Description of typical schemes of declaration of conformity

1d declaration scheme

Scheme 1d includes the following procedures:

  • formation andanalysistechnical documentation;
  • implementation of production control;
  • testing of product samples;
  • acceptance and registration of the declaration of conformity;
  • the application of a single sign of treatment.

The applicant takes all necessary measures to ensure that the production process is stable and ensures that the manufactured products comply with the requirements of the technical regulations, forms technical documentation and analyzes it.

The applicant ensures that production control is carried out.

In order to control the conformity of products with the requirements of technical regulations, the applicant conducts tests of product samples. Product samples are tested at the applicant's choice in a testing laboratory or an accredited testing laboratory.

The applicant draws up a declaration of conformity and registers it according to the notification principle.

The applicant applies a single treatment mark, unless otherwise established by the technical regulations.

2d declaration scheme

The 2d scheme includes the following procedures:

  • formation and analysis of technical documentation;
  • testing of a batch of products (a single product);
  • acceptance and registration of the declaration of conformity;
  • the application of a single sign of treatment.

The applicant forms technical documentation and analyzes it.

The applicant conducts tests of product samples (single product) to ensure confirmation of the claimed conformity of products with the requirements of technical regulations. Tests of product samples (single product) are carried out at the applicant's choice in a testing laboratory or an accredited testing laboratory.

The applicant draws up a declaration of conformity and registers it according to the notification principle.

The applicant applies a single treatment mark, unless otherwise established by the technical regulations.

3d declaration scheme

The 3d scheme includes the following procedures:

  • formation and analysis of technical documentation;
  • implementation of production control;
  • testing of product samples;
  • acceptance and registration of the declaration of conformity;
  • the application of a single sign of treatment.

The applicant takes all necessary measures to ensure that the production process is stable and ensures that the manufactured products comply with the requirements of the technical regulations, forms technical documentation and analyzes it.

The applicant ensures that production control is carried out.

In order to control the conformity of products with the requirements of technical regulations, the applicant conducts tests of product samples. Product samples are tested in an accredited testing laboratory.

The applicant draws up a declaration of conformity and registers it according to the notification principle.

The applicant applies a single treatment mark, unless otherwise established by the technical regulations.

4d declaration scheme

The 4d scheme includes the following procedures:

  • formation and analysis of technical documentation;
  • testing of a batch of products (a single product);
  • acceptance and registration of the declaration of conformity;
  • the application of a single sign of treatment.

The applicant forms technical documentation and analyzes it.

The applicant conducts tests of product samples (single product) to ensure confirmation of the claimed conformity of products with the requirements of technical regulations. Product samples (single product) are tested in an accredited testing laboratory.

The applicant draws up a declaration of conformity and registers it according to the notification principle.

The applicant applies a single treatment mark, unless otherwise established by the technical regulations.

5d declaration scheme

The 5d scheme includes the following procedures:

  • formation and analysis of technical documentation;
  • implementation of production control;
  • conducting research (tests) of the type;
  • acceptance and registration of the declaration of conformity;
  • the application of a single sign of treatment.

The applicant takes all necessary measures to ensure that the production process is stable and ensures the declared compliance of manufactured products with the requirements of technical regulations, forms technical documentation and analyzes it.

The applicant ensures that production control is carried out.

The product certification body (accredited testing laboratory), in accordance with its scope of accreditation and on behalf of the applicant, conducts a product type study in one of the following ways:

  • study of a sample for planned production as a typical representative of all future products;
  • analysis of technical documentation, testing of product samples or critical components of products.

The results of the type study are formalized in a conclusion (certificate of conformity) and (or) a protocol in which an accredited testing laboratory evaluates the conformity of the product type with the established requirements.

The applicant draws up a declaration of conformity and registers it according to the notification principle.

The applicant applies a single treatment mark, unless otherwise established by the technical regulations.

6d declaration scheme

Scheme 6d includes the following procedures:

  • formation and analysis of technical documentation, which necessarily includes a certificate for the management system (a copy of the certificate) issued by the certification body for management systems, confirming the compliance of the management system with the requirements defined in the technical regulations;
  • implementation of production control;
  • testing of product samples;
  • acceptance and registration of the declaration of conformity;
  • application of a single sign of appeal;
  • control over the stability of the management system.

The applicant takes all necessary measures to ensure the stability of the functioning of the management system and production conditions for the manufacture of products that meet the requirements of the technical regulations, forms technical documentation and analyzes it, taking into account the fact that one or more documents may be established in the technical regulations, for compliance with which the certification of the management system is carried out.

The applicant ensures that production control is carried out and informs the certification body of management systems about all planned changes in the management system.

The applicant conducts tests of product samples. Product samples are tested in an accredited testing laboratory.

The applicant draws up a declaration of conformity and registers it according to the notification principle.

The applicant applies a single treatment mark, unless otherwise established by the technical regulations.

The management systems certification body carries out inspection control over the functioning of the certified management system.

In case of negative results of inspection control, the applicant makes one of the following decisions:

  • suspend the declaration of conformity;
  • cancel the declaration of conformity.

The applicant makes a corresponding entry in the Unified Register of Issued certificates of Conformity and Registered declarations of conformity issued in a single form.

Summary table of typical schemes of declaration of conformity
Scheme number Schema element Application Applicant Document confirming compliance
Product testing, type research Production evaluation Production control
1D testing of product samples is carried out by the manufacturer - Production control is carried out by the manufacturer For mass-produced products The manufacturer of a member state of the Customs Union or a person authorized by a foreign manufacturer in the territory of the Customs Union Declaration of conformity for mass-produced products
2D testing of a batch of products (a single product) is carried out by the applicant - - For a batch of products (single product) Manufacturer, seller (supplier) of a member state of the Customs Union or a person authorized by a foreign manufacturer in the territory of the Customs Union Declaration of conformity for a batch of products (single product)
3D testing of product samples in an accredited testing laboratory (center) - Production control is carried out by the manufacturer For mass-produced products The manufacturer of a member state of the Customs Union or a person authorized by a foreign manufacturer in the territory of the Customs Union Declaration of conformity for mass-produced products
4D testing of a batch of products (a single product) in an accredited testing laboratory (center) - - For a batch of products (single product) Manufacturer, seller (supplier) of a member state of the Customs Union or a person authorized by a foreign manufacturer in the territory of the Customs Union Declaration of conformity for a batch of products (single product)
5D research (test) of the type - Production control is carried out by the manufacturer For mass-produced products The manufacturer of a member state of the Customs Union or a person authorized by a foreign manufacturer in the territory of the Customs Union Declaration of conformity for mass-produced products
6D testing of product samples in an accredited testing laboratory (center) management system certification and inspection control by the management system certification body Production control is carried out by the manufacturer Declaration of conformity for mass-produced products