union Affairs.
UVK | The Department of Currency Control.
UBTP | Department For Combating Customs Offenses.
TSTK | Technical Means Of Customs Control.
International transportation vehicles |
Vehicles which are used for international transportation of goods, passengers and (or) baggage, with special equipment on them designed for loading, unloading, handling and protection of goods, items of material and technical equipment
Vehicles for personal use | A category of goods for personal use, including certain types of motor vehicles and trailers for motor vehicles and motor vehicles, determined by the Eurasian Economic Commission, a water vessel or an aircraft together with a stock
Vehicles | A category of goods that includes a water vessel, an aircraft, an automobile vehicle, a trailer, a semi-trailer, a railway vehicle (railwayrolling stock, a unit of railway rolling stock), a container with
Transport (transportation) documents | Documents confirming the existence of a contract for the carriage of goods and accompanying them during such transportation (bill of lading, bill of lading, document confirming the conclusion of the freight forwarding contract, and other documents).
TPO | Customs Receipt Order.
Union Goods | Goods located in the customs territory of the Union, fully produced (extracted, received, grown) in the customs territory of the Union. goods located in the customs territory of the Union that have acquired the status of goods of the union or recognized as goods of the union
Risk Goods | Goods transported across the customs border of the Russian Federation and in respect of which risks have been identified or potential risks exist.
Cover Goods | Goods that can be declared (declared) with a sufficient degree of probability instead of risk goods.
Goods for personal use | Goods intended for personal, family, household and other needs of individuals not related to the implementation of entrepreneurial activity, transported across the customs border of the Union in accompanied or unaccompanied baggage, by forwarding to
Product | Any movable property, including the currency of the Member States, securities and (or) currency valuables, traveler's checks, electric energy, as well as other movable things equated to immovable property.
TCTS | Customs Code of the EurAsEC Customs Union (TC CU) |
Customs risk | The probability of non-compliance with international treaties and acts in the field of customs regulation and legislation of the Russian Federation. |
Customs regime | Customs procedure defining a set of requirements and conditions, including the procedure for applying customs duties, taxes and prohibitions and restrictions established in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation on state regulation of foreign trade activities, as well as the status of goods and vehicles for customs purposes, depending on the purposes of their movement across the customs border and use in the customs territory. the territory of the Russian Federation or beyond its borders. A participant in foreign economic activity has the right at any time to choose any customs regime or change it to another one, regardless of the nature, quantity, destination country or country of origin of the goods. |
Customs inspection | Inspection of goods and vehicles external visual inspection of goods, baggage of individuals, vehicles, cargo containers, customs seals, seals and other means of identification of goods for the purposes of customs control. Not related to the opening of the goods. |
Customs authority of departure | The customs authority that commitscustoms operations related to the placement of goods under the customs procedure of customs transit.
Customs authority of destination | A customs authority in the region of activity of which the place of delivery of goods determined by the customs authority of departure is located or which completes the customs procedure of customs transit.
Customs control | A set of actions performed by customs authorities aimed at verifying and (or) ensuring compliance with international treaties and acts in the field of customs regulation and the legislation of the member States on customs regulation.
Customs inspection | Inspection of goods and vehicles related to the removal of seals, seals and other means of identification of goods, opening the packaging of goods or cargo space of the vehicle or containers, containers and other places where goods are or may be located. |
Customs Broker | An organization authorized by the Federal Customs Service performing customs operations on behalf of and on behalf of an interested person of the importer or exporter (declarant) acting on his behalf and at his expense. The Federal Customs Service maintains a register of customs representatives, and issues such companies a certificate of inclusion in the register. The certificate of inclusion in the register is valid indefinitely, subject to timely payment of customs duties and payments. The scope of competence of the customs representative includes the following procedures:
Customs duties and taxes levied at uniform rates | The amount of customs duties and taxes calculated in respect of goods for personal use without division into its constituent customs duties,taxes.
Customs duties, taxes levied in the form of a cumulative customs payment | The amount of customs duties and taxes calculated in respect of goods for personal use at the rates of customs duties and taxes applied in accordance with Article 53 of this Code.
Customs authorities |
Customs authoritiesmember States.
Customs operations | Actions performed by persons and customs authorities in accordance with international treaties and acts in the field of customs regulation and (or) the legislation of the member States on customs regulation.
Customs documents |
Customs declarationand other documents drawn up exclusively for the performance of customs operations and customs control, as well as during and based on the results of customs operations and customs control.
Customs declaration of goods | A statement to the customs authority using the customs declaration of information about goods, about the chosen customs procedure and (or) other information necessary for the release of goods. Goods are subject to customs declaration when placed under the customs procedure or in other cases established in accordance withThe EAEU TC. |
Customs declaration | A statement to the customs authority using the customs declaration of information about goods, about the chosen customs procedure and (or) other information necessary for the release of goods.
Customs and tariff regulation | A method of state regulation of foreign trade in goods carried out through the application of import and export customs duties.
Customs value | The cost of the goods from which customs payments will be calculated.
Customs duty | Mandatory payment levied by customs authorities in connection with the movement of goods across the customs border (customs borders may differ from state borders if states are members of economic or customs unions). Payment of customs duties is an essential condition for the import or export of goods and is ensured by state enforcement measures. History of Customs duties. In the Middle Ages, tolls were fees levied by cities, states and feudal lords for the use of roads and bridges, policing, conducting lawsuits and performing other functions. There were fees for entry and movement through the territory (city, principality), as well as fees from merchants, who were the main part of travelers at that time. The emergence of state duties, as state fees, was associated with the emergence of a state with their sovereignty and state borders. Since the duties began to be collected in favor of the state, they began to perform an important function of replenishing the state treasury and directly interfering in the economy, performing the function of state regulation of the economy. |
Customs declaration | A customs document containing information about goods and other information necessary for the release of goods.
SIRTLE | Northwest Regional Customs Laboratory.
FEZ | Free (special, special) economic zone, under the territory ofFEZit means the entire territory of the FEZ or part of the territory of the FEZ, in which, in accordance with the legislation of the member state on whose territory the FEZ is established, customs clearance is applied
Subjects of military-technical cooperation | Russian organizations that have received the right to carry out foreign trade activities in relation to military products |
Subject of foreign economic activity | A person specified in customs, transport and commercial documents as a recipient, sender of goods,person responsible for financial settlement, declarant, principal, carrier (including customs), customs broker, ownersvhor a customs warehouse or other person carrying out activities in the field of customs.
Degree of risk | The result of a quantitative risk assessment.
Urgent risk profile | Risk profile intended for prompt communication to officials carrying out customs clearance andcustoms controlgoods and vehicles, information about the need to applymeasures to minimize risksto a certain batch of goods and (or) vehicles before the completion of customs clearance. The risks contained in the urgent risk profiles are identified at the time of acceptance of the customs declaration (after assignment of the registration number of the customs declaration) and at the time of activation by an official of the customs post of the function of issuing an electronic copyDTafter completing the report (if the report was filled in) using special software and (or) independently, based on the risk area in the presence of a letter or teletypogram of the Federal Customs Service of Russia containingurgent risk profile. When changes are made to the customs declaration at any stage of the documentary control, the customs declaration is re-checked to identify the risks contained in the urgent risk profiles. If a letter (teletypogram) of the Federal Customs Service of Russia containing an urgentrisk profile, received at the customs post after the adoption of the customs declaration, risk minimization measures provided for by the urgent risk profile are subject to application. If the performance of customs operations in respect of goods is completed by the customs authority before the receipt of an urgent risk profile, the relevant coordinating unit of the Federal Customs Service of Russia carries out departmental control of decisions taken by a subordinate customs authority during customs control of a consignment of goods in accordance with the procedure for departmental control established by other legal acts of the Federal Customs Service of Russia. Based on the results of the application of the urgent risk profile, the customs post official fills out a Report in accordance with the Rules for filling out the Report, or the accounting journal in the cases established by this Instruction. |
Medium-term risk profile | Risk profile with a set duration of 1 to 3 months.
SPB | Saint-Petersburg
Facilities, installations | Underwater objects, floating drilling rigs, offshore floating platforms, other vessels, underwater structures, including wells, offshore stationary platforms, stations fixed in accordance with the design documentation for their creation at the location
NWTU | North - Western Customs Administration.
SZRTL | Northwest Regional Customs Laboratory.
SVH | Temporary Storage Warehouse.
THE MOUTH | Regional Customs Logistics Department.
RTU BY BTP | Regional Customs Administration For Combating Customs Offenses.
RTU DSO | Regional Customs Department Of Duty Service And Security.
RTU W | Regional Customs Administration Of Air Transport.
MOUTH | Regional Customs Administration.
rp | Registration Chamber.
RITTU | Regional Information and Technical Customs Administration
Reimport | A customs regime in which goods previously exported from the customs territory of the Russian Federation are imported into the customs territory of the Russian Federation within the established time limits (subparagraph 2 of paragraph 1 of Article 235) without payment of customs duties and taxes and without the application to goods of prohibitions and restrictions of an economic nature established in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation on state regulation of foreign trade activity. |
Regional risk profile | The risk profile operating in the region of activity of oneMOUTH. The decision to assign the risk profile to a regional one is made by the Federal Customs Service of Russia. The legal act of the Federal Customs Service of Russia regarding the risk profile is signed by the Deputy Chairman of the Federal Customs Service of Russia, who oversees the Risk and Operational Control Department of the Federal Customs Service of Russia or supervises the structural unit in the direction of which the risk has been identified. Risk profile type code -12 |
PTS and PSHTS | Vehicle Passport And Vehicle Chassis Passport.
Direct measures to minimize risks | A set of measures directly related to the release of goods with the use of measures to minimize the risks of certain forms of customs control carried out centrally and established by the TC CU, the instructions on the actions of customs officials in the application of RMS and other regulatory legal acts of the Federal Customs Service of Russia. As direct measures are used:
Risk profile | The totality of information about the risk area, risk indicators, as well as measures to minimize risk, the risk profile contains instructions on the application of measures to minimize it. Risk profiles are formed in the Central Office by special analytical groups based on information from various databases, not only customs authorities, but also tax, border, migration services, databases on product quality certificates. Each risk profile is a description of generalized situations that can lead to a violation of customs legislation. At the same time, risk indicators are highlighted in the risk profiles. Risk profiles are brought to the customs authorities using software or on paper. The only form of fixing risk profiles are the legal acts of the Federal Customs Service of Russia marked for official use (DSP). |
Military products | Weapons, military equipment, works, services, results of intellectual activity, including exclusive rights to them (intellectual property) and information in the military-technical field, with the exception of information that may be published in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation in the mass media, works of science, literature and art, advertising materials |
Supplies | Goods: necessary to ensure the normal operation and maintenance of water vessels, aircraft and trains in their parking places and en route, with the exception of spare parts and equipment or intended for consumption and (or
Crimes |
Crimesor criminal offenses, the proceedings for which are assigned to the jurisdiction of the customs authorities in accordance with the legislation of the member States.
Preliminary information | Information in electronic form about goods intended to be transported across the customs border of the Union, international transport vehicles carrying such goods, time and place of arrival of goods to the customs territory of the Union, passengers,
DUTY | The monetary fee levied by the relevant state bodies when they perform certain functions, in the amounts provided for by the legislation of this country. |
Permanent risk profile | A risk profile with an established validity period of more than 6 months. |
PIB | Passport Of A Barter Transaction.
Movement of goods across the customs border of the Union | |
Carrier | A person who transports (transports) goods and (or) passengers across the customs border of the Union and (or) transports (transports) goods under customs control through the customs territory of the Union. when moving goods.
PGTD | Preliminary Cargo Customs Declaration.
TRANSACTION PASSPORT | The basic document of currency control issued by the exporter of goods by a resident of the Russian Federation in a bank and containing information on a foreign economic transaction set out in a standardized form, necessary for the implementation of this control. |
SEZ | Special Economic Zone.
Risk assessment | Actions to identify, analyze risk and determine the level of risk.
OFTK | Department Of Actual Customs Control.
OTIA | Department Of Customs Statistics And Analysis.
OTR | Department of Customs Investigations.
OTP | Department Of Customs Payments.
OTO | Customs Clearance Department.
ORTHOPHS | Department For Work With Goods Converted To Federal Property.
Orientation | Information about the medium degree of risk, to minimize which it is impractical to develop a risk profile due to the inaccuracy (wide scope) of such information.Orientationit does not contain instructions (recommendations) on the application of customs control forms and measures to minimize risks. Orientations are brought to the customs authorities as information used in the customs control of goods and vehicles. Orientation is advisable, as a rule, in the following cases:
The orientation contains the following basic information:
The information contained in the guidelines is taken into account when choosing and applying risk minimization measures by customs officials in accordance with their existing powers |
OOD | Department Of Inquiry Organization.
ONEC | Department Of Non-Tariff And Expert Control.
OKDT | Department Of Goods Delivery Control.
ODTO | Department Of Documentary Customs Clearance.
The United States of America | Department of Inquiry.
OGTD | Final Cargo Customs Declaration.
Mandatory risk profile | Risk certainly applicable in all cases, including when moving goods by a person included in the list of persons moving goods, in respect of which the risk minimization measures contained in the risk profiles are not applied. Risk profile code -55 |
All-Russian risk profile | A risk profile operating on the entire customs territory of the Russian Federation or in separate customs authorities located in the region of activity of different RTU. The decision to assign the risk profile to the all-Russian one is made by the Federal Customs Service of Russia. The legal act of the FCS of Russia regarding the risk profile is signed by the Chairman of the FCS of Russia or a person authorized by him. Risk profile code -11 |
About the accident | Department For Combating Customs Offenses.
Risk area | Separate grouped risk objects, in respect of which the application of separate forms of customs control or their combination is required, as well as improving the efficiency of the quality of customs administration. |
OBK | Department For Combating Smuggling And Customs Violations.
NTP | Violation Of Customs Regulations.
Informal risk profile | Risk profiles, brought to the customs authorities on paper, the risks of which are identified by an official independently, based on the risk area. |
NET | The mass of the goods, taking into account only the primary packaging or without taking into account any packaging.
Non-tariff regulation | A method of state regulation of foreign trade in goods carried out by introducing quantitative restrictions and other prohibitions and restrictions of an economic nature.
Illegal movement of goods across the customs border of the Union |
Movement of goods across the customs border of the Unionoutside the places through which, in accordance with Article 10 of this Code, the movement of goods across the customs border of the Union must or can be carried out, or outside the working hours of the customs authorities, there is
VAT | Value Added Tax.
NATB | National Association of Customs Brokers.
Taxes | Value added tax, excise taxes (excise tax or excise duty) levied in connection with the import of goods into the customs territory of the Union.