Resolution of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 1989 dated 12/30/2024/h3>

О внесении изменений в постановление Правительства Российской Федерации №2240 от 07.12.2022 г./h4>

The Government of the Russian Federation DECIDES:/p>

  1. To approve the attached amendments to the rates of import customs duties for certain goods, the country of origin of which are states and territories that take measures that violate the economic interests of the Russian Federation, other than the rates of the Single Customs Tariff of the Eurasian Economic Union, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated December 7, 2022 N 2240 "On approval of import customs duty rates for Certain goods, the country of origin of which are states and Territories that Take measures that Violate the Economic Interests of the Russian Federation" (Collection of Legislation of the Russian Federation, 2022, No. 50, Article 8941; 2024, No. 30, Article 4390; No. 32, Article 4863; No. 38, V. 5649./li>
  2. This resolution shall enter into force one day after the date of its official publication./li>

Chairman of the Government of the Russian Federation Mikhail Mishustin/p>

The rates of import customs duties on certain goods, the country of origin of which are states and territories that take measures that violate the economic interests of the Russian Federation, are different from the rates of the single customs tariff of the Eurasian Economic Union/h4>

& /p>

№/th> HS Code/a> Position name/th> The rate of import customs dutyspan class="droptables_tooltipcontent">in % of the customs value or in euros/US dollars/span> Application/th> The period of application is inclusive/th>
1 1601001000 Sausages and similar products, prepared food products made on their basis, from liver/td> 00.5 euros per 1 kg/td> All unfriendly states/td> as of 31.12.2025/td>
2 1601009101 Other sausages, dry or pasty, raw, of meat, meat offal or blood/td> 00.5 euros per 1 kg/td> All unfriendly states/td> as of 31.12.2025/td>
3 1601009901 Other sausages and similar products, prepared food products made on their basis, from meat, meat offal or blood/td> 00.5 euros per 1 kg/td> All unfriendly states/td> as of 31.12.2025/td>
4 1602201000 Ready-made or canned goose and duck liver products/td> 330, but not less than 3.21 euros per 1 kg/td> All unfriendly states/td> as of 31.12.2025/td>
5 1602209000 Other prepared or canned products from the liver of any animals/td> 330, but not less than 1.49 euros per 1 kg/td> All unfriendly states/td> as of 31.12.2025/td>
6 1602311900 Other prepared or canned products containing 57span class="mytool">mas.%/a> or more turkey meat or offal/td> 330, but not less than 1 euro per 1 kg/td> All unfriendly states/td> as of 31.12.2025/td>
7 1602318000 Other prepared or canned turkey products/td> 330, but not less than 1.5 euros per 1 kg/td> All unfriendly states/td> as of 31.12.2025/td>
8 160232 Ready-made or canned products from domestic chickens (Gallus domesticus)/td> 330, but not less than 1.5 euros per 1 kg/td> All unfriendly states/td> as of 31.12.2025/td>
9 1602392900 Other prepared or preserved poultry products of heading 0105, containing 57% by weight% or more of other poultry meat or offal/td> 330, but not less than 1.83 euros per 1 kg/td> All unfriendly states/td> as of 31.12.2025/td>
10 1602398500 Other prepared or preserved poultry products of heading 0105/td> 330, but not less than 1 euro per 1 kg/td> All unfriendly states/td> as of 31.12.2025/td>
11 1602411000 Prepared or canned products from hams and cuts of domestic pigs/td> 330, but not less than 2.73 euros per 1 kg/td> All unfriendly states/td> as of 31.12.2025/td>
12 1602421000 Prepared or canned products from the scapula and its cuts of a domestic pig/td> 330, but not less than 0.62 euros per 1 kg/td> All unfriendly states/td> as of 31.12.2025/td>
13 1602491300 Prepared or canned products from neck parts and their cuts, including mixtures of neck and shoulder parts of a domestic pig, containing 80% by weight.% or more of meat or meat offal of any kind, including fats of any kind or origin/td> 330, but not less than 1 euro per 1 kg/td> All unfriendly states/td> as of 31.12.2025/td>
14 1602491500 Prepared or canned products from other mixtures containing hams, shoulder blades, loins or necks and their cuts of domestic pig, containing 80% by weight.% or more of meat or meat offal of any kind, including fats of any kind or origin/td> 330, but not less than 1 euro per 1 kg/td> All unfriendly states/td> as of 31.12.2025/td>
15 1602491900 Prepared or canned products from other parts, including mixtures, of domestic pig, containing 80% by weight.% of meat or meat offal of any kind, including fats of any kind or origin/td> 330, but not less than 0.5 euros per 1 kg/td> All unfriendly states/td> as of 31.12.2025/td>
16 1602493000 Prepared or canned products from other parts, including mixtures, of domestic pig, containing 40% by weight.% or more, but less than 80% by weight.% of meat or meat offal of any kind, including fats of any kind or origin/td> 330, but not less than 0.8 euros per 1 kg/td> All unfriendly states/td> as of 31.12.2025/td>
17 1602495000 Prepared or canned products from other parts, including mixtures, of domestic pig containing less than 40% by weight.% of meat or meat offal of any kind, including fats of any kind or origin/td> 330, but not less than 1 euro per 1 kg/td> All unfriendly states/td> as of 31.12.2025/td>
18 1602499000 Other prepared or canned products from other parts, including mixtures, pigs/td> 330, but not less than 0.5 euros per 1 kg/td> All unfriendly states/td> as of 31.12.2025/td>
19 1602501000 Prepared or canned products from bovine meat, raw; from mixtures of boiled meat or offal and raw meat or offal of bovine animals/td> 330, but not less than 1 euro per 1 kg/td> All unfriendly states/td> as of 31.12.2025/td>
20 1602509501 Other prepared or canned products from bovine meat in airtight containers/td> 330, but not less than 0.5 euros per 1 kg/td> All unfriendly states/td> as of 31.12.2025/td>
21 1602509509 Other prepared or canned products from cattle meat/td> 330, but not less than 1 euro per 1 kg/td> All unfriendly states/td> as of 31.12.2025/td>
22 1602903100 Other prepared or canned products from game or rabbit/td> 330, but not less than 1 euro per 1 kg/td> All unfriendly states/td> as of 31.12.2025/td>
23 1602905100 Other prepared or preserved products containing meat or meat offal from domestic pig/td> 330, but not less than 1 euro per 1 kg/td> All unfriendly states/td> as of 31.12.2025/td>
24 1602906100 Other prepared or preserved products containing bovine meat or offal, raw; containing mixtures of boiled meat or offal and raw meat or offal of bovine animals/td> 330, but not less than 1 euro per 1 kg/td> All unfriendly states/td> as of 31.12.2025/td>
25 1602906900 Other prepared or preserved products containing bovine meat or offal/td> 330, but not less than 1 euro per 1 kg/td> All unfriendly states/td> as of 31.12.2025/td>
26 1602909100 Other prepared or canned mutton products/td> 330, but not less than 1 euro per 1 kg/td> All unfriendly states/td> as of 31.12.2025/td>
27 1602909909 Other prepared or canned meat products, meat offal/td> 330, but not less than 1 euro per 1 kg/td> All unfriendly states/td> as of 31.12.2025/td>
28 1604129100 Ready-made or canned herring, whole or in pieces, but not stuffed, in sealed packages/td> 22 All unfriendly states/td> as of 31.12.2025/td>
29 1604131900 Prepared or canned sardines, whole or in pieces, but not stuffed (excl./td> 22 All unfriendly states/td> as of 31.12.2025/td>
30 1604139000 Prepared or canned sardinella, sprat or sprats, whole or in pieces, but not stuffed/td> 22 All unfriendly states/td> as of 31.12.2025/td>
31 1604142100 Ready-made or canned striped tuna (skipjack), whole or in pieces, but not stuffed, in vegetable oil/td> 222,5/td> All unfriendly states/td> as of 31.12.2025/td>
32 1604142800 Other ready-made or canned striped tuna (skipjack), whole or in pieces, but not stuffed/td> 222,5/td> All unfriendly states/td> as of 31.12.2025/td>
33 1604143100 Ready-made or canned yellowfin tuna (Thunnus albacares), whole or in pieces, but not stuffed, in vegetable oil/td> 222,5/td> All unfriendly states/td> as of 31.12.2025/td>
34 1604143800 Other ready-made or canned yellowfin tuna (Thunnus albacares), whole or in pieces, but not stuffed/td> 222,5/td> All unfriendly states/td> as of 31.12.2025/td>
35 1604144800 Other prepared or canned tuna, whole or in pieces, but not stuffed/td> 222,5/td> All unfriendly states/td> as of 31.12.2025/td>
36 1604149000 Ready-made or canned pelamis (Sarda spp.) whole or in pieces, but not stuffed/td> 222,5/td> All unfriendly states/td> as of 31.12.2025/td>
37 1604151100 Ready-made or canned mackerel fillets of the species Scomber scombrus and Scomber japonicus/td> 25 All unfriendly states/td> as of 31.12.2025/td>
38 1604151900 Other ready-made or canned mackerel of the species Scomber scombrus and Scomber japonicus, whole or in pieces, but not stuffed/td> 24 All unfriendly states/td> as of 31.12.2025/td>
39 1604191000 Prepared or canned salmon, other than salmon, whole or in pieces, but not stuffed/td> 25 All unfriendly states/td> as of 31.12.2025/td>
40 1604199100 Fillets of other fish, raw, battered or breaded, not fried or pre-fried in oil, frozen/td> 25 All unfriendly states/td> as of 31.12.2025/td>
41 1604199200 Other ready-made or canned cod (Gadus morhua, Gadus ogac, Gadus macrocephalus) whole or in pieces, but not stuffed/td> 24 All unfriendly states/td> as of 31.12.2025/td>
42 1604199500 Other prepared or canned pollock (Theragra chalcogramma) and silver pollock (Pollachius pollachius), whole or in pieces, but not stuffed/td> 24 All unfriendly states/td> as of 31.12.2025/td>
43 1604199780 Other prepared or canned fish, whole or in pieces, but not stuffed/td> 25 All unfriendly states/td> as of 31.12.2025/td>
44 1604200500 Finished products from surimi/td> 222,5/td> All unfriendly states/td> as of 31.12.2025/td>
45 1604201000 Other ready-made or canned salmon/td> 222,5/td> All unfriendly states/td> as of 31.12.2025/td>
46 1604203000 Other prepared or canned salmon, except salmon/td> 222,5/td> All unfriendly states/td> as of 31.12.2025/td>
47 1604205000 Other prepared or canned sardines, pelamides, mackerel species Scomber scombrus and Scomber japonicus, fish species Orcynopsis unicolor/td> 222,5/td> All unfriendly states/td> as of 31.12.2025/td>
48 1604207000 Ready-made or canned tuna, striped tuna (skipjack) or other fish of the genus Euthynnus/td> 222,5/td> All unfriendly states/td> as of 31.12.2025/td>
49 1604209090 Other prepared or canned fish/td> 22 All unfriendly states/td> as of 31.12.2025/td>
50 1604320090 Other substitutes for sturgeon caviar/td> 225, but not less than 16.6 euros per 1 kg/td> All unfriendly states/td> as of 31.12.2025/td>
51 1605219000 Other ready-made or canned shrimps in an unpressurized package/td> 115, but not less than 0.2 euros per 1 kg/td> All unfriendly states/td> as of 31.12.2025/td>
52 1605290000 Other ready-made or canned shrimps/td> 115, but not less than 0.2 euros per 1 kg/td> All unfriendly states/td> as of 31.12.2025/td>
53 1605400009 Other prepared or preserved crustaceans/td> 225, but not less than 3 euros per 1 kg/td> All unfriendly states/td> as of 31.12.2025/td>
54 1605531000 Ready-made or canned mussels in sealed packages/td> 18 All unfriendly states/td> as of 31.12.2025/td>
55 1605540000 Ready-made or canned cuttlefish and squid/td> 18 All unfriendly states/td> as of 31.12.2025/td>
56 1605550000 Ready-made or canned octopuses/td> 18 All unfriendly states/td> as of 31.12.2025/td>
57 1605690000 Other aquatic invertebrates, prepared or preserved/td> 18 All unfriendly states/td> as of 31.12.2025/td>
58 1704101000 Chewing gum, whether or not coated with sugar, containing less than 60% by weight.% sucrose/td> 220, but not less than 2.15 euros per 1 kg/td> All unfriendly states/td> as of 31.12.2025/td>
59 1704109001 Chewing gum in strips containing 60 wt.% or more sucrose/td> 220, but not less than 1.2 euros per 1 kg/td> All unfriendly states/td> as of 31.12.2025/td>
60 1704109009 Other chewing gum containing 60% by weight.% or more sucrose/td> 220, but not less than 0.99 euros per 1 kg/td> All unfriendly states/td> as of 31.12.2025/td>
61 1704903000 White chocolate, cocoa-free/td> 222, but not less than 1.3 euros per 1 kg/td> All unfriendly states/td> as of 31.12.2025/td>
62 1704905100 Pastes and masses, including marzipan, in primary packages with a net weight of 1 kg or more, not containing cocoa/td> 224, but not less than 0.73 euros per 1 kg/td> All unfriendly states/td> as of 31.12.2025/td>
63 1704905500 Lozenges for sore throat and cough pills that do not contain cocoa/td> 17 All unfriendly states/td> as of 31.12.2025/td>
64 1704906200 Sugar confectionery products (including white chocolate), not containing cocoa, coated with sugar/td> 224, but not less than 1.63 euros per 1 kg/td> All unfriendly states/td> as of 31.12.2025/td>
65 1704908200 Pressed tablets/td> 224, but not less than 2.41 euros per 1 kg/td> All unfriendly states/td> as of 31.12.2025/td>
66 1704909800 Other sugar confectionery products (including white chocolate), not containing cocoa/td> 222, but not less than 0.99 euros per 1 kg/td> All unfriendly states/td> as of 31.12.2025/td>
67 90121000 coffee, roasted or not roasted, coffee husks and coffee bean shells; coffee substitutes containing coffee in any proportion, with caffeine/td> 113, but not less than 1 euro per 1 kg/td> All unfriendly states/td> as of 31.12.2025/td>
68 1902110000 Pasta, not subjected to heat treatment, without filling or cooked in any other way, containing eggs/td> 225, but not less than 0.67 euros per 1 kg/td> All unfriendly states/td> as of 31.12.2025/td>
69 190219 Other pasta, not subjected to heat treatment, without filling or cooked in any other way/td> 225, but not less than 0.46 euros per 1 kg/td> All unfriendly states/td> as of 31.12.2025/td>
70 190220 Pasta with filling, whether or not subjected to heat treatment or otherwise prepared/td> 225, but not less than 0.89 euros per 1 kg/td> All unfriendly states/td> as of 31.12.2025/td>
71 190230 Other pasta products/td> 223, but not less than 0.93 euros per 1 kg/td> All unfriendly states/td> as of 31.12.2025/td>
72 190240 Couscous/td> 225, but not less than 0,12 euros per 1 kg/td> All unfriendly states/td> as of 31.12.2025/td>
73 1905100000 Crispy bread/td> 225, but not less than 0.93 euros per 1 kg/td> All unfriendly states/td> as of 31.12.2025/td>
74 190520 Ginger biscuits and similar products/td> 225, but not less than 1.04 euros per 1 kg/td> All unfriendly states/td> as of 31.12.2025/td>
75 1905313000 Other sweet dry biscuits containing 8% by weight% or more of milk fats/td> 222, but not less than 1.13 euros per 1 kg 4/td> All unfriendly states/td> as of 31.12.2025/td>
76 1905320500 Wafers and wafer wafers with a moisture content of more than 10% by weight.%/td> 221, but not less than 1.88 euros per 1 kg 4/td> All unfriendly states/td> as of 31.12.2025/td>
77 1905329100 Other waffles and waffle wafers, salted, with or without filling/td> 00.22 euros per 1 kg/td> All unfriendly states/td> as of 31.12.2025/td>
78 190540 Breadcrumbs, croutons and similar fried products/td> 225, but not less than 0.5 euros per 1 kg/td> All unfriendly states/td> as of 31.12.2025/td>
79 1905901000 Matzo/td> 220, but not less than 0.2 euros per 1 kg/td> All unfriendly states/td> as of 31.12.2025/td>
80 1905903000 Other bakery products that do not contain additives in the form of honey, eggs, cheese or fruits (fruits) and contain in a dry state no more than 5% by weight.% sugar and not more than 5% by weight.% of fat/td> 222, but not less than 0.57 euros per 1 kg/td> All unfriendly states/td> as of 31.12.2025/td>
81 1905904500 Other dry biscuits/td> 221, but not less than 1.02 euros per 1 kg.4/td> All unfriendly states/td> as of 31.12.2025/td>
82 1905905500 Other extruded or elongated products, spicy or salty/td> 220, but not less than 1.33 euros per 1 kg/td> All unfriendly states/td> as of 31.12.2025/td>
83 1905906000 Other bakery and confectionery products with added sweetening substances/td> 221, but not less than 1.17 euros per 1 kg/td> All unfriendly states/td> as of 31.12.2025/td>
84 1905909000 Other bakery and flour confectionery products and similar products/td> 220, but not less than 0.93 euros per 1 kg.4/td> All unfriendly states/td> as of 31.12.2025/td>
85 20051000 Other vegetables, homogenized, cooked or preserved without the addition of vinegar or acetic acid, unfrozen, other than products of heading 2006/td> 164 All unfriendly states/td> as of 31.12.2025/td>
86 2005202000 Other potatoes, cut into thin slices, fried or dried, salted or unsalted, flavored or not flavored, in sealed packages, suitable for direct consumption/td> 222, but not less than 1.54 euros per 1 kg/td> All unfriendly states/td> as of 31.12.2025/td>
87 2005208000 Other potatoes, cooked or preserved without the addition of vinegar or acetic acid, unfrozen/td> 222, but not less than 0,12 euros per 1 kg/td> All unfriendly states/td> as of 31.12.2025/td>
88 2005400000 Peas (Pisum sativum), cooked or preserved without the addition of vinegar or acetic acid, unfrozen/td> 220, but not less than 0.3 euros per 1 kg/td> All unfriendly states/td> as of 31.12.2025/td>
89 2005510000 Beans (Vigna spp., Phaseolus spp.), shelled, cooked or canned without the addition of vinegar or acetic acid, unfrozen/td> 220, but not less than 0,21 euros per 1 kg/td> All unfriendly states/td> as of 31.12.2025/td>
90 2005590000 Other beans (Vigna spp., Phaseolus spp.), cooked or preserved without the addition of vinegar or acetic acid, unfrozen/td> 220, but not less than 0.1 euros per 1 kg/td> All unfriendly states/td> as of 31.12.2025/td>
91 2005600000 Asparagus, cooked or canned without the addition of vinegar or acetic acid, unfrozen/td> 220, but not less than 0.1 euros per 1 kg/td> All unfriendly states/td> as of 31.12.2025/td>
92 2005700000 Olives or olives, cooked or preserved, without the addition of vinegar or acetic acid, unfrozen/td> 20 All unfriendly states/td> as of 31.12.2025/td>
93 2005800000 Sweet corn (Zea mays var. saccharata), cooked or canned, without the addition of vinegar or acetic acid, unfrozen/td> 220, but not less than 0.34 euros per 1 kg/td> All unfriendly states/td> as of 31.12.2025/td>
94 2005910000 Bamboo shoots, cooked or canned, without vinegar or acetic acid, unfrozen/td> 220, but not less than 0.1 euros per 1 kg/td> All unfriendly states/td> as of 31.12.2025/td>
95 2005991000 Fruits of the genus Capsicum, except capsicum and allspice, cooked or canned, without the addition of vinegar or acetic acid, unfrozen/td> 221, but not less than 0,11 euros per 1 kg/td> All unfriendly states/td> as of 31.12.2025/td>
96 2005992000 Capers, cooked or canned, without vinegar or acetic acid, unfrozen/td> 222, but not less than 0,12 euros per 1 kg/td> All unfriendly states/td> as of 31.12.2025/td>
97 2005993000 Artichokes, cooked or canned, without vinegar or acetic acid, unfrozen/td> 220, but not less than 0.61 euros per 1 kg/td> All unfriendly states/td> as of 31.12.2025/td>
98 2005995000 Mixtures of vegetables, cooked or preserved, without the addition of vinegar or acetic acid, unfrozen, other than products of heading 2006/td> 220, but not less than 0.44 euros per 1 kg/td> All unfriendly states/td> as of 31.12.2025/td>
99 2005996000 Sauerkraut, cooked or canned, without vinegar or acetic acid, unfrozen/td> 220, but not less than 0.31 euros per 1 kg/td> All unfriendly states/td> as of 31.12.2025/td>
100 2005998000 Other vegetables, cooked/td> 220,/td> All unfriendly states/td> as of 31.12.2025/td>
101 or preserved, without the addition of vinegar or acetic acid, unfrozen, except for products of heading 2006/td> but not less than 0.51 euros per 1 kg/td> All unfriendly states/td> as of 31.12.2025/td>
102 200811 Peanuts, cooked or otherwise preserved, whether or not containing added sugar or other sweetening substances or alcohol/td> 16 All unfriendly states/td> as of 31.12.2025/td>
103 200819 Nuts and other seeds, whether or not mixed, prepared or otherwise preserved, whether or not containing added sugar or other sweetening substances or alcohol, not elsewhere specified or included/td> 118,75/td> All unfriendly states/td> as of 31.12.2025/td>
104 2008205100 Pineapples that do not contain alcohol additives, in primary packages with a net weight of more than 1 kg, with a sugar content of more than 17% by weight.%/td> 16 All unfriendly states/td> as of 31.12.2025/td>
105 2008205900 Other pineapples, not containing alcohol additives, containing sugar additives, in primary packages with a net weight of more than 1 kg/td> 16 All unfriendly states/td> as of 31.12.2025/td>
106 2008207100 Pineapples that do not contain alcohol additives, with a sugar content of more than 19% by weight, in primary packages with a net weight of not more than 1 kg/td> 16 All unfriendly states/td> as of 31.12.2025/td>
107 2008207900 Other pineapples, not containing alcohol additives, containing sugar additives, in primary packages with a net weight of not more than 1 kg/td> 16 All unfriendly states/td> as of 31.12.2025/td>
108 2008209000 Other pineapples that do not contain alcohol additives and sugar additives/td> 16 All unfriendly states/td> as of 31.12.2025/td>
109 2008305500 Tangerines (including tangerines and satsumas); clementines, wilkings and other similar citrus hybrids, not containing alcohol additives, containing sugar additives, in primary packages with a net weight of more than 1 kg/td> 20 All unfriendly states/td> as of 31.12.2025/td>
110 2008305900 Other citrus fruits, not containing alcohol additives, containing sugar additives, in primary packages with a net weight of more than 1 kg/td> 21 All unfriendly states/td> as of 31.12.2025/td>
111 2008307500 Tangerines (including tangerines and satsumas); clementines, wilkings and other similar citrus hybrids, not containing alcohol additives, containing sugar additives, in primary packages with a net weight of not more than 1 kg/td> 20 All unfriendly states/td> as of 31.12.2025/td>
112 2008307900 Other citrus fruits, not containing alcohol additives, containing sugar additives, in primary packages with a net weight of not more than 1 kg/td> 21 All unfriendly states/td> as of 31.12.2025/td>
113 200830900 Other citrus fruits that do not contain alcohol additives and sugar additives/td> 221,5/td> All unfriendly states/td> as of 31.12.2025/td>
114 2008405100 Pears that do not contain alcohol additives, in primary packages with a net weight of more than 1 kg, with a sugar content of more than 13% by weight.%/td> 21 All unfriendly states/td> as of 31.12.2025/td>
115 2008405900 Other pears, not containing alcohol additives, containing sugar additives, in primary packages with a net weight of more than 1 kg/td> 21 All unfriendly states/td> as of 31.12.2025/td>
116 2008407100 Pears that do not contain alcohol additives, in primary packages with a net weight of not more than 1 kg, with a sugar content of more than 15% by weight.%/td> 21 All unfriendly states/td> as of 31.12.2025/td>
117 2008407900 Other pears, not containing alcohol additives, containing sugar additives, in primary packages with a net weight of not more than 1 kg/td> 21 All unfriendly states/td> as of 31.12.2025/td>
118 2008409000 Pears that do not contain alcohol additives or sugar additives/td> 21 All unfriendly states/td> as of 31.12.2025/td>
119 2008506100 Other apricots that do not contain alcohol additives, in primary packages with a net weight of more than 1 kg, with a sugar content of more than 13% by weight.%/td> 20 All unfriendly states/td> as of 31.12.2025/td>
120 2008506900 Other apricots, not containing alcohol additives, containing sugar additives, in primary packages with a net weight of more than 1 kg/td> 21 All unfriendly states/td> as of 31.12.2025/td>
121 2008507100 Apricots that do not contain alcohol additives, in primary packages with a net weight of not more than 1 kg, with a sugar content of more than 15% by weight.%/td> 20 All unfriendly states/td> as of 31.12.2025/td>
122 2008507900 Other apricots, not containing alcohol additives, containing sugar additives, in primary packages with a net weight of not more than 1 kg/td> 20 All unfriendly states/td> as of 31.12.2025/td>
123 2008509200 Apricots that do not contain alcohol additives or sugar additives, in primary packages with a net weight of 5 kg or more/td> 21 All unfriendly states/td> as of 31.12.2025/td>
124 200860500 Cherries and cherries that do not contain alcohol additives, containing sugar additives, in primary packages with a net weight of more than 1 kg/td> 22 All unfriendly states/td> as of 31.12.2025/td>
125 200860600 Cherries and cherries that do not contain alcohol additives, containing sugar additives, in primary packages with a net weight of not more than 1 kg/td> 22 All unfriendly states/td> as of 31.12.2025/td>
126 2008607000 Cherries and cherries, not containing alcohol additives, not containing sugar additives, in primary packages with a net weight of 4.5 kg or more/td> 23 All unfriendly states/td> as of 31.12.2025/td>
127 2008609000 Cherries and cherries that do not contain alcohol additives or sugar additives, in primary packages with a net weight of less than 4.5 kg/td> 23 All unfriendly states/td> as of 31.12.2025/td>
128 2008706100 Peaches, including nectarines, which do not contain alcohol additives, in primary packages with a net weight of more than 1 kg, with a sugar content of more than 13% by weight.%/td> 20 All unfriendly states/td> as of 31.12.2025/td>
129 2008706900 Other peaches, including nectarines, not containing alcohol additives, containing sugar additives, in primary packages with a net weight exceeding 1 kg/td> 21 All unfriendly states/td> as of 31.12.2025/td>
130 2008707100 Peaches, including nectarines, which do not contain alcohol additives, in primary packages with a net weight of not more than 1 kg, with a sugar content of more than 15% by weight.%/td> 20 All unfriendly states/td> as of 31.12.2025/td>
131 2008707900 Other peaches, including nectarines, not containing alcohol additives, containing sugar additives, in primary packages with a net weight of not more than 1 kg/td> 20 All unfriendly states/td> as of 31.12.2025/td>
132 2008709200 Peaches, including nectarines, not containing alcohol additives, not containing sugar additives, in primary packages with a net weight of 5 kg or more/td> 20 All unfriendly states/td> as of 31.12.2025/td>
133 2008709809 Peaches, including nectarines, not containing alcohol additives, not containing sugar additives, in primary packages with a net weight of less than 4.5 kg/td> 21 All unfriendly states/td> as of 31.12.2025/td>
134 2008805000 Strawberries (strawberries) that do not contain alcohol additives, containing sugar additives, in primary packages with a net weight of more than 1 kg/td> 20 All unfriendly states/td> as of 31.12.2025/td>
135 2008807000 Strawberries (strawberries) that do not contain alcohol additives, containing sugar additives, in primary packages with a net weight of not more than 1 kg/td> 20 All unfriendly states/td> as of 31.12.2025/td>
136 2008809000 Strawberries (strawberries) that do not contain alcohol additives or sugar additives/td> 23 All unfriendly states/td> as of 31.12.2025/td>
137 2008939100 Cranberries (Vaccinium macrocarpon, Vaccinium oxycoccos); lingonberries (Vaccinium vitis-idaea), free of alcohol additives, containing sugar additives, in primary packages with a net weight of more than 1 kg/td> 16 All unfriendly states/td> as of 31.12.2025/td>
138 2008939300 Cranberries (Vaccinium macrocarpon, Vaccinium oxycoccos); lingonberries (Vaccinium vitis-idaea), free of alcohol additives, containing sugar additives, in primary packages with a net weight of not more than 1 kg/td> 16 All unfriendly states/td> as of 31.12.2025/td>
139 2008939900 Cranberries (Vaccinium macrocarpon, Vaccinium oxycoccos); cranberries (Vaccinium vitis-idaea), which do not contain alcohol additives, do not contain sugar additives/td> 16 All unfriendly states/td> as of 31.12.2025/td>
140 2008975900 Other mixtures not containing alcohol additives, containing sugar additives, in primary packages with a net weight of more than 1 kg/td> 16 All unfriendly states/td> as of 31.12.2025/td>
141 2008977200 Mixtures of tropical fruits (including mixtures containing 50% by weight% or more of tropical nuts and tropical fruits), in which the proportion of each component does not exceed 50% by weight.% of the total weight, not containing alcohol additives, containing sugar additives/td> 16 All unfriendly states/td> as of 31.12.2025/td>
142 2008977400 Other fruit mixtures in which the proportion of each component does not exceed 50% by weight.% of the total weight, not containing alcohol additives, containing sugar additives/td> 16 All unfriendly states/td> as of 31.12.2025/td>
143 2008977800 Other mixtures that do not contain alcohol additives, containing sugar additives/td> 16 All unfriendly states/td> as of 31.12.2025/td>
144 2008979300 Other mixtures, not containing sugar additives, in primary packages with a net weight of 5 kg or more/td> 16 All unfriendly states/td> as of 31.12.2025/td>
145 2008979800 Other mixtures, not containing sugar additives, in primary packages with a net weight of less than 4.5 kg/td> 16 All unfriendly states/td> as of 31.12.2025/td>
146 2008994100 Ginger that does not contain alcohol additives, contains sugar additives, in primary packages with a net weight of more than 1 kg/td> 16 All unfriendly states/td> as of 31.12.2025/td>
147 2008994300 Grapes that do not contain alcohol additives, containing sugar additives, in primary packages with a net weight of more than 1 kg/td> 16 All unfriendly states/td> as of 31.12.2025/td>
148 2008994500 Plums and prunes that do not contain alcohol additives, containing sugar additives, in primary packages weighing more than 1 kg/td> 16 All unfriendly states/td> as of 31.12.2025/td>
149 2008994800 Tropical fruits that do not contain alcohol additives, containing sugar additives, in primary packages with a net weight of more than 1 kg/td> 16 All unfriendly states/td> as of 31.12.2025/td>
150 2008994900 Other fruits, nuts and other edible parts of plants, not containing alcohol additives, containing sugar additives, in primary packages with a net weight of more than 1 kg/td> 16 All unfriendly states/td> as of 31.12.2025/td>
151 2008996300 Tropical fruits that do not contain alcohol additives, containing sugar additives, in primary packages with a net weight of not more than 1 kg/td> 16 All unfriendly states/td> as of 31.12.2025/td>
152 200899670 Other fruits, nuts and other edible parts of plants, not containing alcohol additives, containing sugar additives, in primary packages with a net weight of not more than 1 kg/td> 16 All unfriendly states/td> as of 31.12.2025/td>
153 2008997200 Plums and prunes, not containing alcohol additives, not containing sugar additives, in primary packages with a net weight of 5 kg or more/td> 16 All unfriendly states/td> as of 31.12.2025/td>
154 2008997800 Plums and prunes, not containing alcohol additives, not containing sugar additives, in primary packages with a net weight of less than 5 kg/td> 16 All unfriendly states/td> as of 31.12.2025/td>
155 2008998500 Corn, except sweet corn (Zea mays var. saccharata), free of alcohol additives, free of added sugar/td> 16 All unfriendly states/td> as of 31.12.2025/td>
156 2008999100 Yams, sweet potatoes (sweet potatoes) and similar parts of plants, eaten, containing 5% by weight.% or more starch, not containing alcohol additives, not containing sugar additives/td> 16 All unfriendly states/td> as of 31.12.2025/td>
157 2008999800 Other fruits, nuts and other edible parts of plants, prepared or otherwise preserved, not containing added sugar, not elsewhere specified or included/td> 16 All unfriendly states/td> as of 31.12.2025/td>
158 2101110011 Instant powdered coffee in primary packages with a net weight of not more than 3 kg/td> 117.5, but not less than 1.3 euros per 1 kg/td> All unfriendly states/td> as of 31.12.2025/td>
159 2101110013 Instant granulated coffee in primary packages with a net weight of not more than 3 kg/td> 117.5, but not less than 1.3 euros per 1 kg/td> All unfriendly states/td> as of 31.12.2025/td>
160 2101110015 Instant freeze-dried coffee in primary packages with a net weight of not more than 3 kg/td> 117.5, but not less than 1.3 euros per 1 kg/td> All unfriendly states/td> as of 31.12.2025/td>
161 2103100000 Soy sauce/td> 18 All unfriendly states/td> as of 31.12.2025/td>
162 2103200000 Tomato ketchup and other tomato sauces/td> 20 All unfriendly states/td> as of 31.12.2025/td>
163 210330 Mustard powder and ready-made mustard/td> 222,5/td> All unfriendly states/td> as of 31.12.2025/td>
164 2103901000 Mango chutney liquid/td> 16 All unfriendly states/td> as of 31.12.2025/td>
165 210390900 Other products for sauce preparation, ready-made sauces, flavorings and seasonings, mixed/td> 16 All unfriendly states/td> as of 31.12.2025/td>
166 2202100000 Waters, including mineral and carbonated waters, containing added sugar or other sweetening or flavoring substances/td> 118, but not less than 0,21 euros per 1 liter/td> All unfriendly states/td> as of 31.12.2025/td>
167 2202910000 Non-alcoholic beer/td> 00.2 euros per 1 liter/td> All unfriendly states/td> as of 31.12.2025/td>
168 2202991100 Soy-based drinks with a protein content of 2.8% by weight.% or more other, not containing products of headings 0401 - 0404 or fat obtained from products of headings 0401 - 0404/td> 118, but not less than 0.06 euros per 1 liter/td> All unfriendly states/td> as of 31.12.2025/td>
169 2202991500 Soy-based drinks with a protein content of less than 2.8% by weight.%; beverages based on nuts of group 08, cereals of group 10 or seeds of group 12, not containing products of headings 0401 - 0404 or fat obtained from products of headings 0401 - 0404/td> 118, but not less than 0,24 euros per 1 liter/td> All unfriendly states/td> as of 31.12.2025/td>
170 2202991800 Other beverages not containing products of headings 0401 - 0404 or fat derived from productsspan class="mytool">product/a>positions 0401 - 0404/td> 118, but not less than 0.38 euros per 1 liter/td> All unfriendly states/td> as of 31.12.2025/td>
171 2202999100 Other beverages containing fat obtained from products of headings 0401 - 0404, less than 0.2% by weight.%/td> 119, but not less than 0.2 euros per 1 liter/td> All unfriendly states/td> as of 31.12.2025/td>
172 2202999500 Other beverages containing fat obtained from products of headings 0401 - 0404, 0.2 wt.% or more, but less than 2% by weight.%/td> 119, but not less than 0.74 euros per 1 liter/td> All unfriendly states/td> as of 31.12.2025/td>
173 2202999900 Other beverages containing fat obtained from products of headings 0401 - 0404, 2 wt.% or more/td> 119, but not less than 0.73 euros per 1 liter/td> All unfriendly states/td> as of 31.12.2025/td>
174 220300 Malt beer/td> 11 euro per liter/td> All unfriendly states/td> as of 31.12.2025/td>
175 2206003100 Cider and pear cider/td> 222,5/td> All unfriendly states/td> as of 31.12.2025/td>
176 220600390 Other sparkling drinks/td> 222,5/td> All unfriendly states/td> as of 31.12.2025/td>
177 2206005100 Cider and pear cider, non-sparkling, in vessels with a capacity of 2 liters or less/td> 222,5/td> All unfriendly states/td> as of 31.12.2025/td>
178 220600590 Other non-sparkling beverages in vessels with a capacity of 2 liters or less/td> 222,5/td> All unfriendly states/td> as of 31.12.2025/td>
179 2206008100 Cider and pear cider nsigristys in vessels with a capacity of more than 2 liters/td> 222,5/td> All unfriendly states/td> as of 31.12.2025/td>
180 220600890 Other non-sparkling beverages in vessels with a capacity of more than 2 liters/td> 222,5/td> All unfriendly states/td> as of 31.12.2025/td>
181 3304200000 Eye Makeup products/td> 35 unfriendly States, with the exception of Italy, Hungary and Slovakia/td> as of 31.12.2025/td>
182 3305100000 Shampoos/td> 35 unfriendly States, with the exception of Belgium, Hungary and Slovakia/td> as of 31.12.2025/td>
183 3305300000 Hair Sprays/td> 35 unfriendly States, with the exception of Hungary and Slovakia/td> as of 31.12.2025/td>
184 3306100000 Dental cleaning products/td> 35 unfriendly States, with the exception of Hungary/td> as of 31.12.2025/td>
185 3307100000 Products used before, during or after shaving/td> 35 unfriendly States, with the exception of Hungary and Slovakia/td> as of 31.12.2025/td>
186 3307200000 Deodorants and antiperspirants for individual use/td> 35 unfriendly States, with the exception of Hungary and Slovakia/td> as of 31.12.2025/td>
187 3307490000 Other products for scenting or deodorizing indoor air, including incense for religious ceremonies/td> 35 unfriendly States, with the exception of Hungary/td> as of 31.12.2025/td>
188 3401300000 Organic surfactants and skin wash products in the form of liquid or cream, packaged for retail sale, whether or not containing soap (skin wash products)/td> 35 unfriendly States, with the exception of Hungary/td> as of 31.12.2025/td>
189 3402500000 Cleaning and cleaning products, packaged for retail sale/td> 35 unfriendly States, with the exception of Hungary and Slovakia/td> as of 31.12.2025/td>
190 8511100009 Other spark plugs/td> 25 All unfriendly states/td> as of 31.12.2025/td>
11 to 10 (191)/span>

& /p>

** With the exception of baby food products upon presentation of a certificate of state registration of products confirming product compliance with the requirements of the technical regulations of the Eurasian Economic Union (technical regulations of the Customs Union)./p>

Show a list of unfriendly states/span> Collapse the list of unfriendly states/span>


Approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 430-r dated 03/5/2022 (as amended by No. 3 dated 10/29/2022)/p>

  1. Australia/li>
  2. Albania/li>
  3. Andorra/li>
  4. The Bahamas (introduced by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated 07/23/2022 N 2018-r)/li>
  5. Great Britain (including the crown possessions of the British Crown and the British Overseas Territories) (as amended by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated 29.10.2022 N 3216-r)/li>
  6. Member States of the European Union/li>
  7. Iceland/li>
  8. Canada/li>
  9. Liechtenstein/li>
  10. Micronesia/li>
  11. Monaco/li>
  12. New Zealand/li>
  13. Norway/li>
  14. Republic of Korea/li>
  15. San Marino/li>
  16. Northern Macedonia/li>
  17. Singapore/li>
  18. United States of America/li>
  19. Taiwan (China)/li>
  20. Ukraine/li>
  21. Montenegro/li>
  22. Switzerland/li>
  23. Japan/li>