Units of measurement

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Not a system unit of measurement of electric charge. The derived unit of ampere-hour, which is usually used to indicate the capacity of small batteries. Onemilliampere-hourit is equal to 3.6 coulomb (ampere-seconds). Battery charged to 1mA·h, theoretically capable of providing a current of oneamperefor 3.6 seconds.

Synonyms- mAh, milliampere-hour

Horsepower - as a rule, horsepower refers to the so-called "electric

In Russia, horsepower has been formally withdrawn from use, but it is still used to calculate transport tax and CTP, where the tax horsepower set at 735.499 watts is applied.

In Russia and in many other countries, it is still widespread in the environment where internal combustion engines are used (cars, motorcycles, tractor equipment, mowers and trimmers).

As a rule, horsepower refers to the so-called "metric horsepower", equal to 735.49875 watts.

" >horsepower", equal to exactly 746 watts (if we are not talking about cars).

In Russia, horsepower has been formally withdrawn from use, but it is still used to calculate transport tax and CTP, where the tax horsepower is set at 735.499Tue.

In Russia and in many other countries, it is still widespread in the environment where internal combustion engines are used (cars, motorcycles, tractor equipment, mowers and trimmers).

As a rule, horsepower refers to the so-called "metric horsepower", equal to 735.49875 watts.

Synonyms- Horsepower, hp
The pendant

Unit of measurement of electric charge, international name -

Pendant  this is the value of the charge that passed through the conductor at a current of 1 A during 1 s. Through the basic SI units, the pendant is expressed by a ratio of the form: 1 Cl = 1 A·s.

With an off-system unit of ampere-hour, the pendant is associated with the equality: 1 Cl = 1/3600 ampere-hour. 

" >C
. The amount of electricity, as well as the flow of electrical induction (flow of electric displacement). In accordance with the SI rules concerning derived units named after scientists, the name of the unit

Pendant  this is the value of the charge that passed through the conductor at a current of 1 A during 1 s. Through the basic SI units, the pendant is expressed by a ratio of the form: 1 Cl = 1 A·s.

With an off-system unit of ampere-hour, the pendant is associated with the equality: 1 Cl = 1/3600 ampere-hour. 

" >the pendant
it is not written with a lowercase letter at the beginning of a sentence, but its designation is always capitalized. This spelling of the designation is also preserved in the designations of other derived units formed using a coulomb.

For example, the designation of the unit of measurement of electric displacement "pendant per square meter" is written as

Pendant  this is the value of the charge that passed through the conductor at a current of 1 A during 1 s. Through the basic SI units, the pendant is expressed by a ratio of the form: 1 Cl = 1 A·s.

With an off-system unit of ampere-hour, the pendant is associated with the equality: 1 Cl = 1/3600 ampere-hour. 

" >Cl
The value in ampere-hours can be converted into a system unit of charge measurement - a pendant.

The pendant  this is the amount of charge that has passed through the conductor at a current strength of 1 A during 1with.Through the basic SI units , the pendant is expressed by a ratio of the form: 1 Cl = 1 A·s.

With an off-system unit

Since 1 Kl/c is equal to 1 A, then, converting hours into seconds, we get that one ampere-hour will be equal to 3600 Kl.

" >ampere-hourthe pendant is connected by the equality: 1 Cl = 1/3600 ampere-hour. 

Synonyms- Kl,C

In relation to self-propelled vehicles and other types of equipment, the ratio of 1 kW = 1.35962 hp is used for conversion into horsepower.

A unit of measurement of total power, a multiple of a volt-ampere. Unit translationKilovolt-ampere: 1 Kilovolt-ampere = 1 Kilowatt
Synonyms- Kilovolt-ampere,kVA,kV·A


an off-system unit of linear density of fibers or threads, equal to the ratio of their mass to length. 1 dtex= 10 mg/m

The unit of measurement of power, as well as heat flow, sound energy flow, DC power, active and full AC power, radiation flux and ionizing radiation energy flux in the International System of Units (SI).

The unit is named after the Scottish-Irish mechanical inventor James Watt, the creator of the universal steam engine. In accordance with the SI rules concerning derived units named after scientists, the name of the watt unit is written with a lowercase letter, and its designation is capitalized.

The watt as a unit of power measurement was first adopted at the Second Congress of the British Scientific Association in 1882.  Prior to that, most calculations used the horsepower introduced by James Watt, as well as foot-pounds per minute.

The watt was introduced into the International System of Units (SI) by the decision of the XI General Conference on Weights and Measures in 1960 simultaneously with the adoption of the SI system as a whole.

One of the main characteristics of all electrical appliances is the power consumption, so on any electrical appliance (or in the instructions for it) you can find information about this power, expressed in watts.

Synonyms- Watt,W

An off-system unit of energy, work. It is usually used when measuring work, electric current energy.Watt-hourit is equal to the work performed by an electric current with a power of 1 watt for 1 hour.

To determine the power in watt-hours, you need to multiply the voltage by the amperage. Let's give an example, a 3 volt battery gives out 2 amps per hour, i.e. it has a power of 6Tue-h. If the current is indicated in milliamps per hour, multiply it by volts and divide by 1000.

Synonyms- W-h,W-h


large integrated circuit

An off-system unit of measurement of electric charge, used mainly to characterize the capacity of electric batteries.

Based on the physical meaning, 1 ampere-hour is an electric charge passing through the cross-section of a conductor and providing a current of one ampere for one hour.

A charged battery with a declared capacity of 1

Since 1 Kl/c is equal to 1 A, then, converting hours into seconds, we get that one ampere-hour will be equal to 3600 Kl.

" >A·htheoretically, it is capable of providing a current of 1 ampere for one hour (or, for example, 10 A for 0.1 hours, or 0.1 A for 10 hours).

In practice, too much battery discharge current leads to less efficient power output, which non-linearly reduces its operating time with such a current and can lead to overheating.

In reality, the capacity of the batteries is given based on a 20-hour discharge cycle to the final voltage. For car batteries, it is 10.5V.For example, the inscription on the battery label "55 Ah" means that it is capable of producing a current of 2.75 amperes for 20 hours, and at the same time the voltage at the terminals will not drop below 10.5 V.

Since 1 Kl /c is equal to 1 A, then, converting hours into seconds, we get that one ampere-hour will be equal to 3600 Kl.

Synonyms- A·h

The unit of measurement of electric current strength in the international system of units (SI), one of the seven basic SI units. Ampere is a unit of current strength and belongs to the number of basic units in the MCA system of units. In addition, the magnetomotive force and the magnetic potential difference are also measured in amperes.

degree Celsius
International Non-Proprietary Name Modified, An International Modified Non-proprietary Name
International Non-Proprietary Name, an International Non-proprietary Name
American Society for Materials Testing