Risk profilethis is a set of data containing a description of the risk area, risk indicators, an indication of the use of direct measures to minimize it and brought to the customs authorities. The only form of fixing risk profiles are legal acts of the Federal Customs Service of Russia marked for official use (DSP).
Issued in the form of an order, risk profiles are introduced into the information systems of customs offices. Eachrisk profileIt is a description of generalized situations that can lead to a violation of customs legislation. At the same time , the risk profiles highlightrisk area(individual grouped risk objects, in respect of which the use of separate forms of customs control or their combination is required, as well as improving the effectiveness of the quality of customs administration), risk indicators (certain criteria with pre-set parameters, deviation from which allows the selection of the object of control) and a list of measures to minimize risks.
Risk profiles are formed in the Central Office by special analytical groups based on information from various databases, not only customs authorities, but also tax, border, migration services, databases on product quality certificates.
The structure of the risk profile is as follows:
The risks contained in the risk profiles are identified by authorized officials of the customs post. There are profiles such as:
Officials of the customs post carry out the following actions:
Depending on the region of application, risk profiles can be of three types:
Depending on the validity period , profiles are divided into:
The measures applied within the framework of the RMS are divided intodirect measures to minimize risksandindirect measures to minimize risks.
When identifying the risks contained in the profiles brought to the customs authority in electronic and (or) paper form, the official applies the direct measures specified in the profile to minimize risks.
In the case of the application of direct measures to minimize risks in the process of declaring goods, the official accepts, registers, declares, conducts documentary control and in the column "C" of the electronic copyDTmakes notes on the implementation of these direct measures to minimize risks. The measures applied within the framework of the RMS are divided into direct measures to minimize risks and indirect measures to minimize risks.
You can get acquainted with the classifier table of measures to minimize risks here.