
Tariff plans customs clearance in Vladivostok

Services provided

  • Search for goods and equipment in China
    Let's look and find what you need in China.
  • Checking Suppliers in China
    We will check the seller by various methods, both free and paid (departure to production)
  • Search for favorable conditions of cargo transportation
    We will choose the most affordable transportation option if you need it, or the fastest.
  • Calculation of the cost of delivery
    We will calculate all the costs associated with delivery to your warehouse, we will take into account all the nuances
  • Classification of goods in accordance with TNForeign economic activity
    Correctly classify products by codeTNVED
  • Verification of customs risks for selected goods
    We will analyze the database of customs risks and report their significance if risks exist.
  • Analysiscustoms statistics on selected goods
    Customs statistics are the most important indicator, we will carefully review the statistics on your goods and make the correct calculation.
  • Calculation of customs payments
    We will calculate customs payments, (Fees, Duties andVAT) we will take into account Risks, customs statistics, preferences.
  • Optimized calculation of customs payments
    Let's propose an alternative calculation from a parallel universe where the encoding of goods is different.
  • Preparation of foreign economic contacts
    We know how to cook them properly, because we cook them every day, you don't need to do anything, we will do everything for you.
  • Audit of existing foreign economic contacts
    if you havethe contractwe will check them and tell them what needs to be fixed
  • Purchase and transfer of currency on favorable terms
    We will buy the currency at a favorable rate and transfer it within 1 day.
  • Purchase of goods and equipment in China
    We will pay the seller forproductand we will not make mistakes in the payment order, the money will reach you quickly and for its intended purpose.
  • Cargo delivery to Vladivostok
    We will deliver yourcargoto Vladivostok by sea or any other way that you like.
  • Checking the bill of lading
    The sender is inattentive and makes mistakes in the bill of lading, which bring difficulties, We will checkbill of ladingwe'll do everything in advance.
  • Checking the invoice
    Invoicethis is an invoice, and it is important that it is correct, as customs carefully considers it.
  • Checking the packing list
    Information about the quantity and packaging of the goods, we will also check and edit it if necessary.
  • Obtaining the necessary permits
    We are not a certification body, but we know how to properly issue documents and where it is profitable to make them.
  • Submission of preliminary information (PI)
    We will send the preliminary information to the customs in full and on time and thereby avoid additional problems.Read about PI here
  • Preparation of documents for registrationDT
    We will prepare all the documents for the customs declaration correctly and without mistakes, and there are quite a lot of them.
  • Filling In the Customs Declaration
    We will fill out the customs declaration according to all the rules and will not make more than one mistake.
  • Import customs clearance
    We will correctly submit information to the customs in the form of a customs declaration on the import of goods
  • Conducting customs inspections and inspections
    You may need to conduct customs inspections and inspections, we will perform this task perfectly.
  • Quick release of the Customs Declaration
    It is not enough just to submit a declaration to customs, it needs to be released quickly to pick up the goods fromSVH
  • Cargo transportation in Russia             
    We will deliver your cargo wherever you wish at the most favorable rates or very quickly.
  • Challenging the customs decision in court (adjustment of the customs value)
    We will defend the honor of your company in court if necessary
  • Representation of interests in customs authorities, support of DT
    Let's go and talk, find out everything you need to know and bring the necessary information to the inspector
  • Consultations on foreign economic activity
    We will tell you everything we know about foreign economic activity, and if we don't know, we will find out and tell you.
  • Assistance in obtaining EDS
    We will get an EDS for you and will not take a penny for our help
  • Export customs clearance
    We will issueexport, but this is a slightly different song
  • Sale of goods under the UPD with VAT 20%
    We will sell you the goods with 20% VAT, Complete and correct paperwork.

Registration under the agency agreement


Registration under the commission agreement


Registration under the contract of sale