On the procedure for registration, suspension, renewal and termination of declarations of conformity, their invalidation and the procedure for suspension, renewal and termination of certificates of conformity, their invalidation

Rules for registration, suspension, renewal and termination of declarations of conformity, their invalidation

I. Procedure for registration of declarations of conformity

  1. These Rules define the procedure for registration of declarations of conformity of products to the requirements of technical regulations of the Russian Federation, declarations of conformity for products included in the unified list of products subject to declaration of conformity, declarations of conformity of products to the requirements of technical regulationsThe EAEU(Customs Union) and declarations of conformity for products included in the unified list of products subject to mandatory conformity assessment with the issuance of certificates of conformity and declarations of conformity in a single form (hereinafter referred to as declarations of conformity), in the register of issued certificates of conformity and registered declarations of conformity (hereinafter referred to as the unified register) using a specialized service automated electronic registration of declarations of conformity with the use of structural, format-logical and other types of control.
    These Rules do not apply to declarations of conformity for products (works, services) supplied for federal state needs under a state defense order, as well as for products (works, services) used to protect information constituting a state secret or related to restricted access information protected in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation, and for products (works, services), information about which is a state secret.
  2. Declaration of Conformityit is formed and registered in the unified register in electronic form using the Internet information and telecommunications network through a specialized service for automated electronic registration of declarations of conformity (hereinafter referred to as the service for registration of declarations of conformity).
  3. Registration of declarations of conformity is carried out by the national accreditation body.
    If the EAEU law provides that the registration of declarations of conformity is carried out exclusively by certification bodies, the registration of declarations of conformity is carried out by certification bodies accredited in the national accreditation system, included in the unified register of conformity assessment bodies of the EAEU and whose scope of accreditation extends to the declared products.
  4. The declaration of conformity becomes effective from the moment of its registration in the unified register.
  5. When registering a declaration of conformity, the documents and information provided for in paragraph 7 of these Rules are submitted electronically using the declaration of conformity registration service and signed with an enhanced qualified electronic signature of the applicant registered as a legal entity or individual entrepreneur in the territory of the Russian Federation and who accepted the declaration of conformity (hereinafter referred to as the applicant), or a person authorized by the applicant, and in the case provided for by the second paragraph of paragraph 3 of these Rules, reinforced with a qualified electronic signature of the authorized person of the certification body that registers the declaration of conformity.
  6. When registering a declaration of conformity by a certification body, the applicant submits to the certification body the documents and information provided for in paragraph 7 of these Rules in one of the following ways:
    • on paper (personally by the applicant or by a person authorized by the applicant, or by registered mail with an inventory of the attachment and a delivery notification);
    • in electronic form in the form of electronic documents and (or) electronic images (scanned copies) of documents signed with a reinforced qualified electronic signature.In the case of submission of documents and information provided for in paragraph 7 of these Rules, for registration on paper, the documents and information specified in subparagraphs "b" - "d" of paragraph 7 of these Rules may be submitted as copies, stamped (if any) and signed by the applicant.
      The day of submission of documents and information provided for in paragraph 7 of these Rules to the certification body is the day of registration by the certification body of the application for registration of the declaration of conformity. When sending the specified documents and information to the certification body by registered mail, the day of their submission is the day of receipt of the postal item in the certification body.
  7. For registration of the declaration of conformity in the unified register using the service of registration of declarations of conformity, the following information and documents in electronic form, including electronic documents and (or) electronic images (scanned copies) of the following are transmitted, entered and certified with an enhanced qualified electronic signature of the applicant or a person authorized by the applicant or an authorized person of the certification body documents:
    • a) an application for registration of a declaration of conformity signed by the applicant containing information in accordance with paragraph 8 of these Rules (in the case provided for in paragraph one of paragraph 3 of these Rules, the application is the information provided for in paragraph 8 of these Rules and submitted by the applicant to the service for registration of declarations of conformity);
    • b) information confirming the state registration of a legal entity or individual as an individual entrepreneur;
    • c) an agreement with the manufacturer (including with a foreign manufacturer) providing for ensuring compliance of products supplied to the customs territory of the EAEU or to the territory of the Russian Federation (depending on the type of declaration of conformity in respect of which information is provided) with the requirements of technical regulations (technical regulations) and responsibility for non-compliance of such products with the specified requirements (for the authorized by the manufacturer of the person);
    • d) documents confirming the conformity of products with the requirements of technical regulations (technical regulations) or the requirements of regulatory documents, standardization documents (depending on the type of declaration of conformity for which information is provided), including:
      • protocols of studies (tests) and measurements indicating the number, date, name of the testing laboratory (center), and if this is provided for by the declaration of conformity scheme, the name of the accredited testing laboratory (center) included in the unified register of conformity assessment bodies of the EAEU, the unique number of the accreditation entry in the register of accredited persons;
      • certificate of management system (in cases provided for by the declaration of conformity scheme) with indication of the number, date, name of the management system certification body that issued the management system certificate, the unique number of the accreditation entry in the register of accredited persons;
      • conclusion on the study of the type of product (in cases provided for by the declaration of conformity scheme), indicating the number and date of registration;
      • other documents submitted by the applicant as proof of conformity of products with the requirements of technical regulations (technical regulations), regulatory documents, standardization documents (if available);
    • e) documents (an agreement with a certification body (accredited testing laboratory (center) and (or) a letter from an accredited person) confirming the required quantity (weight and volume) of imported samples (samples) of products, in the case of a customs declaration or other documents used as a customs declaration for products imported for conducting research and testing as samples (samples) for the purposes of conformity assessment (except in cases provided for by the law of the EAEU and the legislation of the Russian Federation).
  8. The application for registration of the declaration of conformity contains the following information:
    • a) information about the applicant, as well as contact details, including for consumers, including:
      • for a legal entity - the full name of the applicant, the address of the legal entity and the address (addresses) of the place (places) of activity (if the specified place (places) and address (addresses) differ), the surname, first name and patronymic (if any) of the head (authorized representative) of the legal entity, as well as the identification number taxpayer's number, phone number (if available) and e-mail address (if available);
      • for an individual registered as an individual entrepreneur - surname, first name and patronymic (if any), registration address at the place of residence (place of stay) and address (addresses) of the place (places) of activity (if the specified place (places) and address (addresses) differ), and also taxpayer identification number, telephone number (if available) and e-mail address (if available);
    • b) the name and location of the manufacturer of the product, the address(s) of the place(s) of the manufacturing activity, including the indication of the global location numberGLN(Global Location Number) in case of declaration of conformity of products manufactured outside the territory of the Russian Federation and the territories of the EAEU member states.If there is no information about the global location number, the GLN (Global Location Number) is specified:
      • information about the absence of information about the global location number GLN (Global Location Number);
      • another individual identifier that allows automatic identification of the address (addresses) of the place (places) of manufacturing activities, from among those included in the list of such identifiers, formed by the national accreditation body on the basis of information provided by applicants, taking into account the existence of an agreement with the registering authority (system operator) that assigns the appropriate identifiers.In the absence of information about the global location number GLN (Global Location Number) and other individual identifier that allows automatic identification of the address (addresses) of the place (places) of manufacturing activities provided for in paragraph four of this subparagraph, geographical (geocentric) coordinates determined by the signals of the Global Navigation Satellite System GLONASS are indicated (latitude, longitude) of the place(s) of manufacturing activities;
    • c) information about the object of declaration that allows it to be identified, including information about products, including:
      • product name and designation and (or) other symbol assigned by the manufacturer of the product (if available);
      • product name (if available);
      • global identification number of the trading unit (" >GTIN) (if available, at the choice of the applicant);
      • other information about the product that ensures its identification (trademark placed on the product (its packaging), model, article, grade and other information) (if available);
      • designation and name of the document(s) according to which the products are manufactured (standard, organization standard, technical specifications or other document) (if available);
      • the name of the object of declaration (serial production, batch or single product).
        • For serial production, the entry "serial production" is made.
        • For a batch of products, the details of the shipping documentation identifying the batch of products, the batch identifier (if available), the batch size, as well as the name of the unit of measurement of the batch size are indicated.
        • For a single product - the details of the shipping documentation identifying the single product, the factory number of the product, the date of manufacture of the unit of production, the date of expiration of the service life (shelf life) or resource of the product (if the establishment of such terms is provided for by technical regulations, regulatory documents and standardization documents).
    • d) product code (codes) in accordance with the unified Commodity Nomenclature of Foreign Economic Activity of the EAEU (hereinafter - TNForeign economic activityThe EAEU) and (or) the product code (codes) in accordance with the All-Russian Classifier of Products by type of Economic Activity (hereinafter -

      The All-Russian classifier of products by types of economic activity is included in the "Unified System of classification and coding of technical, economic and social information" and is designed to process information about products in all spheres of the national economy (primarily: economics, accounting, statistics, standardization) It has the designation OK 034-2014 (KPES 2008) developed by the Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation on the basis of Rosstandart Order No. 14 dated 01/31/2014-from the date of introduction of the classifier on 02/01/2014, the end date has not been set.

      Official source of information: OKPD 2);

    • e) name and designation (depending on the type of declaration of conformity for which information is provided):
      • technical regulations (technical regulations), for compliance with the requirements of which the declaration of conformity was carried out;
      • standardization documents (their paragraphs and sections, if the documents were not used as a whole), for compliance with the requirements of which the declaration of conformity was carried out and which are provided for by a single list of products subject to declaration of conformity;
      • regulatory documents indicating the sections (paragraphs, sub-paragraphs) for compliance with the requirements of which the declaration of conformity was carried out and which are provided for by a single list of products subject to mandatory confirmation of conformity with the issuance of certificates of conformity and declarations of conformity according to a single form, When declaring conformity, it is allowed not to specify sections (paragraphs, sub-paragraphs) of regulatory documents in the case of the application of these regulatory documents in overall;
    • f) information about the applied declaration of conformity scheme;
    • g) the registration number of the customs declaration or other documents used as a customs declaration issued for products imported for research and testing as samples (samples) for the purposes of conformity assessment, or information about the reasons for whichcustoms declarationor other documents used as a customs declaration, in accordance with the law of the EAEU, the legislation of the Russian Federation were not issued;
    • h) information provided in the declaration of conformity as additional information:
      • designation and name of the standard included in the list of international and regional (interstate) standards, and in case of their absence - national (state) standards, as a result of the application of which compliance with the requirements of technical regulations (technical regulations) is ensured on a voluntary basis, or designation of sections (paragraphs, sub-paragraphs) and the name of such a standard, if compliance with the requirements of the technical regulations (technical regulations) can be ensured by the application of separate sections (paragraphs, sub-paragraphs) of this standard, and not the standard as a whole (if applied);
      • designation and designation of other standards and documents (if applicable);
      • conditions and shelf life of products (in cases stipulated by technical regulations, regulatory documents, standardization documents and technical documentation of the manufacturer);
      • the service life (shelf life) or resource of the product (in cases provided for by technical regulations, regulatory documents, standardization documents and technical documentation of the manufacturer);
      • other information, including information about the date of manufacture of selected samples (samples) of products that have passed research (tests) and measurements (if available).
  9. In case of compliance with the requirements established by these Rules, the declaration of conformity is subject to registration.The national accreditation body, within 3 working days from the date of submission to the unified register of information and documents provided for in paragraphs 7 and 8 of these Rules, registers the declaration of conformity by assigning it a registration number and enters information about the declaration of conformity and its registration in the unified register.
    The certification body, within 3 working days from the date of submission of documents and information provided for in paragraphs 7 and 8 of these Rules, registers the declaration of conformity in electronic form through the service of registration of declarations of conformity.In exceptional cases, the specified deadlines for the transfer of information on declarations of conformity may be extended if the reason for the impossibility of their compliance were the facts of technical work in the federal state information system in the field of accreditation, entailing the impossibility of the certification body to submit the specified information. In this case, the deadlines for the transfer of information on declarations of conformity are extended in proportion to the time spent on technical work. Information about the time spent on technical work, as well as information about the planned technical work are published on the official website of the national accreditation body in the information and telecommunications network "Internet".
  10. The declaration of conformity is not subject to registration by the certification body if the date of submission of the information and documents specified in paragraphs 7 and 8 of these Rules to the national accreditation body falls during the period of suspension, reduction of the scope of accreditation corresponding to the object of declaration of conformity, or termination of the accreditation of the certification body.
  11. Registration of declarations of conformity, entry of information and submitted documents into the unified register, as well as the formation of information and information contained therein are carried out using structural, format-logical and other types of compliance control included in the records of the declaration of conformity of information to the requirements of these Rules, the legislation of the Russian Federation and the law of the EAEU, aimed at ensuring the quality of government data and services.
    When carrying out these structural, format-logical and other types of control, verification of compliance of information about accredited persons and the results of their activities entered using the registration service with the information contained in the federal state information system in the field of accreditation, including information on test protocols issued by accredited testing laboratories (centers), should be ensured.) and measurements.
  12. In case of detection by means of structural, format-logical and other types of control of non-compliance of the information and submitted documents submitted for registration in the unified register with the requirements for the information and information contained in the record of the declaration of conformity, as well as the grounds for refusal to register the declaration of conformity provided for in paragraph 14 of these Rules, the declaration of conformity it is not subject to registration, and information about the declaration of conformity is not subject to entry into the unified register, about which the authorized person who carried out the transfer of information is notified electronically using the functionality of the declaration of conformity registration service.
  13. The declaration of conformity is not subject to registration if the national accreditation body receives information about the absence of information about the applicant, who is a manufacturer registered in accordance with the established procedure on the territory of the Russian Federation, in the register of notifications, in which the authorized bodies enter information in accordance with the Rules for submitting notifications on the commencement of Certain Types of Business Activities and accounting for these notifications approved by the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 584 dated 16.07.2009 "On the notification procedure for the commencement of certain Types of entrepreneurial Activity" (except for cases when the applicant began to carry out his activities before the inclusion of the type of activity carried out by him in the list of works and services as part of certain types of entrepreneurial activity, the commencement of which is provided by a legal entity or individual entrepreneur notification in the form according to Appendix No. 2 to the Rules for Submitting Notifications on the Commencement of Certain Types of Entrepreneurial Activity and Accounting for These Notifications, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 584 of 16.07.2009).
  14. The grounds for refusal to register the declaration of conformity are:
    • a) non-compliance by the applicant with the established requirements for the form of the declaration of conformity;
    • b) submission of documents and information provided for in paragraphs 7 and 8 of these Rules, not in full;
    • c) the absence of a requirement in the legislation of the Russian Federation on technical regulation and the law of the EAEU establishing that the compliance of a certain type of product with the requirements of the legislation of the Russian Federation on technical regulation and the law of the EAEU is confirmed in the form of a declaration of conformity;
    • d) non-compliance of the applicant who accepted the declaration of conformity with the requirements of the legislation of the Russian Federation on technical regulation and the law of the EAEU, establishing the circle of applicants for a certain object of declaration of conformity (serial production, batch or single product);
    • e) the absence of an enhanced qualified electronic signature in the declaration of conformity and in the application for registration of the declaration of conformity submitted by the applicant in the form of electronic documents.
  15. Amendments to the registered declaration of conformity are not allowed. If necessary, the applicant accepts a new declaration of conformity and registers it in accordance with these Rules.
    When registering a new declaration of conformity, the applicant decides to terminate the validity of the declaration of conformity to be replaced. At the same time, an entry "accepted in return" is made in the unified register and the registration number and date of registration of the declaration of conformity to be replaced are indicated.
  16. The applicant accepts a new declaration of conformity and registers it without submitting the documents and information provided for in subparagraphs "b" - "d" of paragraph 7 of these Rules, in the following cases:
    • identification of errors (typos) in the declaration of conformity and its annexes;
    • change of the organizational and legal form, the address of the legal entity, the address of registration at the place of residence (place of stay) of an individual registered as an individual entrepreneur, the address of the place of activity (if the addresses differ), the phone number and (or) the e-mail address of the applicant;
    • change of the organizational and legal form, address of a legal entity, registration address at the place of residence (place of stay) of an individual registered as an individual entrepreneur - in relation to the manufacturer of products;
    • changing the name of a legal entity, surname, first name, patronymic (if any) of an individual;
    • changing the code(s)HSEAEU or OKPD 2;
    • reduction of the number of addresses of places where production activities are carried out.In case of a change in the applicant's phone number and (or) e-mail address, the code (codes) of the Customs Code of the EAEU or OKPD 2, as well as in case of a change in the address of a legal entity, the address of registration at the place of residence (place of stay) of an individual registered as an individual entrepreneur, the address of the place of activity of the applicant, the manufacturer of products related to the renaming of a geographical object, renaming of a street, square or other territory, renumbering of a house, index, replacement of the declaration of conformity and (or) appendices to it is not required and is carried out at the discretion of the applicant.
  17. A fee is charged for the registration of a declaration of conformity in the cases, procedure and amounts established in accordance with the Federal Law "On Accreditation in the National Accreditation System" and other regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation adopted in accordance with it.

II. The procedure for suspending, resuming and terminating declarations of conformity, invalidating them

  1. Suspension, renewal and termination of the declaration of conformity is carried out by decision:
    • applicant;
    • a control (supervisory) body authorized to carry out a type of federal state control (supervision) or a type of regional state control (supervision), within the framework of which state control (supervision) is carried out over compliance with the requirements of technical regulations and (or) mandatory requirements to be applied before the entry into force of technical regulations in accordance with Federal Law "On Technical Regulation" (hereinafter referred to as the State control (supervision) body;
    • the national accreditation body.
  2. The recognition of an invalid declaration of conformity is carried out by a decision:
    • state control (supervision) body;
    • the national accreditation body.
  3. If the applicant makes a decision to suspend, terminate or resume (in case of confirmation of the facts of elimination of the reasons that served as the basis for the applicant's decision to suspend the declaration), the applicant submits the relevant information (notification) through the service of registration of declarations of conformity to the national accreditation body for the purpose of making a decision and entering them into the unified register. If the declaration of conformity, in respect of which the applicant has made the specified decision, is registered by a certification body authorized to register declarations of conformity in the case provided for in paragraph two of paragraph 3 of these Rules, notification of suspension, termination or renewal of the declaration of conformity may be sent to such a certification body.
    The National accreditation body makes a decision on suspension, renewal or termination of the declaration of conformity and enters information into the unified register within 3 working days from the date of receipt of information (notification) on suspension, termination or renewal of the declaration of conformity. In case of sending a notification to the certification body, the relevant information is entered within the specified period.
  4. The state control (supervision) bodies decide to suspend the declaration of conformity in the following cases:
    • a) identification of the facts of non-compliance of products, documentation to it with mandatory requirements established by technical regulations, or mandatory requirements to be applied before the entry into force of technical regulations in accordance with the Federal Law "On Technical Regulation";
    • b) failure by the applicant to submit to the state control (supervision) body information on the execution of the decision of the state control (supervision) body on the need to suspend the declaration of conformity within the time limits provided for by the said decision, or failure by the applicant to comply with the decision on the need to suspend the declaration of conformity within the time period established by such decision;
    • c) failure to submit, at the request of the state control (supervision) body, materials for verifying the accuracy of information on non-compliance of products with the requirements established by technical regulations or mandatory requirements to be applied before the entry into force of technical regulations in accordance with the Federal Law "On Technical Regulation";
    • d) failure by the applicant to submit, at the request of the state control (supervision) body, evidentiary materials on the basis of which the declaration of conformity was adopted.
  5. In case of elimination of the circumstances that served as the basis for the suspension of the declaration of conformity, the declaration of conformity is renewed by the state control (supervision) body within 3 working days from the date of confirmation by the state control (supervision) body of the fact of elimination of the circumstances that served as the basis for the suspension of the declaration of conformity.
  6. In case of non-elimination of the circumstances that served as the basis for the suspension of the declaration of conformity provided for in paragraph 21 of these Rules, the state control (supervision) body decides to terminate the declaration of conformity.
  7. The state control (supervision) body makes a decision to invalidate the declaration of conformity in case of detection:
    • a) established facts of non-compliance of products with mandatory requirements of technical regulations or mandatory requirements to be applied before the entry into force of technical regulations in accordance with the Federal Law "On Technical Regulation";
    • b) false information about the applicant and (or) the manufacturer of the products, the addresses of their location and (or) the implementation of activities, including the place(s) of the activities for the manufacture of products in the declaration of conformity;
    • c) the unreliability of information and documents that served as the basis for confirming the conformity of products with mandatory requirements;
    • d) inconsistencies of the declaration of conformity with the requirements for declarations of conformity established by the legislation of the Russian Federation in the field of technical regulation and (or) the law of the EAEU;
    • e) the adoption of a declaration of conformity in violation of the established procedures for mandatory conformity assessment;
    • f) acceptance of the declaration of conformity by a person not included in the circle of applicants for conformity assessment according to the chosen declaration scheme, determined in accordance with the technical regulations.
  8.  The identification by the state control (supervision) body of the cases specified in paragraphs 21-24 of these Rules is carried out during the control (supervisory) measures for the implementation of a type of federal state control (supervision) or a type of regional state control (supervision), within which state control (supervision) is carried out for compliance with the requirements of technical regulations and (or) mandatory requirements to be applied before the entry into force of technical regulations in accordance with the Federal Law "On Technical Regulation".
  9. The adoption by the state control (supervision) body of decisions on suspension, renewal and termination of the declaration of conformity, its invalidation is carried out in accordance with the procedure and within the time limits established by the legislation of the Russian Federation for making decisions based on the results of control (supervisory) measures.
  10. State control (supervision) bodies, in the event of a decision to suspend, renew, terminate the declaration of conformity, invalidate it, enter information through the service of registration of declarations of conformity containing information about the registration number and date of registration of the declaration of conformity, date and registration number of the decision to suspend, resume, terminate the declaration of conformity, its invalidation, about which the applicant is notified by registered mail with a notification of delivery or through the service of registration of declarations of conformity in automatic mode to the e-mail address specified during registration of the declaration of conformity.
    Information on the adoption by the state control (supervision) body of a decision to suspend, renew, terminate the declaration of conformity, invalidate it is entered by the state control (supervision) bodies through the service of registration of declarations of conformity in the unified register within one working day from the date of such a decision.
    At the same time, such information is certified by an enhanced qualified electronic signature of the official of the state control (supervision) body that made the entry of the specified information.
  11. The National Accreditation Body decides to suspend the declaration of conformity in the following cases:
    • a) non-compliance of the information and documents contained in the unified register with the requirements for the information and information contained in the record of the declaration of conformity;
    • b) the absence of a requirement in the legislation of the Russian Federation on technical regulation and the law of the EAEU establishing that the compliance of a certain type of product with the requirements of the legislation of the Russian Federation on technical regulation and the law of the EAEU is confirmed in the form of a declaration of conformity;
    • c) identification of cases that are the basis for the adoption by the national accreditation body of a decision to invalidate documents issued by accredited testing laboratories as a result of their activities, established by the Government of the Russian Federation;
    • d) conducting studies (tests) and measurements of products in a testing laboratory (center) that do not meet the requirements provided for by the chosen declaration scheme, including:
      • an uncredited person, if the declaration scheme provides for conducting research (tests) and measurements in an accredited testing laboratory (center);
      • a testing laboratory (center) that is not the manufacturer's own testing laboratory (center), if the declaration scheme provides for conducting research (tests) and measurements in its own testing laboratory (center);
    • e) acceptance of declarations of conformity based on the report of the testing laboratory (center) (protocol of research (tests) and measurements), on the basis of which another declaration of conformity was previously registered (except for cases provided for by the legislation of the Russian Federation on technical regulation and accreditation in the national accreditation system, as well as the law of the EAEU);
    • f) acceptance of declarations of conformity based on reports of testing laboratories (centers) (protocols of research (tests) and measurements) that do not provide confirmation of the full scope of research (tests) and measurements necessary to assess the compliance of the object of declaration with the requirements of technical regulations and (or) mandatory requirements to be applied before the entry into force of technical regulations in accordance with the Federal Law "On Technical Regulation".
  12. Identification by the national accreditation body of the cases specified in paragraph 28 of these Rules is carried out during the:
    • a) control (supervisory) measures for the implementation of federal state control (supervision) over the activities of accredited persons (if the declaration of conformity is registered by the certification body);
    • b) procedures for confirming the competence of the testing laboratory (center) that issued the report (protocol of studies (tests) and measurements) that served as the basis for the adoption of the declaration of conformity;
    • c) structural, format-logical and other types of control of compliance of the information contained in the unified register with the requirements of these Rules, the legislation of the Russian Federation and the law of the EAEU.
  13. If the cases provided for in paragraph 28 of these Rules are identified during the activities provided for in subparagraphs "a" and "b" of paragraph 29 of these Rules, the national accreditation body enters into the unified register through the service of registration of declarations of conformity information containing information about the registration number and date of registration of the declaration of conformity, date and registration the number of the decision to suspend the declaration of conformity, about which the applicant who accepted the declaration of conformity and the certification body that registered the declaration of conformity (if such a declaration of conformity was registered by the certification body) are notified electronically using the functionality of the declaration of conformity registration service, indicating the grounds for suspension the validity of the declaration of conformity, with the simultaneous sending of a request for submission to the national accreditation body within 15 working days from the date of receipt of such a request for additional information on the grounds that caused the suspension of the declaration of conformity.
  14. The national accreditation Body decides to invalidate the declaration of conformity in the following cases:
    • a) failure by the applicant who accepted the declaration of conformity and (or) the certification body that registered the declaration of conformity (if such a declaration of conformity was registered by the certification body) to provide additional information on the grounds that caused the suspension of the declaration of conformity within the time limits provided for in paragraph 30 of these Rules;
    • b) identification by the national accreditation body, based on the results of consideration of the submitted information, of confirmation of the existence of cases provided for in paragraph 28 of these Rules;
    • c) the adoption by the national accreditation body of a decision to invalidate the report of the testing laboratory (center) (protocol of research (tests) and measurements), which served as the basis for the adoption of the declaration of conformity, in accordance with the procedure established by the Government of the Russian Federation.
  15. If the national accreditation body reveals the absence of cases provided for in paragraph 28 of these Rules based on the results of the review of the submitted information, the national accreditation body shall decide to renew the declaration of conformity within 3 working days from the date of confirmation by the national accreditation body of the fact of elimination of the circumstances that served as the basis for the suspension of the declaration of conformity.
  16. The decision of the national accreditation body on the suspension or renewal of the declaration of conformity, invalidation of the declaration of conformity based on the results of the activities provided for in subparagraph "a" of paragraph 29 of these Rules, is carried out in accordance with the procedure provided for in Article 27 of the Federal Law "On Accreditation in the National Accreditation System", within the time limits provided for the adoption decisions based on the results of control (supervisory) measures.
  17. The decision of the national accreditation body on the suspension or renewal of the declaration of conformity, invalidation of the declaration of conformity based on the results of the activities provided for in subparagraph "b" of paragraph 29 of these Rules is carried out in accordance with the procedure provided for in Article 24 of the Federal Law "On Accreditation in the National Accreditation System", within the time limits provided for the adoption of decisions based on the results of the procedure for confirming the competence of an accredited person.
  18. If the cases provided for in paragraph 28 of these Rules are identified during the activities provided for in subparagraph "b" of paragraph 29 of these Rules, the national accreditation body enters into the unified register through the service of registration of declarations of conformity information containing information about the registration number and date of registration of the declaration of conformity, date and registration number of the decision on suspension the actions of the declaration of conformity, about which the applicant who accepted the declaration of conformity and the certification body that registered the declaration of conformity (if such a declaration of conformity was registered by the certification body) are notified electronically using the functionality of the declaration of conformity registration service, indicating the grounds for suspending the declaration of conformity.
    The state control bodies are automatically informed about the adoption by the national accreditation body of a decision to suspend the declaration of conformity, indicating information about the registration number and date of registration of the declaration of conformity, the date and registration number of the decision to suspend the declaration of conformity, as well as the grounds for suspending the declaration of conformity through a unified system of interdepartmental electronic interaction (supervision) in order to ensure that the specified information is reviewed and a decision is taken in accordance with the established procedure to carry out control (supervisory) measures or to renew the declaration of conformity.
  19. The validity of the declaration of conformity is considered suspended, resumed, terminated from the date of entering the relevant information into the unified register.
  20. The declaration of conformity is considered invalid from the date of its registration.
  21. The applicant provides information to purchasers, including consumers, about the suspension, renewal, termination of declarations of conformity, and their invalidation.

Rules for suspension, renewal and termination of certificates of conformity, their invalidation

 Suspension, renewal and termination of the certificate of conformity, its invalidation is carried out by decision:

    • a) certification body (with the exception of invalidation of the certificate of conformity);
    • b) a control (supervisory) body authorized to carry out a type of federal state control (supervision) or a type of regional state control (supervision), within the framework of which state control (supervision) is carried out over compliance with the requirements of technical regulations and (or) mandatory requirements to be applied before the entry into force of technical regulations in accordance with the Federal the Law "On Technical Regulation" (hereinafter - the State control (supervision) body;
    • c) the national accreditation body.
  1. The certification body decides to suspend the certificate of conformity in the following cases:
    • a) non-compliance of products with mandatory requirements established by technical regulations, or mandatory requirements to be applied before the entry into force of technical regulations in accordance with the Federal Law "On Technical Regulation";
    • b) the presence of negative results of periodic evaluation of certified products (hereinafter referred to as inspection control);
    • c) a change in the design (composition) of the product or the technology of its production (manufacture), which may affect the safety indicators confirmed during its certification, if the applicant did not notify the product certification body that issued it in writing before putting such products into circulationcertificate of conformityproducts, with the attachment of documents confirming such changes (design documentation, drawings, specification);
    • d) the presence of an applicant's statement on the need to suspend the certificate of conformity in the event of information about the non-compliance of products with the requirements of technical regulations or mandatory requirements to be applied before the entry into force of technical regulations in accordance with the Federal Law "On Technical Regulation";
    • e) the applicant does not have a valid certificate of conformity of the management system (in cases provided for by the certification scheme);
    • f) receipt of the decision of the state control (supervision) body, the national accreditation body on the need to suspend the certificate of conformity.
  2. The decision to suspend the validity of the certificate of conformity of products for the period of development and implementation of corrective measures agreed with the certification body that issued the certificate of conformity of products is taken if, by carrying out corrective measures, the applicant can eliminate the identified inconsistencies and confirm the conformity of products with mandatory requirements established by technical regulations, or mandatory requirements to be applied before entry by virtue of technical regulations in accordance with the Federal Law "On Technical Regulation".
  3. If the applicant has eliminated the identified inconsistencies and confirmed the conformity of the products with the mandatory requirements established by technical regulations, or mandatory requirements to be applied before the entry into force of technical regulations in accordance with the Federal Law "On Technical Regulation", after the applicant has carried out corrective measures, the certification body that issued the certificate of conformity decides to renew the certificate matches.
  4. The certification body that issued the certificate of conformity decides to terminate the certificate of conformity in the following cases:
    • a) the inability of the applicant to eliminate the identified inconsistencies and their causes;
    • b) refusal of the applicant to carry out inspection control;
    • c) liquidation of the applicant's organization and (or) the manufacturer, or removal of products from serial production at the initiative of the applicant;
    • d) receipt of the decision of the state control (supervision) body, the national accreditation body on the need to terminate the certificate of conformity.
  5. If the certification body decides to suspend, terminate or renew the certificate of conformity, the certification body enters the relevant information (notification) into the register of issued certificates of conformity and registered declarations of conformity (hereinafter referred to as the unified register) in electronic form using the Internet information and telecommunications network.
    In the case provided for by the first paragraph of this paragraph, the national accreditation body shall enter information on the suspension, termination or renewal of the certificate of conformity into the unified register within 3 working days from the date of receipt of information (notification) on the suspension of the certificate of conformity.
  6. The state control (supervision) bodies decide to suspend the certificate of conformity in the following cases:
    • a) identification of the facts of non-compliance of products, documentation to it with mandatory requirements established by technical regulations, or mandatory requirements to be applied before the entry into force of technical regulations in accordance with the Federal Law "On Technical Regulation";
    • b) failure by the certification body to submit to the state control (supervision) body information on the execution of the decision on the need to suspend the certificate of conformity within the time limits provided for by such a decision (subject to confirmation of receipt by the certification body of information about such a decision in the prescribed manner), or failure by the certification body to comply with the decision on the need to suspend the certificate of conformity within the prescribed period by such a decision , the term;
    • c) failure by the manufacturer (seller, a person performing the functions of a foreign manufacturer), at the request of the state control (supervision) body, to provide materials for verifying the accuracy of information on non-compliance of products with the requirements established by technical regulations or mandatory requirements to be applied before the entry into force of technical regulations in accordance with the Federal Law "On Technical Regulation";
    • d) non-presentation by the manufacturer (seller, person performing the functions of a foreign manufacturer) and (or) certification body at the request of the state control (supervision) body of evidentiary materials on the basis of which the certificate of conformity was issued.
  7. In case of elimination of the circumstances that served as the basis for the suspension of the certificate of conformity by the decision of the state control (supervision) body, the certificate of conformity is renewed by the state control (supervision) body.
  8. In case of non-elimination of the circumstances that served as the basis for the suspension of the certificate of conformity provided for in paragraph 7 of these Rules, the state control (supervision) body decides to terminate the certificate of conformity.
  9. The state control (supervision) body makes a decision to invalidate the certificate of conformity in case of detection:
    • a) established facts of non-compliance of products with mandatory requirements established by technical regulations, or mandatory requirements to be applied before the entry into force of technical regulations in accordance with the Federal Law "On Technical Regulation";
    • b) false information about the applicant and (or) the manufacturer of the products, the addresses of their location and (or) the implementation of activities, including the place(s) of the activities for the manufacture of products in the certificates of conformity;
    • c) the unreliability of information and documents that served as the basis for confirming the conformity of products with mandatory requirements;
    • d) non-compliance of the certificate of conformity with the requirements for the registration of the certificate of conformity established by the legislation of the Russian Federation in the field of technical regulation and (or) the law of the EAEU;
    • e) issuance of a certificate of conformity in violation of the established procedures for mandatory conformity assessment;
    • f) issuance by the certification body of a certificate of conformity to a person not included in the circle of applicants according to the chosen certification scheme.
  10. The identification by the state control (supervision) body of the cases specified in paragraphs 7 to 10 of these Rules is carried out during the control (supervisory) measures for the implementation of a type of federal state control (supervision) or a type of regional state control (supervision), within which state control (supervision) is carried out for compliance with the requirements of technical regulations and (or) mandatory requirements to be applied before the entry into force of technical regulations in accordance with the Federal Law "On Technical Regulation".
  11. The adoption by the state control (supervision) body of decisions on suspension, renewal and termination of the certificate of conformity, its invalidation is carried out in accordance with the procedure and within the time limits established by the legislation of the Russian Federation for making decisions based on the results of control (supervisory) measures.
  12. The state control (supervision) bodies shall enter into the unified register information on sending information on the need to suspend or terminate the certificate of conformity to the certification body that issued it or on making a decision on suspending, terminating or renewing the certificate of conformity, declaring it invalid, about which a notification is sent to the applicant and the certification body that issued the certificate of conformity generated by the federal state information system in the field of accreditation in automatic mode, to the email address specified when entering information about the certificate of conformity in the unified register.
    The entry of the specified information into the unified register is carried out within one working day from the date of the relevant decision on the results of their verification by means of structural, format-logical and other types of control. The specified period is calculated, among other things, based on the presence or absence of the fact of technical work in the federal state information system in the field of accreditation, entailing the impossibility of entering the specified information into the unified register on the date of the relevant decision and within the period provided for this.
    An entry on the entry into the unified register of information on the direction by the state control (supervision) body of information on the need to suspend or terminate the certificate of conformity or on the decision to suspend, terminate or renew the certificate of conformity, invalidate it is certified by an enhanced qualified electronic signature of the official of the state control (supervision) body that made the entry of the specified information.
  13. The National Accreditation Body decides to suspend the certificate of conformity in the following cases:
    • a) non-compliance of the information and documents contained in the unified register with the requirements for the information and documents contained in the record of the certificate of conformity issued by the certification body;
    • b) the absence of a requirement in the legislation of the Russian Federation on technical regulation and the law of the EAEU establishing that compliance of a certain type of product with the requirements of the legislation of the Russian Federation on technical regulation and the law of the EAEU is confirmed in the form of certification;
    • c) identification of cases that are the basis for the adoption by the national accreditation body of a decision to invalidate documents issued by accredited testing laboratories as a result of their activities, established by the Government of the Russian Federation;
    • d) issuance (registration) of a certificate of conformity based on reports of testing laboratories (centers) (protocols of research (tests) and measurements) that do not provide confirmation of the full scope of research (tests) and measurements necessary to assess the conformity of the certification object with the requirements of technical regulations and (or) mandatory requirements to be applied before entry into force the force of technical regulations in accordance with the Federal Law "On Technical Regulation";
    • e) issuance (registration) of a certificate of conformity based on the report of the testing laboratory (center) (protocol of research (tests) and measurements), on the basis of which another certificate of conformity was previously issued (except for cases provided for by the legislation of the Russian Federation on technical regulation and accreditation in the national accreditation system, as well as the law of the EAEU);
    • f) issuance (registration) of a certificate of conformity based on the report of the testing laboratory (center) (protocol of research (tests) and measurements), invalidated by the decision of the national accreditation body in accordance with the procedure established by the Government of the Russian Federation, or issued by the testing laboratory (center) outside the scope of its accreditation, defined during accreditation, expansion, reduction or updating the scope of accreditation;
    • g) issuance (registration) of a certificate of conformity by a certification body during the suspension of accreditation in the national accreditation system;
    • h) issuance (registration) of a certificate of conformity by a certification body outside the scope of accreditation defined during accreditation, expansion, reduction or updating of the scope of accreditation;
    • i) issuance (registration) of a certificate of conformity of products to the requirements of the technical regulations of the EAEU (Customs Union) by a certification body not included in the unified register of conformity assessment bodies of the EAEU, or on the basis of a report of a testing laboratory (center) (protocol of research (tests) and measurements) not included in the unified register of conformity assessment bodies The EAEU;
    • j) the absence in the unified register of information on the conduct of inspection control within the established time frame, if inspection control is provided for by technical regulations, mandatory certification scheme.
  14. The National Accreditation Body decides to terminate the certificate of conformity in the case provided for in paragraph two of paragraph 2.1 of Article 25 of the Federal Law "On Technical Regulation".
  15. Identification by the national accreditation body of the cases specified in paragraphs 14 and 15 of these Rules is carried out during the:
    • a) control (supervisory) measures for the implementation of federal state control (supervision) over the activities of accredited persons;
    • b) procedures for confirming the competence of the testing laboratory (center) that issued the test report that served as the basis for issuing the certificate of conformity, and (or) the certification body that issued (issued) the certificate of conformity;
    • c) structural, format-logical and other types of control of compliance of the information contained in the unified register with the requirements of these Rules, the legislation of the Russian Federation and the law of the EAEU aimed at ensuring the quality of government data and services.
  16. The national accreditation body enters into the unified register information about the decision to suspend the certificate of conformity, about which the applicant and the certification body that issued the certificate of conformity are notified, generated by the federal state information system in the field of accreditation in automatic mode, to the e-mail address specified when entering information about the certificate of conformity into the unified register, indicating the grounds for suspending the certificate of conformity and requesting submission to the national accreditation body within 15 working days from the date of receipt of the request for additional information on the grounds that caused the suspension of the certificate of conformity.
  17. The National Accreditation Body decides to invalidate the certificate of conformity in the following cases:
    • a) failure by the applicant and (or) the certification body that issued the certificate of conformity to provide the specified information within the time limits provided for in paragraph 17 of these Rules;
    • b) identification by the national accreditation body, based on the results of consideration of the submitted information, of confirmation of the existence of cases provided for in paragraph 14 of these Rules;
    • c) the adoption by the national accreditation body of a decision to invalidate the report of the testing laboratory (center) (protocol of research (tests) and measurements), which served as the basis for the issuance (registration) of a certificate of conformity, in accordance with the procedure established by the Government of the Russian Federation;
    • d) failure by the certification body to comply with the decision of the national accreditation body to invalidate the results of its activities as an accredited person;
    • e) termination of the accreditation of the certification body that issued the certificate of conformity, if the facts specified in paragraph 8 of Part 1 of Article 22 of the Federal Law "On Accreditation in the National Accreditation System" are established during the control (supervisory) event.
  18. If the national accreditation body reveals the absence of cases provided for in paragraph 14 of these Rules based on the results of the review of the submitted information, the national accreditation body decides to renew the certificate of conformity.
  19. The decision of the national accreditation body on the suspension, renewal, termination of the certificate of conformity, on its invalidation based on the results of the measures provided for in subparagraph "a" of paragraph 16 of these Rules, is carried out in accordance with the procedure provided for in Article 27 of the Federal Law "On Accreditation in the National Accreditation System", within the time limits provided for the adoption decisions based on the results of control (supervisory) measures.
  20. The decision of the national accreditation body on the suspension, renewal, termination of the certificate of conformity, on its invalidation based on the results of the measures provided for in subparagraph "b" of paragraph 16 of these Rules, is carried out in accordance with the procedure provided for in Article 24 of the Federal Law "On Accreditation in the National Accreditation System", within the time limits provided for the adoption decisions based on the results of the procedure for confirming the competence of an accredited person.
  21. The decision to suspend, renew, terminate the certificate of conformity, to invalidate it based on the results of the measures provided for in subparagraph "b" of paragraph 16 of these Rules, is made by the head (authorized person) of the national accreditation body on the basis of a reasoned submission of an official of the national accreditation body, submitted within 3 working days after the identification of cases, provided for in paragraphs 14, 15 and 18 of these Rules.
  22. The national accreditation body enters into the unified register information about the decision to terminate, renew the certificate of conformity, invalidate it within 3 working days from the date of such a decision, about which the applicant and the certification body that issued the certificate of conformity are sent a notification generated by the federal state information system in the field of accreditation in automatic mode, to the email address specified when entering information about the certificate of conformity in the unified register.
    The state control (supervision) bodies are informed about the adoption by the national accreditation body of the decision on suspension, termination, renewal of the certificate of conformity, on its invalidation (in automatic mode through a unified system of interdepartmental electronic interaction).
  23. The validity of the certificate of conformity is considered suspended, renewed, terminated from the date of entering the relevant information into the unified register.
  24. The certificate of conformity is considered invalid from the date of entering information about the certificate of conformity into the unified register.
  25. The applicant provides information to purchasers, including consumers, about the suspension, renewal, termination of the certificate of conformity, its invalidation.