Search for goods and equipment in Chinadiv class="gw-go-tooltip-content" style="width:180px; color:#FFFFFF; background-color:#3D3D3D; border-color:#3D3D3D;">Let's look and find what you need in China./div>
Checking Suppliers in Chinadiv class="gw-go-tooltip-content" style="width:180px; color:#FFFFFF; background-color:#3D3D3D; border-color:#3D3D3D;">We will check the seller by various methods, both free and paid (departure to production)/div>
Search for favorable conditions of cargo transportationdiv class="gw-go-tooltip-content" style="width:180px; color:#FFFFFF; background-color:#3D3D3D; border-color:#3D3D3D;">We will choose the most affordable transportation option if you need it, or the fastest./div>
Calculation of the cost of deliverydiv class="gw-go-tooltip-content" style="width:180px; color:#FFFFFF; background-color:#3D3D3D; border-color:#3D3D3D;">We will calculate all the costs associated with delivery to your warehouse, we will take into account all the nuances/div>
Verification of customs risks for selected goodsdiv class="gw-go-tooltip-content" style="width:180px; color:#FFFFFF; background-color:#3D3D3D; border-color:#3D3D3D;">We will analyze the database of customs risks and report their significance if risks exist./div>
Analysis/a> customs statistics on selected goodsdiv class="gw-go-tooltip-content" style="width:180px; color:#FFFFFF; background-color:#3D3D3D; border-color:#3D3D3D;">Customs statistics are the most important indicator, we will carefully review the statistics on your goods and make the correct calculation./div>
Optimized calculation of customs paymentsdiv class="gw-go-tooltip-content" style="width:180px; color:#FFFFFF; background-color:#3D3D3D; border-color:#3D3D3D;">Let's propose an alternative calculation from a parallel universe where the encoding of goods is different./div>
Preparation of foreign economic contactsdiv class="gw-go-tooltip-content" style="width:180px; color:#FFFFFF; background-color:#3D3D3D; border-color:#3D3D3D;">We know how to cook them properly, because we cook them every day, you don't need to do anything, we will do everything for you./div>
Purchase and transfer of currency on favorable termsdiv class="gw-go-tooltip-content" style="width:180px; color:#FFFFFF; background-color:#3D3D3D; border-color:#3D3D3D;">We will buy the currency at a favorable rate and transfer it within 1 day./div>
Checking the bill of ladingdiv class="gw-go-tooltip-content" style="width:180px; color:#FFFFFF; background-color:#3D3D3D; border-color:#3D3D3D;">The sender is inattentive and makes mistakes in the bill of lading, which bring difficulties, We will checkspan class="mytool">bill of lading/a> we'll do everything in advance./div>
Checking the invoicediv class="gw-go-tooltip-content" style="width:180px; color:#FFFFFF; background-color:#3D3D3D; border-color:#3D3D3D;">Invoice/a> this is an invoice, and it is important that it is correct, as customs carefully considers it./div>
Checking the packing listdiv class="gw-go-tooltip-content" style="width:180px; color:#FFFFFF; background-color:#3D3D3D; border-color:#3D3D3D;">Information about the quantity and packaging of the goods, we will also check and edit it if necessary./div>
Obtaining the necessary permitsdiv class="gw-go-tooltip-content" style="width:180px; color:#FFFFFF; background-color:#3D3D3D; border-color:#3D3D3D;">We are not a certification body, but we know how to properly issue documents and where it is profitable to make them./div>
Submission of preliminary information (PI)div class="gw-go-tooltip-content" style="width:180px; color:#FFFFFF; background-color:#3D3D3D; border-color:#3D3D3D;">We will send the preliminary information to the customs in full and on time and thereby avoid additional problems.a href="/en/oformlenie/tamozhennoe-oformlenie-vo-vladivostoke/predvaritelnoe-informirovanie">Read about PI here/a>
Preparation of documents for registrationspan class="mytool">DT/a>
Cargo transportation in Russia div class="gw-go-tooltip-content" style="width:180px; color:#FFFFFF; background-color:#3D3D3D; border-color:#3D3D3D;">We will deliver your cargo wherever you wish at the most favorable rates or very quickly./div>
Challenging the customs decision in court (adjustment of the customs value)div class="gw-go-tooltip-content" style="width:180px; color:#FFFFFF; background-color:#3D3D3D; border-color:#3D3D3D;">We will defend the honor of your company in court if necessary/div>
Representation of interests in customs authorities, support of DTdiv class="gw-go-tooltip-content" style="width:180px; color:#FFFFFF; background-color:#3D3D3D; border-color:#3D3D3D;">Let's go and talk, find out everything you need to know and bring the necessary information to the inspector/div>
Consultations on foreign economic activitydiv class="gw-go-tooltip-content" style="width:180px; color:#FFFFFF; background-color:#3D3D3D; border-color:#3D3D3D;">We will tell you everything we know about foreign economic activity, and if we don't know, we will find out and tell you./div>
Assistance in obtaining EDSdiv class="gw-go-tooltip-content" style="width:180px; color:#FFFFFF; background-color:#3D3D3D; border-color:#3D3D3D;">We will get an EDS for you and will not take a penny for our help/div>
Export customs clearancediv class="gw-go-tooltip-content" style="width:180px; color:#FFFFFF; background-color:#3D3D3D; border-color:#3D3D3D;">We will issuespan class="mytool">export/a>,, but this is a slightly different song/div>
Sale of goods under the UPD with VAT 20%div class="gw-go-tooltip-content" style="width:180px; color:#FFFFFF; background-color:#3D3D3D; border-color:#3D3D3D;">We will sell you the goods with 20% VAT, Complete and correct paperwork./div>