Customs inspection- a form of customs control consisting in conducting a visual inspection of goods, including vehicles and baggage of individuals, cargo containers, customs seals, seals and other means of identificationwithout opening cargo spaces (compartments) of vehicles and packaging of goods, disassembly, dismantling, violation of the integrity of the examined objects (including baggage of individuals) and their parts in other ways, with the exception of such an inspection carried out during customs control in the form of a customs inspection of premises and territories.
Customs inspection is carried out for the purpose of checking and (or) obtaining information about the goods in respect of which thecustoms control, as well as for the purpose of checking the presence of customs seals, seals and other means of identification on goods, vehicles and their cargo spaces (compartments).
The customs inspection may be carried out in the absence of the declarant, other persons with authority over the goods, and their representatives, except in cases when these persons express a desire to be present at the customs inspection.
The results of the customs inspection are drawn up by drawing up a customs inspection report, the form of which is determined by the Commission, or by marking the fact of the customs inspection on the transport (transportation), commercial or customs documents submitted to the customs authority. When conducting a customs inspection of the baggage of individuals and (or) vehicles for personal use, a customs inspection report is drawn up only if it will be used by customs authorities when performing customs operations and (or) conducting customs control.
If the results of the customs inspection are issued by marking the fact of the customs inspection on the transport (transportation), commercial or customs documents submitted to the customs authority, at the request of a person with authority over the goods, customs officials are required to draw up a customs inspection report:
when conducting a customs inspection at the places of movement of goods across the customs border of the Union - no later than 2 hours of working time after the customs inspection;
when conducting a customs inspection in other places - no later than 2 hours from the start of the working day following the day of the customs inspection.
The customs inspection report is drawn up in 2 copies, one of which is handed over (sent) to the person who has authority over the goods, or his representative, if these persons are identified.
If you need to conduct a customs inspection in Vladivostok, just write to us and we will do everything.