
International organizations

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Term Definition
World Trade Organization

An integration organization established on 01.01.1995 with the aim of liberalizing international trade and regulating trade and political relations of the member States of the organization.

Synonyms- World Trade Organization,ВТО,WTO

An international organization responsible for standardization of accounting and bar coding of logistics units. The European headquarters of the organization is located in Brussels (Belgium), American - in Princeton (New Jersey, USA).

ActivityGS1by assigning codes, GS1 Barcodes are in charge of classifiers:

  • GDTI - Globally unique Document Type Identifier (Global Document Type Identifier)
  • GIAI - globally unique identifier of individual property (Global Individual Asset Identifier)
  • GLN- globally-unique location number (Global Location Number)
  • GPC - globally unique classifier of products (Global Product Classification)
  • GRAI - globally unique identifier of the returnable property of the container type (Global Returnable Asset Identifier)
  • GSRN - Globally unique Service Relationship number (GlobalServiceRelationship Number)
  • " >GTIN- globally-unique number of trading products (" >Global Trade Item Number); previously these are UPC and EAN
  • SSCC - globally unique code of cargo containers (Serial ShippingContainerCode) list of organizations by country (List of GS1 member organizations)

 All stored information is available to organizations within a single data Synchronization Network (Global Data Synchronization Network, GDSN).