What are the procedures for confirming compliance with non-tariff regulation measures in preparation for customs declaration and its implementation?


Customs authoritiesensure, within their competence, compliance with prohibitions and restrictions on goods transported across the customs borderThe EAEU, including compliance with uniform measures of non-tariff regulation.

By the Decision of the Board of the Eurasian Economic Commission No. 30 dated 21.04.2015 “On Non-tariff Regulation Measures” (hereinafter referred to as the Decision), the following unified non-tariff regulation measures were introduced in the customs territory of the Union:

  • prohibition of importation into the customs territory of the EAEU and (or) export from the customs territory of the EAEU of goods according to the list according to Annex No. 1 to the Decision;
  • permissive procedure for importation into the customs territory of the EAEU and (or) export from the customs territory of the EAEU of goods according to the list according to Appendix No. 2.

In addition, Member States may unilaterally introduce and apply non-tariff regulation measures in trade with third countries in accordance with the procedure provided for in Annex No. 7 to the Treaty on the Eurasian Economic Union.

Goods for which unified non-tariff regulation measures have been introduced are included in the unified list of goods to which non-tariff regulation measures are applied in trade with third countries, provided for in paragraph 4 of the Protocol on Non-Tariff Regulation Measures against Third Countries (Annex No. 7 to the Treaty on the Eurasian Economic Union of May 29, 2014) and published on the official website of the Union in the information and telecommunication network "Internet".

The Decision of the Board of the Eurasian Economic Commission No. 134 dated 16.08.2012 “On regulatory legal acts in the field of non-tariff regulation” approved a single list of goods to which bans or restrictions on import or export by the member States of the Customs Union within the framework of the EurAsEC in trade with third countries (hereinafter referred to as the Single List), as well as Provisions on the application of restrictions.

The import and (or) export of goods included in the Unified List, as well as in the lists according to Annexes No. 2 to the Decision, is carried out in accordance with the Regulations approved by the Decisions of the Board of the Eurasian Economic Commission No. 134 of 16.08.2012 and No. 30 of 21.04.2015.

When moving goods across the customs border of the EAEU or placing goods under customs procedures, compliance with prohibitions and restrictions is confirmed in the cases and in the manner established by the Eurasian Economic Commission (hereinafter referred to as the Commission) or regulatory legal acts of the EAEU member States by submitting documents and (or) information confirming compliance with prohibitions and restrictions.

Published 5 years agofrom 