The EP has been verified
The EP did not pass verification
To whom it was issued:
{{checkEpResult.Subject.CN}} - {{checkEpResult.Subject.O}}
This certificate does not contain SNILS, it is impossible to work with this certificate in LC
This certificate contains an incorrect SNILS {{checkEpResult.CertificateRequisits.PersonSNILS}}
Issued by whom:{{checkEpResult.Issuer.CN}} - {{checkEpResult.Issuer.O}}
Valid from:{{checkEpResult.DateFrom | date: 'dd.MM.yyyy HH.mm.ss'}}by{{checkEpResult.DateTo | date: 'dd.MM.yyyy HH.mm.ss'}}
This certificate contains the following customs information technologies:
The certificate can also be used to sign documents in the servicesStatistical declarationandReporting on the activities of the customs representative.