
Cargo transportation terms

Description of terms used in the process of cargo transportation
The number of entries in this glossary is 3.
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Term Definition

A certain quantity of goods, plants, plant products and/or other materials being transported (cargoit can be made up of one or more goods or lots). The cargo can be combined, for example, when transporting goods of several owners by one container or by car.

Cargoes are classified

  • by type (live or inanimate)
  • according to the method of transportation (sea, river, railway, automobile, air)
  • by weight (the load exerted on the load-shifting device)
  • in shape (physical size (dimensions))
  • by aggregate state (solid, liquid, gaseous, plasma)
  • according to the conditions of packaging and warehousing (piece, bulk, bulk, bulk, container, etc.)
  • by expiration date for consumption (perishable)
  • according to the microclimatic regime (special requirements for temperature, humidity, pressure, atmospheric composition, air quality)
  • according to the danger to health, life and the environment (toxic (poisonous), biologically dangerous (infectious), explosive, flammable, flammable, radioactive, etc.)

Live cargo includes animals, birds, plants, bacteria and other living organisms; special requirements are imposed on their transportation.

Cargo unit
A container or a removable body, as well as a loaded (empty) semi-trailer or road train. In principle, a cargo unit can be any box or cargo space.
A natural or legal person who, under a contract of carriage, acts on his own behalf or on behalf of the owner of the cargo or baggage and is indicated in the transportation document.