Risk indicators, as a rule, briefly describe the criteria, deviation from which is a signal of the presence of risk. Risk indicator indicators contain accurate quantitative and qualitative data corresponding to the risk indicator.
The following product information is compared:
Based on the results of analytical work, as well as on the results of subsequent control, sets of signs are identified that suggest the presence of risks.
The assessment of the degree of the identified risk is determined by the expert method depending on the amount of the alleged damage, the frequency of manifestations and other indicators, and this assessment provides for the probability of committing an offense orcrimes.
Degree of riskit can be high, medium or low. If the degree of risk is determined as low, then in this case the objects of analysis are monitored (analysisinformation) and continues until the risk level changes to medium or high, the information is brought to the management.
Ifrisk levelif it is recognized as average, then an official of the customs authority prepares a draft orientation.
In the case when the degree of identified risk is high, a draft risk profile is formed with an explanatory note attached to it. In this form, the draft profile is sent to the appropriate department of the Main Directorate of the Organization of Customs Clearance and Customs Control of the Federal Customs Service of Russia, where it is registered in the journal and after the workshop on its basis can be developedrisk profilein the risk management and operational control of the Federal Customs Service of Russia.