Technical regulation

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Term Definition
Technical regulation

Legal regulation of relations (Article 2 of Federal Law No. 184-FZ of 27.12.2002 “About technical regulation”);

  • in the field of establishing, applying and fulfilling mandatory requirements for products or for products and related product requirements processes of design (including surveys), production, construction, installation, commissioning, operation, storage, transportation, sale and disposal;
  • in the field of application on a voluntary basis of requirements for products, design processes (including surveys), production, construction, installation, commissioning, operation, storage, transportation, sale and disposal, performance of works or provision of services (within the framework of the Eurasian Economic Union, this area is absent;
  • in the field of conformity assessment.

Technical regulationthere is nothing but standardization based on a combination of the current European model and GOST standards familiar to every manufacturer of goods and services. The basis of those . regulation isTechnical regulations, developed taking into account the recommended standards and subsequent assessment of compliance with the standards of products, production processes, technologies or services. The main task of technical regulation is to protect the interests of legal entities and individuals, the state and natural resources by producing products, technologies and services that comply with regulated standards, rules and regulations.

Synonyms:tech. regulation