
Terms used in certification

The number of entries in this glossary is 4.
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Term Definition
Chamber drying
The process in whichwoodit is dried indoors using heat and/or humidity control until the required water content is reached [ISPM No. 15, 2002]
Quarantine harmful organism
A harmful organism that has potential economic significance for a zone at risk, in which it is not yet present or present, but is limited in distribution and serves as an object of official control [FAO, 1990; revised by FAO, 1995;IPPC, 1
Fixing wood
Wood intended for the protection or fastening of the product, but does not remain associated with the product itself [FAO, 1990; revised ISPM No. 15, 2002]
Criterion of sufficient processing and processing
One of the principles of determining the country of origin of goods, according to whichproduct if two or more countries are involved in its production, it is considered to originate from the country where it was subjected to the last significant processing/processing,