Decoding of designations on containers

Designations on container doors Owner's logo Mark of the classification society Repair recommendations Combined Data Plate Large Volume Warning Container number Check digit Container owner code Equipment Category ID Size and type code Maximum gross weight Tare weight Maximum load capacity Internal volume Height Warning Owner's logo

ISO6346 is an international standard established by The International Container Bureau for the Coding, Identification and Labeling of Shipping Containers which establishes.

  • Container identification system:
    • Owner's code, (BIC code)
    • Equipment Category ID
    • Container serial number
    • The check digit
  • Size and type code
  • Country code
  • Operational signs

Container owner code-The code consists of the first three capital letters of the Latin alphabet, serves to designate the main owner or operator of a sea container. Such a code must be registered in International Container Bureau in Paris, providing uniqueness all over the world.

Equipment Category ID -The equipment category identifier consists of one capital letter of the Latin alphabet, which is located immediately after the container owner code:

  • U - for all cargo containers
  • J - for removable equipment related to cargo containers
  • Z - for trailers and chassis

Container number -This is a container serial number consisting of 6 digits designed to uniquely identify the container. 

Check digit- A number that is a means of verifying the authenticity of the owner's code and serial number. The control number is related only to the owner's code, the equipment category identifier and the container serial number.

Country code (optional) -The country code consists of two capital letters of the Latin alphabet, as described in the standard ISO 3166. They indicate the country where the code is registered, not the nationality of the owner or operator of the sea container.

Operational tags -Operational tags are designed to transmit the requested information during the transportation of containers or give a visual warning.

Operational tags include:

  • Container weight
  • A symbol to indicate the surface of the container
  • Electrical hazard warning sign
  • Container height is higher than 2.6 m (8 ft 6 in)

The security table attached to the container and its purpose.

Designations on the safety table Rules of the Classification society Container Model Manufacturer's serial number Manufacturer's name Name and address of the owner Fumigation Details Approval number of the classification society Date of manufacture Container number Maximum gross working weight Permissible laying weight Load test ACEP Number

Since the container is a vehicle for the transportation of goods between States, it has not only standard dimensions, but also the necessary safety for service personnel during transportation. This is achieved by its design and the material used and strength. In confirmation of these facts , the container is attachedKBK plate(Convention on Safe Containers), which is issued by the qualification and supervisory authority of the country. 

English is set as the language of filling in the table. The dimensions of the table are 200 * 100 mm. It is made of corrosion-resistant material. It is attached to the left door of the container in its lower part. The container doors themselves also additionally indicate: own mass, maximum massgrossin kilograms and pounds. The KBK plate serves as a guarantee of the container's safety. 

In this regard, the container is considered certified for safety for the countries that have signed the CBC. The following information is indicated on the plate:

  • The country that granted the approval and the approval number, as shown for example in line 1 (the country that granted the approval should be indicated by the distinguishing sign used to indicate the country of registration of vehicles in international traffic);
  • Date (month and year) of manufacture;
  • The identification number of the container assigned by the manufacturer, or for existing containers for which this number is unknown, the number assigned by the administration;
  • Maximum operating gross weight (kilograms and pounds);
  • Permissible weight onstackingat 1.8 g (kilograms and pounds), where g is the acceleration of gravity;
  • The magnitude of the load during the transverse structural stiffness test (kilograms and pounds);
  • The strength of the end wall is indicated in the plate only if the end walls are designed for a load of less than or more than 0.4 of the maximum permissible payload, i.e. 0.4 P;
  • The strength of the side wall is indicated on the plate only if the side walls are designed for a load of less than or more than 0.6 of the maximum permissible payload, i.e. 0.6 P; 
  • Date (month and year) of the first preventive inspection of new containers and dates (month and year) of subsequent preventive inspections, if the plate is used for this purpose. The countries that have signed the CBC mutually recognize containers with plates certified by national qualification authorities. The volumes and methods of mandatory testing of containers are contained in the ISO standard, as well as in national standards (for example, GOST 20260 of the former USSR).

Tables for determining the size and type of container by the number on the container 4|5|G1

The length of the container is the first character
The first sign Length m . Length feet Inches
1 2.991 10  
2 6.068 20  
3 9.125 30  
4 12.192 40  
A 7.150    
B 7.315 24  
C 7.430 24 6
D 7.450    
E 7.820    
F 8.100    
G 12.500 41  
H 13.106 43  
K 13.600    
L 13.716 45  
M 14.630 48  
N 14.935 49  
P 16.154    
The height and width of the container is the second sign
Container height Container width
m. feet inches 2.438 m . > 2.438 m. <2.5 m. > 2.5 m .
2.438 8   \(zero)
2.591 8 6 2 C L
2.743 9 4 D M
2.895 9 6 5 E N
>2.895 >9 6 6 F P
4 3 8      
Container type - third and fourth characters
Sign Container type
GP General purpose container without ventilation
G0 One end or both ends are open(s)
G1 Passive ventilation in the upper part of the cargo space
G2 One end (or both ends) is open(s), one (or both) sides are also open
G3 One end (or both ends) are open), also one (or both) sides are not fully open
VH General purpose container with ventilation
V0 Non-mechanical system with ventilation holes in the lower and upper parts of the cargo space
V2 Mechanical ventilation system located inside
V4 Mechanical ventilation system located outside
RE-RT-RS Refrigerated container
R0 Mechanical refrigerator
R1 Mechanical refrigerator with heating
R2 Mechanical refrigerator with its own installation
R3 Mechanical refrigerator with its own installation and heating
TO Container with an opening top
U0 Opens one end (or both ends) open(s)
U1 One end (or both ends) is open(s), there are removable upper elements on the end frames
U2 One end (or both ends) is open(s), one (or both) side walls are open
U3 One end (or both ends) is open, one (or both) side walls are open, there are removable upper elements on the end frames
U4 One end (or both ends) is open(s), one side is not fully open and the other side is fully open
U5 Fully fixed side walls and ends (without doors)
TN-TD-TG Tank container
T0 Non-hazardous liquids, minimum pressure 0.45 bar
T1 Non-hazardous liquids, minimum pressure 1.50 bar
T2 Non-hazardous liquids, minimum pressure 2.65 bar
T3 Hazardous liquids, minimum pressure 1.50 bar
T4 Hazardous liquids, minimum pressure 2.65 bar
T5 Hazardous liquids, minimum pressure 4.00 bar
T6 Hazardous liquids, minimum pressure 6.00 bar
T7 Gases, minimum pressure 9.10 bar
T8 Gases, minimum pressure 22.00
T9 Gases, with a certain pressure
HR-HI Thermal container
H0 With cooling or heating, with removable equipment located outside; heat transfer coefficient K = 0.4W / M2.K
H1 With cooling or heating, with removable equipment located inside
H2 With cooling or heating, with removable equipment located inside
H5 Heat transfer coefficient K = 0.7W / M2.K
H6 Isothermal. Heat transfer coefficient K = 0.4W / M2.K
THIS-BK Container for transportation of dry bulk cargo
B0 Closed container
B1 Airtight container
B3 Horizontal unloading, test pressure 1.5 bar
B4 Horizontal unloading, test pressure 2.65 bar
B5 Rollover unloading, test pressure 1.5 bar
B6 Rollover unloading, test pressure 2.65
PL-PF-PC-PS Platform
P0 Container platform
P1 With full rigidly fixed ends
P2 Rigidly fixed racks, free-standing racks or racks with a movable upper element
P3 Folding design
P4 Folding racks, free-standing racks or removable top element
P5 Open top, open ends
SN Special purpose container
S0 Container for transporting livestock
S1 Container for transporting cars
S2 Container for transporting live fish