The EAEU TCit provides for 2 forms of declaration - electronic and written.
Types of customs declaration:
The forms and procedure for filling out the declaration for goods are determined by the Decision of the Customs Union Commission No. 257 dated 20.05.2010. It is possible, subject to certain conditions, to use transport (transportation), commercial and (or) other documents as a declaration for goods with the provision of a simplified form in the form of a written application or a list of goods (Decision of the Customs Union Commission No. 263 of 20.05.2010).
A simplified application form may be submitted for express cargo,and in respect of other goods worth no more than 1,000 euros in equivalent - a statement in any written form. The submission of a List of goods is allowed, for example, in respect of goods intended for sports competitions and training, concerts, contests, festivals, religious, cultural and other similar events, demonstrations at exhibitions, fairs, as well as for conducting and covering official and other events in the media and declared under the customs procedures of temporary import (admission) or temporary export for a period of up to one year, if a full conditional exemption from customs duties and taxes is granted in respect of such goods.